Disclaimer: Soo, I'm kinda new to this.. I think it's pretty safe to say that HP doesn't belong to me, never has, never will.. As much as I would love it to.. Cause if it did, I wouldn't be here, writing a FAN fiction about it :') All credit goes to JK Rowling for creating such amazing characters..


This is my first ever story so I'm sorry if it's not the best, but hope everyone enjoys it anyway! I'd appreciate reviews, even if it's only a quick "great" or "don't like it".

Thank you!

P.S. Just to make it clear, the story's set in the Seventh Year at Hogwarts and accounts for everything in the books apart from Dumbledore's death - Dumbledore can't die, he's awesome;)

Some things never change. There's always that one person who gets to you, every little thing they do, every little thing they say, it bugs you. Even just seeing their face or hearing their name in a conversation, it makes you that bit more annoyed. For me, that person is a blonde-haired, ferret-faced, arrogant, insufferable PRAT who goes by the name of Draco Malfoy.

I was so absorbed in my inner rant about Malfoy and how much I hated his guts that I wasn't even aware of the sea of black robes gathered around me, staring intently at me as if I was a bug under the microscope.

"Hermione! Hermione! Hermione!"

"What?!" I snapped at the source of the noise.

"Hermione! Is it true?" That was the first time I realised that I wasn't alone anymore.

"Huh?! What are you guys doing here? And what's true?" thoroughly confused I queried looking up at the excited faces surrounding me. My brain was tired from all the mental rage at Malfoy… No! Not Malfoy again!

"Well, for one this is the common room so we're all allowed in here," Harry stated matter-of-factly, "and two, we're talking about the rumour! Is it true? Please tell me it isn't Hermione, please!" his expression was all screwed up as if he'd just eaten a lemon. What rumour was he talking about?

I looked around the room to see nearly every Gryffindor I knew was standing around me, pushing and shoving to try and come to the front. What the hell were they talking about? What bloody rumour?

"You don't know?!" Shit. Did I just say that out loud?

"You just did it again Hermione." Ron chuckled as he informed me. Standing next to him were Harry and Ginny with amused expressions on their face.

"Oh shut up Ron. What rumour are you on about?! What did I do?"

A pained expression took over Ron's face as he gritted out, "Did you ask Malfoy out, Hermione? Why Malfoy?! When you know how much of an asshole he is?! He's called you a Mudblood for what 6 years now and then BOOM you go ask him out?! What does he have that I don't have? Why him, Mione, why Malfoy?!" By the end of his little speech, Ron's face had turned red enough to match the colour of his hair, he looked like he was about to burst.

The sight made me giggle slightly. Oops, bad decision.

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY DO YOU HERMIONE?! ASKING MALFOY OUT IS SUCH A JOKE TO YOU IS IT?!" I stood there stunned. Ron was shouting at me. Why? Because I apparently asked out DRACO FREAKIN' MALFOY. Wow, my so-called best friends really knew me that well.

An awkward silence hung in the air.

That was until Ginny reacted, "Ron! Calm down! At least listen to what Mione has to say first you prick!" Ginny looked so much like Mrs Weasley when she was telling someone off. Hands on hips and all.

"Hey Gin, it's okay. And Ron, what do you take me for? Some common slut who hangs onto every last word that comes out of Malfoy's mouth. What kind of a best friend are you?! How dare you shout at me for something when you don't even know if it's true? If that's how much trust you have in me, fine." And with that I turned to exit the once again silent common room.

"Hermione.." Trust Harry to try to sort everything out.

"Leave it Harry." I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear me without turning back to look at the open-mouthed crowd still staring at the spot where I'd been sitting.

As I climbed out of the portrait hole, I knew just what I had to do. Checking my watch, I realised it was 6:30pm, perfect. Everyone would be going to the Great Hall for dinner. Draco Malfoy needed a lesson – who did he think he was?! He can't just say stuff about people and assume he could get away with it. Not this time Malfoy, not ever.

But first, I needed some time to think. Letting my feet guide me, I strolled around the dark, winding corridors of the castle till I found myself in front of the entrance to the Great Hall. I'd always loved the Great Hall, there was just something about the vast room with the charmed ceiling and the long tables for each house which made me feel like I belonged. Scanning the room, my eyes immediately found the blonde mop of hair that belonged to my arch-enemy. He looked to be in a deep conversation with his best friend and housemate, Blaise Zabini. I had never really disliked Zabini; he wasn't like the other Slytherins. He didn't insult you at every opportunity or look at you like you were something on the bottom of his shoe. No, he seemed to be the nicest Slytherin. But then, Slytherins were known for their sly and cunning nature so you never really know with them.

I realised that I had been standing at the entrance lost in my thoughts for what must have been more than a few seconds, because there was a horde of first years gathered behind me trying to get past.

Holding my head high, I walked towards the Slytherin table on the other side of the hall with determination. "Draco Malfoy, you are going down." I muttered to myself.

As I reached the table adorned with green and silver, a number of heads snapped up from their meals to look at me, Malfoy included. His stormy silver eyes set on me, and the corner of his mouth turned up to his trademark smirk.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Mudblood Gryffindork. Came to make the beg me to be your boyfriend again have you?" the arrogance in his voice wound me up so much. Sometimes you just have to give them the satisfaction of knowing you're mad, and this was one of those times.

I could literally feel sparks of electricity crackling through my hair, I was sure you could probably see steam coming out of my ears, I was THAT livid.

"AGAIN?! What do you mean by again, ferret? Are you implying that I would EVER ask YOU out, the egotistical, conceited, intolerable, bastard of a person?! 'Cause if you are you are so damn mistaken. You thought telling everyone that I asked you out would make you soo popular didn't you? Well reality check Malfoy, EVERYONE HATES YOU. And you can't change that. Ever." I smirked a smirk which would make even Malfoy proud and turned to face the rest of the school.

Every Slytherin was glaring daggers at me, while every Gryffindor, every Ravenclaw, every Huffelpuff was cheering for me.

"Tell him Mione!"

"You rock!"

"Preach it girl!"

Satisfied, I sauntered towards my friends who were now seated at the Gryffindor table. Everyone was smiling at me, especially Harry and Ginny, even Ron, who seemed to have forgotten our earlier fight.

"Mione, I'm sorry I even had to ask you about Malfoy. I should have know better, I know you'd never go for someone like him. Forgive me?" Ron apologised to me softly, with a hint of admiration in his voice. I hugged Ron and whispered, "Of course." I wasn't going to lose my best friend over a petty fight.

As soon as I let go of Ron, Ginny attacked me and squealed, "You go girl! Malfoy need that! Did you see his face? It was epic!" Laughing I replied with a wink, "I'm glad you enjoyed the show Gin."

"Mione, you really-" Harry started, only to be cut off by a booming voice from the teacher's table.

Shit I had completely forgotten all the teachers would be here too. Oh no.

"Ms Granger and Mr Malfoy would you please meet me in my office after dinner. Thank you." It was Dumbledore. Glancing up to him I saw him staring down at me which a mischievous spark in his eye.

Professor Dumbledore was a genius, no one could deny that but there was also a hint of madness about him and I feared I was going to be on the receiving end of that.

On the other side of the Great Hall, irritation was clear on Malfoy's face, but also a well-concealed (to others anyway) look of fear in his eyes. I was sure my face reflected the same.