Knockout was in the Med-bay with a stack of data pads in his arms. He wasn't really thinking about anything or anyone until he felt a strong tug on his spark.

"What in the fraggin pit?!" he cursed. The data-pads dropped from his arms and he set a servo over his spark chamber. Breakdown looked into the med-bay.

"Something wrong KO?"

"Breakdown do you mind giving me a quick scan? I think there's something wrong with my spark."

"Sure." Breakdown walked in and grabbed one of the medical scanners sitting on Knockout's desk. Knockout stood still as Breakdown scanned him.


"What's wrong Breakdown?"

"You're carrying." Knockout's optics widened.

"As in a small spark?"

"Yeah." Breakdown held out the medical scanner to Knockout. He looked at the spark attached to his own.

"It's not normal either. The small spark has a higher spark rate than most and its color is silver instead of blue. Got any idea why it would be silver KO?" asked Breakdown.

"My carrier and sire were nobles and had silver and gold sparks. That's where she got it from."


"Every noble femme in my family has a silver spark. This one is a femme as well since it has a silver spark."

"It's mine isn't it KO?"

"Yes Breakdown. You don't think I would overload with a Vehicon do you?" Breakdown smiled slightly.

"So do you want to keep it...her?"

"Do you?"


"We can't have a sparkling now Breakdown. We're at war. We have to terminate it."

"KO...No...We can't. She's just a small spark." Knockout felt another strong tug in at his spark. He winced.

"Stupid sparkling!" he whispered, which resulted in a very painful tug.

"I think you're scaring her Knockout. Calm down." Breakdown placed his servos on Knockout's shoulders.

"I can feel her pain. Please Knockout. Let's please keep her. I don't want to feel the pain of losing a sparkling." Breakdown's yellow optic pleaded.

"Please KO." There was several long minutes of silence and Breakdown was nervous.

"Fine Breakdown. We'll keep her." Breakdown smiled.

"Thanks KO." Knockout rolled his optics and felt another sharp tug on his spark.

"I'm taking everything out on you Breakdown!" hissed Knockout.

A few months later

Knockout perched a slim servo on his hip and looked at the silver Warlord.

"There's nothing wrong Lord Megatron. You're in great condition."

"Unlike yourself Knockout." He raised an optic ridge.

"I am perfectly fine Lord Megatron."

"Your rounded chassis tells me otherwise." Knockout looked down at his abdomen.

"Uh...Lord Megatron...I can explain..."

"Then explain."

"Breakdown and I...our protection programs slipped and he sparked me." Megatron rolled his optics.

"And you didn't terminate it?!"

"Breakdown wouldn't let me. He knows how to terminate a sparkling. I don't. That's the one thing they never taught me at the medical school."

"Then I'll make him do it."

"Uh...Lord's too late to terminate her now."


"She had a silver spark my lord. All the Femmes in my family have silver spark."


"Yes my lord."

"Then snuff her spark after she's sparked. We can't have sparklings running around the Nemesis."

"Yes...Lord Megatron..."

Should I continue or keep it like this? Please review if I should