Author Note

So it's been a while… oops?

I want to thank you all for your kudos and reviews that have motivated me to post this chapter. I had writers block for a while but thankfully it has passed. I wanted to wait for some fresh motivation rather than post a chapter for the sake of it; otherwise it would just seem like a sloppy filler you know?

Anyway thank you for being so patient, time to celebrate with a new chapter, enjoy!


Chapter 5

The first thing that Bruce Banner became aware of as he slowly pulled himself from the deep depths of sleep and into unwelcome consciousness; was pain.

The physicist could feel an unpleasant dull throb that seemed to spread throughout every inch of his body, and it began to feel gradually worse the more awake and coherent he became.

Despite his drowsiness he could detect a horrible stiffness radiating from the muscles in the small of his back; it was so uncomfortable that it caused him to let out a pained groan of discomfort when he tried to stretch out. He blinked groggily and rubbed his tired eyes, wincing when Jarvis's voice seemed to be unbearably loud as it echoed across his room, assaulting his delicate over-sensitive ears.

The doctor lay still for a moment longer and buried his head deeper into the thick warm covers in a pathetic attempt to shield himself from the bright lights that now flickered from the ceiling and stop his senses from going into overload. Even with his eyes closed he could feel them watering from the strain.

'Good afternoon Doctor Banner.'

The physicist was vaguely aware of the AI addressing him but he couldn't concentrate on what he was saying, he was too distracted by the nauseous aching feeling sweeping throughout his body and the feeling of an oncoming headache.

It felt as if every inch of his body was bruised and stiff, the pain seemed to reach down to his bones, it was a pain that he was sadly too familiar with; the unavoidable aftermath after a transformation. His neck and shoulders had almost completely seized up; they were tight and disused. Even the smallest of movements caused a fiery stabbing pain that made the doctor want to curl up into a small ball.

Bruce tried to take a moment longer to enjoy the pleasant warmth that the thick cocoon of sheets provided for his weary body but he found himself beginning to fidget restlessly. His skin felt extra sensitive, he could feel the cotton sheets pressing against his naked arms; he had to fight the urge to itch his skin raw of the sensation of pins and needles.

The physicist buried his face into his pillow with upmost intention of returning to sleep and avoid the world outside his room but an achy pang in his stomach informed him that unfortunately his body had other ideas.

'Jarv-' Bruce began to address the AI but his words seemed to stick in his throat.

He rolled over onto his side and pushed himself into a sitting position with shaky arms, he stilled in surprise when the small movement caused a wave of dizziness to hit him. He closed his eyes, rubbing them with the back of his hand; god he felt awful.

'Do you require assistance Dr Banner?' The AI's voice returned.

'Uh, No - thank you Jarvis,' Bruce rasped, frowning at the dryness of his throat.

'I trust you had a restful sleep sir?'

'How long have I been out?' he murmured, coughing to clear his throat.

He pushed his messy curly hair away from his eyes wearily.

'The time is 7:53pm; you have been asleep for approximately 18 hour's Doctor Banner.'

The doctor groaned at the empty feeling in his stomach, no wonder he felt like crap; he was running on an empty tank. He looked around at the bedcovers and frowned as he blinked owlishly; when on earth had he gotten into bed?

He swung his legs slowly around the side of the bed and sat still for a moment longer before he pushed himself to his feet shakily, wincing when his knees let out a loud pop. The physicist steadied himself on the bedside table as he wobbled like a new-born fowl.

As the doctor staggered into the bathroom to relieve himself when he looked down he was surprised to himself dressed in a pair of losing fitting pyjamas pants; he definitely didn't remember changing into those.

He yawned loudly, rolling his neck in small circles to relieve some stiffness from the achy joints. Jarvis must have sensed his confusion as he refreshed his memory.

'I believe Mr Stark aided you in your retire to bed Doctor Banner'

That was when it all came flooding back to him. The tiredness, the anger and the awkward conversation among teammates; he vaguely remembered Tony practically carrying him off of the couch.

Bruce cringed; he could feel his face flooding with heat.

Oh god...

He tried to look on the bright side; at least he still had his boxer shorts on.

That thought reminded him, he supposed he should really shower and change into a fresh set of clothes to try and rid him of some of the fatigue plaguing him but he wasn't sure that was such a good idea. He'd probably end up falling asleep again and drowning himself in the tub.

Not that it was at all possible; it would take a lot more than some water to finish him and the other guy off.

He stood on his feet, unmoving and staring into empty space. In the end he decided against showering, instead he kept on the same pyjama pants and threw on a pale purple, long sleeved shirt before shuffling into the elevator.

Bruce would have preferred the solitude of his own kitchen facility but he knew he was out of food, his cupboards were always bare. The thought of bumping into one of his teammates very nearly made him turn around and crawl back into bed but the doctor knew that he couldn't hide forever.

'Kitchen please, Jarvis,' he slurred, leaning heavily against the wall of the elevator.

'Right away Doctor Banner.'

Bruce fought the urge to cover his ears when the metal doors clicked shut. He found the humming of electricity, the movement and bright lights to be completely overbearing. His senses were on overdrive, every sound and sight seemed amplified and it was starting to give him a migraine.

The scientist took a moment to glance at his reflection, squinting at the mirrored wall of the elevator before cursing at the blurred image that met his eyes.

He'd forgotten his glasses.

It was just as well, he could only imagine how horrible and scruffy he must look; standing in his pyjamas wearing on old shirt with no shoes on, it was almost cringe worthy but he was too exhausted to care.

He really hoped that the kitchen was empty. The last thing he needed right now was company when he was feeling so delicate; physically and emotionally. The doctor needed time to relax and gather his thoughts together, he wasn't sure he could deal with the aftermath of yesterday's conversation just yet; not until he'd had some alone time. His thoughts were interrupted as the lift shuddered to a halt and the doors opened.

'Floor 37, kitchen and services.'

The weary physicist sluggishly ambled out of the lift, dragging his feet across the prickly carpet. Eventually he reached the kitchen doorway, he peered his head around the corner and sighed in relief at the sight that greeted him; there was no one in sight.

The doctor winced at feeling of his bare feet on the cold floor.

Instead of rolling the sleeves to his elbows like usually he did he had decided to leave them down, he felt unusually cold as he wandered across the kitchen; unconsciously clutching and fiddling with the collars of his sleeves, almost in a comforting, distracting motion.

The curly haired man wandered across the room and leaned against the marble counter, staring at the drinks machine wistfully, peering at the blurred lettering on the buttons. He reached out for an empty mug but his fingers were stiff, his movements were painfully slow and uncoordinated.

'May I be of assistance Doctor Banner?'

'Tea please,' he mumbled.

Crossing his arms he leaned back again the hard marble and closed his eyes momentarily. The gentle whirring of the machine seemed to lure him into a sleepy trance; he could feel himself starting to doze. It was moments like this he envied those who could drink coffee.

'Sleeping beauty awakens!' a loud, enthusiastic voice called out.

Bruce was in such a daze that he nearly jumped out of his skin at the unexpected voice. He opened his eyes and blinked at the familiar figure standing in the doorway before letting out a deep breath.

'Oh my god,' he breathed slowly, trying to calm his racing heart. 'Do not do that,' he slurred tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

He scolded his bad nerves.

'Fuck Bruce, you look like shit.'

The physicist didn't say a word; he shifted his gaze from the worried looking billionaire before staring at his feet.

Suddenly a hand was on his shoulder and he felt himself being pushed gently towards the doorway and into the lounge. He looked up to see the billionaire frowning in concern, Tony didn't usually display his emotions so easily; it was an odd sight.

'Tony, w-what are you-'

'Jesus Bruce, sit down before you fall down,' he scolded gently.

The moment they reached the plush three seater couch in the corner of the room Bruce's knees gave way beneath him and he sprawled out across the cool leather. It was almost as if the couch was acting as a strong magnet, pulling him down until he resisted its comfort.

Stark disappeared back into the kitchen for a short moment and he was thankful when the mechanic returned with a mug of warm tea in his hand. He wrapped his hands around the mug shakily and took a small sip before letting out a sigh and the feeling it provided on his parched throat.

'I'm no doctor big guy, but should you even be out of bed? You look like you're gonna drop.'

The physicist winced at the man's loud tone but stayed silent; he was so exhausted that even talking seemed like a great effort.

The billionaire began to babble; 'you know if you want I can add a splash of booze to the tea, might help take the edge off,' he joked light-heartedly, obviously noticing his lab partner's discomfort.

Bruce leaned until his back was resting against the couch and let the mug sit in his lap as closed his eyes drowsily.

'I don't think I need a night cap,' he mumbled, unsuccessfully trying to stifle a yawn.

'Jesus, don't tell me you're still tired? You slept through a whole day.'

'That's nothing,' he mumbled, shifting in his seat. 'Once I slept for three days,' 'Bruce snorted tiredly, before his eyes flickered open and he stared down at his tea awkwardly.

'Where is everybody?' he asked, glancing around the room slowly, observing the empty seats around them both.

'I haven't seen anyone since this morning' he shrugged carelessly 'Maybe they're feeling guilty' his tone suddenly turned angry snappy.

'Tony…' Bruce sighed, he couldn't deal with an angry philanthropist right now, and he didn't have the energy. 'You shouldn't be mad at them.'

Despite everything that had happened and how miserable Bruce had felt over the past few days, his frustration seemed to have subsided since he slept. He felt a small sense of understanding towards his teammates, if he were in there shoes maybe he would feel the same sense of caution they did, after all he did have an angry rage monster residing inside of him; it was understandable that they were on edge.

Thinking back to the times S.H.I.E.L.D and the team had ordered him to transform he now wondered why he hadn't refused earlier. Things work both ways after all, maybe if he had just said something sooner this would have blown over by now and he wouldn't be feeling so achy and miserable. Perhaps his fatigue had kept him from seeing everything clearly and rationally.

Stark sent him a look of complete disbelief.

Or if the look Tony sent him was anything to go by maybe he was just being a pushover again, he lost count of the number of times Tony had scolded him for being an easy target.

'Don't look at me like that,' Banner sighed.


'Tony don't-'

'You cannot be serious-'

'Tony I really don't think I can deal with this conversation right now,' he spoke softly, running a hand through his curly hair he rubbed circles onto his scalp.

'Fuck,' Stark growled before letting out a hesitant sigh.

'It's just when I think about the way everyone's treated you, It just makes me so fucking -'

'Angry?' Bruce paused, looking up his lab partner. ' I know what that feels like,' he smiled sadly.

There was a short pause before Stark got to his feet, eager to lighten the mood.

'So uh, you want something to eat? You look like you could use a few extra pounds around the middle,' he smirked.

'I'm not hungry,'

'What? Don't be stupid of course you are, Jarvis order in a tonne of pizza from Lombardi's,'

'Tony I'm really not-'

'- and makes Bruce's a large, get one of those veggie pizzas with the green stuff on, ' he babbled, ignoring the other man's words of protest, 'tell them if they can get it here in 20 minutes I'll pay double.'

'Of course sir,' the AI's British accent echoed across the room; Bruce shook his head.

'Tony you are-'

'Awesome? I know, you're welcome by the way,' he grinned, winking at the scientist.

'C'mon Bruce, you know you need to eat something, I mean no offense but I've seen healthier looking road kill.'

Bruce might have smiled at the mechanics half-hearted insults any other day but right now he didn't have the energy, he could feel his eyes fluttering heavily; Tony must have seen the tiredness creeping in.

'I hope you're not too tired for a sci-fi marathon,' he nudged closer to the man 'I would get you some caffeine shots but the green guy wouldn't approve right?' Stark clapping his hand enthusiastically, 'Jarvis, turn on the big screen.'

Bruce snorted; he doubted all the caffeine shots in the world would any difference at all.

The lights dimmed slightly and the huge screen flickered to life. Though to Bruce the whole idea seemed a little pointless, he couldn't see anything without his glasses. He thought about saying something to his lab partner but decided against it, although he couldn't see anything the sentiment was nice, it was nice to have some company. Besides, he was so tired he doubted his eyes could focus on anything anyway, the background noise allowed him not to fall asleep until the food arrived.

He nibbled around a few slices of pizza half-heartedly before pushing the box across the table and leaning back into the couch. As hungry as he was he knew better then to give in and binge until the hunger pangs were gone, it would only make him feel worse.

Suddenly movement from the other end of the room caught his attention and a head of blond hair caught Bruce's eye; it was Steve.

The scientist felt unusually anxious when he heard Tony growl.

'Oh, sorry I- I hope I'm not interrupting anything,'

Then he saw Bruce, there was an awkward pause as they both glanced at each other before the super soldier broke the silence.

'Dr Banner, I-'

'You've got some nerve Capsicle,' Tony sneered, 'Decided to come and apologise?'

Steve face hardened.

'Stark how can you-'

'Don't.' Bruce spoke quietly, his voice was just loud enough for the two of them to hear, he decided it was time to end this discussion before it even started; he was in no state to deal with an argument.

'Dr Banner I-'

'This conversation doesn't happen until I want it to,' Bruce spoke firmly, silencing the super solider.

'I just-' Bruce let out a heavy sigh, 'I'm exhausted.' He looked up to meet Steve's gaze, speaking honestly for the first time.

'- and I really can't do this right now.'

Steve remained silenced; he stood still; taking in the sight of the fatigued doctor.

'I think what big guy is trying to say is, he need to rest,' he turned his attention to Steve; 'Needs time to charge his batteries,' he swiped his glass from the table and took a large swig before focusing his attention on Rogers again. 'I think he's earned it, don't you?'

'Your right, I'm sorry.'

Without another word the captain turned on his heels and left.

Bruce blinked in confusion, it was the first time he had seen Steve left so defeated and speechless. But he didn't dwell on it for long, time ticked on and as the movie progress Bruce found himself feeling heavy eyed and lethargic.

He blinked heavily at the blurry screen, he could feeling himself falling asleep but he didn't fight it; he welcomed the arms of sleep.

Bruce's eyes closed, his breathing slowed down and he felt himself relax.

The scientist embraced sleep, to Bruce sleep was the answer to nearly all of life's problems. The next time he awoke hopefully he would feel a little better, more energetic and ready to face reality. But for now he just wanted to dream.

Just as he began to drift off an amused voice snickered in his ear.

'Want me to sing to you?'

Banner couldn't stop the tired smirk stretching across his face.

'Shut up Tony.'