A/N: I'm writing the sequel based on the alternate ending to the first story. This is a Tiana fanfic so it will mainly circle around her. But will Naveen be in the story? Of course he will! (The summary tells you so)And sooner than you think. Now let's see how much has changed within two years for the Montreuils.

The Thrill Of It All II:

Family Affair

"No mama I don't want to!" Complained two and a half year old Daniel as his mother dressed him in his best Sunday church attire.

"Daniel honey we're going to church. We have to look our very best—

"May we skip church for one Sunday? Please?" he begged.

Tiana rolled her eyes. "Now you know that we're not missing any services unless one of us is sick and—

Daniel faked a cough. "My throat!" Cough. Cough. "It hurts mama!"

Tiana could only shake her head at the wise preschooler.

"Just like his daddy when he was his age," Florence walked into the bedroom. "Need some help there Tiana?"

"I'm on his last button, Florence. Can you hand me that hairbrush on the dresser?" She asked the maid.

Daniel pouted. "No mama! My hair is fine!"

"Not so much. Curly haired babies and brushes don't mix well," Florence said.

"Ouch mama!" Daniel whined.

"If your father was here he would certainly want you looking your best." Tiana finished brushing the curls on the boy's head.

"Okay, okay that's enough mama!" Daniel pushed his mother's hand away from his head. "No brush!"

Florence raised an eyebrow."Mm-you better treat ya mama good. She's the only mama you got."

The young boy poked out his bottom lip at the statement.

Tiana smiled. "Now don't look so sad. It's Sunday!"

"The lord's day!" Florence added. "And as a child of God you should be more respectful to ya mama."

Daniel went behind his mother. "No."

Florence stuck out her tongue making Tiana laugh.

"Stop teasing him Florence." She took her son's hand. "We should be leaving if we don't want to be late for service."

"I don't think we'll be making it there at all today, darling," Jacques said, walking into the room.

Daniel's blue eyes lit up at the sight of his father. "Daddy!" He let go of his mother's hand to embrace his father.

Jacques returned the hug with both arms. Since his injury he's been working hard to make sure he didn't need a cane as a support. He's been cane-free for six month so far. "Hello Florence."

"Hey baby." The maid knew to make his tea so she exited the room.

"My pride and joy!" Jacques lifted the boy in his arms before going over to kiss Tiana. "Darling you look beautiful."

Tiana wasn't expecting her husband home for another week. "You're early."

"Disappointed?" he laughed.

She shook her head. "No, its only that...I wasn't expecting you to be home so soon. I'm very happy to see you." In reality she was hoping he'd stay away for a few more days.

Daniel hugged his father tighter. "I don't want to go to church daddy."

"And we won't," Jacques said to his son.

Tiana frowned. "Jacques?"

"We won't be going to church this Sunday," Jacques confirmed with a smirk. "We have more important things to praise for and that's how strong our family is."

"Yay!" Daniel was pleased to not go to church today but Tiana was a bit disappointed. She always enjoyed the service and songs they would sing. And with Jacques out of town she got to sing with the choir without feeling like she was embarrassing to the people in their circle.

"We'll go next week," Jacques saw the disappointment in his wife's eyes. "You will forget all about that church stuff after what I'm about to show you."

Tiana looked back at him, seeing the smile on his lips. "What do you mean?"

He took her hand, leading the two out of the bedroom and downstairs to the living room where Florence began screaming at the top of her lungs

"Ya'll that box in the den was moving!" exclaimed the maid.

Jacques laughed. "It's only Daniel's gift."

The young boy wiggled his way out of his father's arms to run in the den.

Tiana gave her husband a questioning look. "What did you get him?"

"A puppy!" the boy could be heard from the room!

"A puppy?" Tiana raised her eyebrows, seeing the humour in her husband's face. "I thought we agreed that Daniel was too young for pets?"

"Mama! Florence look what daddy got me!" said the excited young Montreuil, showing the women the very young and grey mutt.

Florence frowned. "That's an ugly little thing."

"He's perfect," Daniel hugged the puppy who licked him in return.

Tiana felt Jacques wrapping his arms tightly around her. "He'll be off our backs for a while." He kiss her behind the ear.

She learned to hide her disgust well enough for him to not notice. If anything, she hoped that the mutt would help with the interruptions between their 'time together'.

"Now I have a gift for you…," his whispered into her ear.

Tiana watched Daniel and the puppy while asking, "What is it?"

Jacques took her hand with his again. "Why don't we go outside for some privacy?"

"But Daniel—

"I got him," Florence smiled.

Tiana sighed, following her husband outside to the front entrance.

"Why do we need to go..." she stopped when she saw a brand new white Cadillac parked out front. "You got another car?"

"Yes, for you," he smiled, handing her the keys. "With the success of my grandmother's and your restaurants I believe that you deserved it."

Elated, Tiana threw her arms over her husband's shoulders. "Thank you so much!" She was surprisingly thrilled to know that her argument about independence got him to agree on getting a car, even if he was the one who picked it out himself.

"It's refreshing to have a working wife who still have time to raise our son," Jacques rubbed her back. "And while Florence is helping Daniel with the new puppy why don't we go for spin?"

That surprised her. "You want me to drive the car?"

He shrugged. "Why not? You do have a license."

Tiana began heading down the stairs when Jacques called her name.

"Um, Tiana?"

She turned to look up at him. "Yes Jacques?"

"Don't you want to change out of your church clothes?" He questioned with both arms behind his back.

She frowned, looking down at her dress. "The dress should be fine. And the car is brand new!"

But he shook his head. "No darling. We shouldn't get our best Sunday clothes dirty for nothing."

She didn't see the big deal in their attire but instead of making a small fight about it she walked back up the stairs.

Since his recovery Jacques have slowly been returning to his controlling ways, picking out and purchasing her car was one of the examples, but it was a lot better than him striking her which he hasn't done since she returned home a little over three years ago.

Once they made it to their bedroom Tiana quickly spotted boxes on her bed and opened the biggest one first.

"He always knows what to buy," she said, admiring the sea blue sundress. The other boxes held matching shoes, a cloche and a silk scarf. She then opened a longer box that revealed a mink coat.

"What do I need a mink coat for?" she knew these gift came from his New York trip. Jacques would always shower her and Daniel with gifts and expected something in return. She was surprised that he didn't bring up anything.

Not yet at least.

She set aside the coat and boxes and began undressing herself when she heard the door locking.

Turning to look back she saw her husband with a smirk on his lips "Why are you locking the door if we're heading right back out?" she asked.

"Undress for me," Jacques interrupted darkly.

Tiana frowned.

"Did you not hear me?" He took a step forward.

She saw his eyes staring her down as if she was a street-whore. A hard chill ran down her back as the hand that held her new car keys balled into a fist.

"Well?" Jacques was growing impatient.

She turned away to lift the slip from over her head. Her stomach churned when his lips touched her right shoulder.

"I've missed you," he kissed her again.

Tiana's heart beat increased as his hands unsnapped her bra. She should've known that he would trick her into sleeping with him.

She started to protest. "Jacques..."

"I gave our son a new puppy to play with as well as you a brand new car. And let us not forget that lovely and very expensive new outfit with the finest mink coat Tiana…everything you've wanted from my business trip. The least you can do is give me what I want…," he cupped her breasts.

'How dare he?' She thought in anger and annoyance. "We can do this later. I rather drive around..."

Jacques took the keys from her hand, throwing them across the room before turning her to face him. "Never mind about the damn car, Tiana. Just get in the bed!"

She wanted to yell at him, to tell him that she wasn't in the mood. Hell, she wanted to slap him herself but knew that it would be unwise even if he no longer hit her. So instead, she submitted to his order and waited for him to undress himself.

'Let's get this over with,' she thought, lying back on the bed waiting for him.

Jacques finally joined her, pulling the sheets over their bodies. He chuckled when he read her face. "Why the disappointed face?" he began caressing her jaw.

Tiana shrugged her shoulders. "I just thought that we would go out for a drive first."

Jacques laughed. "I've got to give it to you darling. You're still my beautifully naive wife," he kissed her. "You should know that nothing from me ever comes for free." His lips and hands roughly attacked her neck and breasts causing her to gasp. "Whether you're one of my many business dealers or simply my wife. When I give, I expect a pay-up in return."

Tiana closed her eyes, almost struggling to hold in the anger and sickness that was now forming in her stomach.


A/N: There's the first chapter, and we see Jacques being... well, Jacques. We'll see how far he pushes Tiana. Then there's Naveen and his...well, just know that there's going to be romance, drama, angst, betrayal, confusion ahead. This is a Tiana fanfic but we have two strong love interests who doesn't mind fighting for what they believe is theirs...I don't know how crazy this story will get but don't be surprised if I bump this up as an M-rated fic. Anyway, will post chapter two as soon as its ready.