Author note: Thank you Princessbinas for providing the idea of Naruto grafty the place. If you wish to leave any suggestion of what you want to see in this story please send me a note! :)


When the light faded we were in a completely foreign area, the architecture of the buildings were completely strange. Naruto who was by my side started staring in awe. We decided to take a stroll to observe the area to be confronted with strange vehicles zooming past on black roads.

"What the hell was that?" I heard Naruto yell.

"That is a car, it's a form of transport, now stop gaping and go home!" Shukaku warned us. From there on Shukaku and Kurama had lead us to our new homes. I could tell this is going to be interesting to say the least.

"Welcome back Gaara! How was your sleepover with Naruto?" my 'father' asked calmly, the way he addressed me was casual and held no negative emotions.

"Um. It went well" I reply with a respectful tone.

"That's good to hear, why don't you invite Naruto over for a sleepover here later on in the holiday?" father responded with a warm smile.

"Would that be alright?" I asked sincerely. 'My' father gave me a confused and concerned look.

"Well considering the both of you are always together at each other's house all the time and the Cheshires are like family now its fine." I nod and he then continued.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen? You know you can always talk to me about anything Gaara" I give him a weak response of a nod and headed to my room.


"What do you want Shukaku?"

"Nothing… Gaara~"


"Nothing. Gaara~" this cycle was repeated for the next 15 minutes.


When I arrived 'home' I was greeted by 'my' parents.

"Naruto! Welcome home. How's my cute young man doing?" The lady who had long crimson hair tied back into a ponytail. I mumble an okay before the blond hair father chirped up.

"Oh~! Did you and Gaara get in a fight over a cute girl?" he grinned devilishly.

"What?! Hell no!" I declared which caused them to be surprised. Crap did I blow my cover?

"Well looks like someone found there voice again!" my 'dad' smirked. My 'mum' right along with him with a sly smirk.

"Well Gaara is quiet a looker~! You better not lose to him!" mum purred.

"OH MY GOD! I SERIOUSLY don't want to hear that! Especial from you" I yell covering my ears and then ran up to my room. I may not know where I was going but this body did. I flopped down onto my bed. What should I do tomorrow? Probably meet up with Gaara and explore this weird world.

The following day Gaara and I meet up and started walking around random parks nearby. We ended up talking about things such as Gaara's job, food we like; random funny things that has happened.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the Crimson Devil Black and the Grinning Cheshire. It's been awhile!" a boy our age approached in a threating manner, the bat in plain sight as we notice 10 other armed teens gathering around us.

"Oi Kurama! What the hell did those two do to piss off these guys?" I questioned.

"Cheshire and Blacky are delinquents. These guys are always picking on you" he explained. I look over to Gaara to see him twitch, Shukaku probably explained it as well to him.

"We have no interest in fighting you" Gaara warned them.

"Oh? Well we are here to pick up two corpses! Let's dance!" the leader grinned. I don't care who these thugs are but we were not going to take it. Instinctively Gaara and I went back to back, a grin formed on my face as I felt a wave of calmness wash over me. The gang all charge at us and we easily piled them with a couple of broken bones and lots of bruises. I turn to face Gaara and he looks calm and I grin at him.

"Ne! Gaara that was fun don't you think?" I sing coming closer to my red hair friend.

"Beating them up? Now I sound like a delinquent"

"I was referring to fighting together back to back!" I chirp. He looks at me before smiling and ruffling my hair.

"I wish we could fight like this more often" he warned before indicating me to follow as he started to walk off. I pause before grinning again before following him cheerfully.


After the two parallel us left I decided to go for a walk as Cheshire tagged along.

"Hay Gaara! I'm gonna go off and do my own thing. See ya later tonight!" He warned waving and running off. Now what can I do? I walked around inspecting the village before I walk off to a training field.

"Oi! Shukaku!"

"Yes Gaara?" I could picture a mischievous smirk plastered on his face, I soon grew a smirk.

"Teach me how to use chakra!" I coo.

"What are you going to do if I do?"

"Whatever the hell I want! Starting with shattering bone in every limb of the pink whore!" Shukaku laughed and gave me a run down and taught me how to do the basic techniques. Hours later after training to perfect control I started my hunt.


After I parted with my friend, I headed off to buy to paint. Spray paint. I entered an art shop and bought a bunch of spray paints in a range of warm colours to cold. I buy some baggy black clothing with a hoody and mask; wearing my stylish new outfit I decided it was time to unleash anarchy. I found a wall in an alleyway and started my plan.

'Konoha. A village of monsters in human skin'

'They prey on the innocent'

'Demons go to hell'

'Murders' 'Inhuman' 'Evil' 'Bringers of Despair and Pain'

The list goes on and on as I go leaving my marks in little places here and there. I discard the evidence in a fire in the forest, watching the clothes burn before I put out the angry fire of hatred. I was tempted to leave the fire burn down the village, but then again Gaara is probably back there.

I head back 'home' and start drawing foxes everywhere in such a way that if one where to take a look they would think foxes had invaded the house and were about to pounce and rip them to shreds. I only have the aggressive blood thirst foxes face anything that could be used as an entrance. As night started to fall I return to the hotel and meet up with Gaara in the Kage's room.

"Hay Gaara~!" I sing. Gaara looks up at me with a grin.

"Nice artwork you left everywhere, makes this village seem like the mask to hid it's face has slipped. I bow and pretend to tip my hat that didn't exist. The both of us turn in as Kurama sleeps curled up next to me in my bed. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day to say the least.