I own nothing

"So welcome to the watch tower," said Superman when the other team of Earth protectors, The Avengers arrived.

"Thank you," said Captain America shaking hands with the Man of Steal.

"We are glad that you could make it," said Wonder Woman as they started down the hall.

"The pleasure is ours," said Black Widow.

"Might I ask where you will be staying," asked Black Canary.

"We are unfortunately staying in Gotham," said Ironman.

"Besides the obvious why it is unfortunate that you are staying in Gotham," asked Green Arrow.

"Because Tony has a strong disliking towards one Bruce Wayne," said Hawk eye with an eye roll.

"Strong dislike is putting mildly," whispered Black Widow to Wonder Woman and Black Canary.

"Why," asked Wonder Woman.

"They went to school together and were friends but Tony feels that he has out grown the playboy scene and Mister Wayne has not," said Black Widow. Wonder Woman and Black Canary looked at her with the same look of surprise.

"He complained the whole way here about some charity event that we are going to that will be at Wayne Manor," said Black Widow.

"This is the communications room," said Superman opening the door to let them in.

"Wow," said Black Widow taking in all of the computers.

"This is batman," said Superman indicating the Dark Night who is deep in his work looked up, "And two of his sons Robin and Nightwing." Robin was a young boy who looked made a click with his tongue and went back to work. Nightwing looked to be in his early 20's and wore a skintight black uniform with a blue bird across his chest. All three had black hair and masks to cover their eyes.

"Batman, Robin, Nightwing these are the Avengers, Captain America, Ironman, Thor, Hulk, Hawk eye, Black Widow, and Nick Fury of SHIELD," said Superman smiling.

"Nice to meet you," said Nightwing stepping forward and extending his end.

"The pleasure is ours, Nightwing," said Captain America shaking hands with the younger hero.

"Nightwing call Red Robin, and Red Hood and tell them to Zeta here as soon as they can," said Batman looking at his eldest son.

"Sure thing, B," said Nightwing walking over to a computer.

"Oh and tell Hood that if I find out he is caring he will be on monitor duty for a month and will have the pleasure of taking Robin to and from school for three," said Batman with a pointed look.

"Ok," said Nightwing with a laugh as he walked out of the room and called his brothers.

"Hey Golden Bird," said Red Hood.

"Hey Little wing hold on I'm trying to get a hold of baby Bird," said Nightwing.

"Baby Bird," called Nightwing into the communicator, "Hood Help me."

"Fine, Baby B," said Red Hood. No answer.

"Red," said Nightwing.

"Little Red," said Red Hood. Still no answer.

"RED ROBIN," yell Nightwing.

"Aaahh," said Red Robin, with a sound of someone falling with a thud.

"Are you ok, Baby Bird?" said Nightwing slightly worried.

"I'm fine," said Red Robin.

"What fell," asked Red Hood he a sneaking suspicion that it was Tim falling out of bed.

"I fell out of bed, Now what do you two want?" said Red Robin grumpily.

"I didn't know you sleep," said Nightwing.

"I do sometimes," said Red Robin.

"Yeah but its very rare so what do you want Nightwing?" asked Red Hood.

"B, wants both of you here ASAP," said Nightwing.

"Fine," said Red Robin.

"Oh and Hood B, said that if catches you carrying you will be on monitor duty for a month," said Nightwing earning a groan from Jason and a laugh from Tim.

"And you will be driving that Robin to and from school for the next three."

"Now that's just cruel," said Red Robin laughing.

"That is a cruel and unusual punishment," said Red hood.

"Yep see you two soon," said Dick laughing.

"They are on their way," said Nightwing walking back to Batman, "And are in agreement that your punishment for Hood is cruel."

"Monitor Duty can't be that bad," said Captain America. Nightwing, Robin, Superman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Black Canary all starting laughing, The Avengers looked at each other confused. The door behind them opened and two people walked in one was wearing a red helmet and a leather jacket with a grey shirt underneath with a crimson batman symbol on it and grey cargo pant. The other was wearing a red uninform with a cape and a red Domino mask cover his eyes.

"What's so funny," asked the one in the helmet.

"Captain America seems to think that the cruel part of your punishment would be monitor duty," said Batman looking at his son. Red Robin burst out laughing that turned into coughing.

"Wait the cruel part is taking the kid to school," asked Hawk eye.

"Yes it is," said Red Hood looking at his father, "You are a cruel, cruel man B"

"I see that it had it's effective though," said Batman.

"Avengers this is Red Hood, and Red Robin Batman's middle sons," said Superman.

"Sup," said Red Hood.

"Hey," said Red Robin coughing again. Nightwing stood up and tried putting a hand on Red Robin's forehead, causing the younger hero to dodge his older brother.

"What are you doing," asked Red Robin sniffling.

"Checking to see if you have a fever," said Nightwing trying get at his brother again.

"I'm not sick," said Red Robin going into a fit of sneezing.

"Tt sure your not Red," said Robin.

"That would explain the sleeping," said Red Hood also trying to get at his brother. Hawk eye was impressed if Red Robin really was sick he was doing a good job avoiding his brothers. Batman sighed and stood up and managed to feel his son's forehead.

"You have a fever," said Batman, "Go and take the night off. I'm going to call Agent A and let him know that you will be staying with us till you're better Red." Batman turned and started to call.

"That's fine be I'll just go back to my apartment and rest," said Red Robin.

"No you will stay at the house with us till you are better Red Robin," said Batman not looking up for what he was doing, "Hood, Nightwing, Robin make sure he doesn't leave the house."

"I don't need to be babysat," grumbled Red Robin.

"Come on Baby Bird it will be fun, me you Demon bird, Golden Bird, we'll even watch a movie," said Red Hood pushing his brother towards the door.

"Plus I'm sure Agent A will have some nice warm soup for you little brother," said Nightwing ruffling Red Robin's hair.

"Yeah Red," said Robin joining his brothers, "I'm sure that he will be happy to take good care of you till you are better."

"I hate you all," said Red Robin with a huff but let himself be pushed out of the room.

"Nightwing, tell agent A that I should be home within the hour," said Batman as his sons left.

"Your sons don't live with you?" asked Captain America.

"Nightwing and Robin do, Red Hood and Red Robin live on their own. Red Robin still lives within my cities limits but Red Hood has multiple safe houses," said Batman, "Now if you excuse me I have a few things to finish up before I go home." Batman left the room.

"I thought he was suppose to be all broody," said Bruce Banner aka the Hulk looking at the Justice league heroes.

"Oh don't be fooled he is, just not when it comes to one of his children's well being," said Superman with a chuckle.

"Oh so if one of the gets hurt you have to deal with the big bad batman," said Ironman dryly.

"Yes and Robin," said Green Arrow.

"And Nightwing," said Black Canary.

"And the Red Hood," said Wonder Woman.

"And Red Robin," said Superman.

"And Don't forget Black Bat, Batgirl, and Oracle," said Flash walking in.

"Flash met the Avengers," said Green Arrow.

"Avengers this is Flash," said Superman.

"Hi, this is my nephew Kid Flash, and my grandson from the future, Impulse," said Flash indicator each in turn.

"Hi, so where are the bats," asked Impulse.

"Red Robin is sick so Batman made him go home and take a night off," said Black Canary.

"I'm assuming that he had the others go to make sure he stays there," said Kid Flash with a laugh.

"Yep," said Wonder Woman.

"Who are Black Bat, Batgirl and Oracle," asked Captain America.

"Black Bat is batman's daughter and she is also a former batgirl, Batgirl is a former Robin and also the former spoiler, she is also Red Robin's girlfriend, Oracle was the first Batgirl till the Joker, she trained both of the other batgirls." Said Kid Flash.

"So he has four sons and a daughter," said Black Widow as if to clarify.

"Yes," said Superman.

"Well this was nice now we have to get to the hotel and get ready for that Charity party in two days," said Ironman.

"Right we will be in contact for the training Superman," said Captain America shaking hands with the Super hero.

"Thank you," said Superman.

The Avengers left the room and started down the hall to the zeta tube that would take them to Gotham.

"They seem nice," said Bruce.

"I agree they seem for pleasant for earthlings," said Thor.

"Yeah we should get some rest and Tony is there anything that we should know about the charity event," said Captain America.

"Other then I am avoiding Bruce Wayne at all cost," said Tony, "And his sons."

"He has children," said Natalia confused.

"Yes three adoptive sons and one biological," said Tony with distaste. Clint elbowed Tony before he could continue.

"What?" said Tony looking at the archer.

"Batman," said Steve. Batman was walking down the hall.

"Leaving?" asked Steve looking at the dark night.

"Yes, I want to check on my son," said Batman, "Are you staying in Gotham?"

"Yes we are," said Tony, "We have agreed to go the a charity event at Wayne Manor and since there is a Zeta tube in Gotham we decided to stay there."

"If that is alright with you Batman," said Nick Fury, "I heard of you no Meta rule in Gotham."

"Fine as long as you clean up the mess, if anything happens," said Batman.

"See around then Batman," said Tony. No one noticed Batman's eyes narrow when Tony addressed him.

When Bruce finally made it to the cave he was happy to see that all of his sons uniforms where there. He changed and made his way up stairs to the main house.

"I do not have crush on Natasha Romanova," yelled Dick's voice from the kitchen. Bruce opened the door to see his sons sitting at the island waiting for Alfred to finish cooking some soup.

"Tt you could not take your eyes off her Dick," said Damian.

"Yeah Dickie boy you were undressing her with your eyes the entire time," said Jason.

"Timmy help," pleaded Dick looking at his younger brother.

"Oh no Dick you are not getting any help from," said Tim blowing his nose. Bruce chuckled and sat down with his children.

"Hey B how was it after we left," asked Dick trying to change the subject.

"I don't know I left right after you did I wanted to finish my work and then get home," said Bruce.

"To check on Timmy," asked Dick.

"Yes," said Bruce pushing Tim's bangs back to feel his forehead, "You should be in bed Tim."

"I told him that I want him to eat some soup," said Alfred from the stove.

"Of course," said Bruce, "So Friday we have the Charity event here at the manor and I want you on your best behaviors."

"Of course B," said Dick, "We always are."

"Yes but the Avengers will be there," said Bruce.

"And you think just because some super heroes will be there we will behave any differently? Ah ye of little faith Bruce," said Jason.

"Is it because Tony Stark will be there," asked Tim looking at his father.

"Possible," said Bruce.

"Why would stark have anything to do with this," said Jason.

"Master Bruce, and Mister Stark went to school together and had a falling out you see," said Alfred placing soup in front of everyone, "Now for some reason despise each other."

"Oh," said Dick.

"Really Father," said Damian.

"Yes, now eat your soup and we discuss this later," said Bruce. Dick and Jason snickered, Damian looked confused and Tim just ate his soup quietly. When everyone was finished Alfred ushered Tim upstairs so the teen could rest.

"So Bruce, the Avengers at your charity event," said Jason leaning back on his seat.

"Yes, Jason the other superhero team will be at the event," said Bruce through clenched teeth.

"But how does that make the JLA look because we do not go out and attend charity events," said Dick.

"Dick, they are a much smaller team at apparently have more time to attend such events," said Bruce looking at his eldest son, "Clark also asked them to train with us."

"Great," said Dick.

"Really?" asked Jason.

"Yes we will be training with them at some point," said Bruce.

"Tt fine but don't expect us to go easy on them," said Damian with a yawn getting up.

"I would never dream of it," said Bruce with a smile as his youngest headed off to bed.

The Avengers

"How can Wayne be so bad if has adoptive three children," asked Steve.

"Because," started Tony.

"Because Tony believes that Mister Wayne only adopted then because it makes him look good," said Pepper with an eye roll.

"How can you be so sure that he didn't," asked Tony looking at his wife.

"Because of the way that he cares about them," said Pepper, "Last time I saw Damian he had a broken wrist and Mister Wayne refused to let the child out of his site at a charity event at his house."

"Fine, but I still don't like him," said Tony.

"Fine just don't start a war with the man. People love him and you do not need to get on the bad side of Bruce Wayne," said Pepper leaving the room.