The Adventures of Haytham and Connor

Part 1

Bare on a Bear?!

Connor was out hunting. He didn't really need to anymore, since the homestead provided for itself and he could take as much as he needed. He was who he was though, and it was hard for him to sit still for long. Hunting provided a nice distraction.

A distraction from visiting Haytham in his cabin on the outskirts of the little town.

So he was out in the woods around in a place he knew people rarely went. He was up in a tree stalking a nice looking buck who was grazing below him. He prepared to jump down and kill it, but then out of nowhere the deer bolted and a bear rushed out after it. Connor jumped before he even knew what he was doing. He landed on the bear's back and jabbed his blades into its neck. It roared and struggled, but went down quickly. Connor got off and said his prayer, thanking the bear for giving its life.

"I am sorry, great creature. The people here will be much safer with you passed on," he murmured, stroking the thick fur of the bear's back. He got out a longer knife and prepared to skin the bear when all of the sudden he was being shoved down onto it. He struggled and managed to turn around and get his blades out, but stopped when he noticed it was Haytham, who was grinning down at him.

"Father! You are not supposed to come out until after dark! What if someone saw you?" Connor said, worried. He didn't want Haytham to have to leave because someone saw him and told Achilles!

"Oh please. Do you really think I'd let anyone see me? Besides, I wanted to watch you hunt. It's so natural for you, the way you move," Haytham murmured, reaching down to slide a hand up under Connor's shirt. The assassin immediately blushed.

"Father, not here! Wait until tonight!" he said, knowing full well what Haytham wanted to do right now.

"Are you going to stop me?" Haytham asked, finding a nipple and rubbing it slowly. His other hand trailed down to Connor's crotch, teasing his fingers there.

"We cannot …. we cannot have... not here! This bear is dead!" Connor yelped, feeling himself starting to react to Haytham's touches anyway. But they couldn't do this on the body of a bear! It was so disrespectful!

Haytham chuckled. "Oh? The bear is dead? I hadn't noticed."

Connor's face flushed more. "We cannot. It would dishonor the spirit of the bear."

"Connor," Haytham said softly, cupping his son's cheek. "The bear is dead. He doesn't care what happens to his body now. Maybe his spirit would be honored to be used in such a fashion."

It was getting harder to think the harder Connor got, which was happening quickly thanks to Haytham's hands. His father knew just what turned Connor on, and he was not going to let up.

"No, I am sure the bear would not be honored by being defiled," Connor muttered. He wasn't struggling at all, though, and Haytham grinned in triumph.

"Well, you'll just have to get over it," the older man said, leaning down to kiss Connor and slide his hand into his pants. Connor felt him smiling even wider against his mouth, and he was still grinning as he pulled up.

"You're half hard already. Do I really get to you that quickly?" Haytham asked, pushing Connor's pants down a little so he could get out his cock and rub it.

"Or is it the naughty thought of doing it on a bear, hmm?"

Connor looked off to the side and didn't say anything. Haytham pushed him all the way onto the bear and got up on it between his legs. He smiled down at his son, stroking his cock slowly.

"Now there's a sight. You look good on furs," Haytham purred.

"This is not appropriate... We are out in the open!" Connor tried again, even though he was waging a losing battle and they both knew it.

"We'll hide under the bear if anyone comes along. Now spread them," Haytham said, tone suddenly authoritative. Connor automatically spread his legs wider, feeling the bear's fur on his bare ass. It felt... pretty good actually. Haytham wasted no time in shoving Connor's pants down to his ankles, though he didn't take them all the way off. Connor could see the bulge starting in his father's pants, and he wondered if Haytham had ever thought about doing this before.

"Take off your hood. Your face is much too pretty to hide," Haytham said as he slid his unoccupied hand into Connor's coat and felt around. The younger man tentatively pulled his hood off, hoping that Haytham wouldn't make him get completely naked. Though that way he'd be able to feel the bear's fur all over his body...

"There you are," Haytham said fondly after Connor's hood was off. He pulled out the small bottle he'd given Connor before and slicked a couple of fingers with the contents. Connor relaxed more, letting himself sink into the bear and feeling the fur and smelling the oil on Haytham's fingers and getting fully hard at the scent. It always reminded him of Haytham now, and what they did together.

"Good boy," Haytham murmured, stroking Connor's cock a bit more firmly. He slid two fingers against Connor's entrance, slowly pushing one in and working it around.

"Hnnng," Connor moaned quietly, gripping tufts of the bear's fur with both hands. Haytham methodically worked his finger, quickly adding a second, all the while stroking Connor's cock.

"Fatherrnnng? T-take your hat off? And let yourrrnnnng hair down?" Connor asked, eyes fixed on Haytham's face. The older man frowned, but took off his hat anyway. He hesitated on his hair tie, but then pulled it off as well. His hair cascaded around his face, and Connor moaned and started to rub his abdomen.

"Like it when my hair is down?" Haytham asked.

"Hnnng yes. It looks very nice," Connor said quietly, giving a small smile. Haytham smiled back after a moment, rubbing Connor's cock slowly.

"Only you get to see it like this. Cherish it," Haytham said, and jabbed his fingers into Connor's sweet spot. The assassin cried out and involuntarily bucked his hips, gripping the bear harder and pressing his head back into it. Haytham grinned rather evilly then, jabbing the spot over and over as he scissored his fingers. Connor cried out each time and couldn't stop the movement of his hips, but Haytham just used that movement to pleasure his son both in his arse and on his cock. Soon enough Connor was crying out and orgasming, cumming over Haytham's hand. Connor panted a little and just felt for a moment with his eyes closed.

"I think you're ready," Haytham said, removing his fingers from Connor and looking down at him appraisingly. Connor could see the sizable bulge in Haytham's pants now, and he sat up a little.

"Can I, father?" he asked, gently placing a hand on it. Haytham frowned, then reached out to rub Connor's head.


Connor sat up all the way and straddled the bear, moaning a little as the fur rubbed against his arse and cock. Haytham chuckled and leaned back as Connor unbuttoned his pants, getting out his cock and licking his lips. Connor hadn't even tried to put Haytham's cock in his mouth before, but he was going to try now! He slid a hand down the length of it, then glanced up at Haytham who was watching him closely. With a little smile, Connor licked the head. Haytham made a little noise of surprise, which turned into a full moan as Connor slid the whole head into his mouth. It was quite a lot, but he still had much more to go.

"Connor, don't try to put the whole thing into your mouth. We need to work up to that," Haytham said quietly, rubbing his son's head as he started to bob it a little. Connor just grunted and focused on the cock in his mouth, experimentally sliding his tongue along the slit. Haytham gave a little moan, so Connor did it again. He took his time in finding out what Haytham liked and doing that multiple times, then moving on. He managed to get about more of it into his mouth before Haytham let out a low groan and came. Connor was so surprised that he swallowed some automatically. Haytham gently pushed his head away and pulled him up for a kiss, biting and ravishing Connor's mouth. The assassin's lips were nice and red when Haytham pulled away, and he pushed Connor back down onto the bear.

"We'll work on your gag reflex so you can get the whole thing down," Haytham said, reaching down to rub Connor's cock a little.

"Mmm, why don't you get on your hands and knees?" he said, and Connor blinked at him. Haytham sighed.

"Do it, unless you want me to find something else out here to fuck you with. I can assure you that branches are not comfortable in the least."

Connor blushed and then got on his hands and knees, looking back at Haytham with large eyes. He rubbed his thumbs on the bear's fur, sending an apology to the bear's spirit.

"Don't give me that look," Haytham muttered. He slid a finger back into Connor to make sure he was ready, then applied the oil to his cock and positioned himself behind the assassin.

"Try not to collapse. If you find yourself unable to keep your arms braced, just make sure you keep your arse up," Haytham instructed, and Connor gulped. They'd only ever done it face to face the few times they'd had sex before, so he was a little nervous about this new position. But Haytham knew what he was doing, so Connor would just go along with it.

"Yes father."

"Good. I will make sure it is pleasurable for you,as always," Haytham said, and pushed the head of his cock into Connor. Both moaned, and Haytham continued to push in until he was buried to the hilt. Connor was panting by then, eyes tightly closed and fistfuls of fur in both hands. It was certainly a different feeling doing it this way.

"Are you ready?" Haytham asked, stroking the fabric along Connor's back.

"I am ready," Connor said, turning his head to gaze back at Haytham again. The templar growled at the look and leaned down over the assassin to kiss him harshly, starting to roll his hips into him. Connor moaned loudly into the kiss, holding on tightly to the bear. Haytham pulled back from the kiss after a moment, though he kept his body on Connor's and fucked him like that. Connor's limbs always got weak when they had sex, so it was all he could do to support both their weight at this point. His cock was hard again by now and he wanted to rub it, but he would collapse if he moved to do so. Haytham seemed to realize this, so after a moment he reached down and took Connor's cock in hand and stroked it along with his thrusts.

Soon Connor was moaning and crying out as Haytham found his sweet spot and thrust at it continually. His cock was throbbing in his father's hand, and soon the pleasure was too much and Connor's arms buckled. The front half of his body collapsed onto the bear, and he wrapped his arms around it as far as they would go.

"Fatthherrrrrnnnng!" he cried, which spurred Haytham into thrusting harder. Connor cried out continually at the added pressure and pleasure, burying his face against the bear and smelling the musty scent.

Haytham kept up the hard, fast pace, quite liking the feel of Connor's lithe and powerful body under him. It gave him no end to pleasure to know that he could get to Connor so thoroughly, and have such power over him.

"Fattherrrr! Hnnng, f-faaather!" Connor cried out, orgasming and cumming all over the bear. Haytham grunted and thrust even harder, making Connor scream his name and alerting everyone and everything within a mile radius. Haytham groaned and slammed himself deep into Connor and came in him. Both moaned and panted and Haytham nuzzled the back of Connor's neck a little before sitting up off of him. He considered fucking him some more, but then decided that he actually didn't like being out in the open like this. He slid his cock out of his son and wiped it on his back, then tucked himself back in and buttoned up. Connor sighed heavily and flopped onto his back, dick hanging out and pants around his ankles. Haytham couldn't help but grin.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that you enjoyed that."

Connor shrugged, running his hands through the bear fur. "You know how to give me pleasure."

"I do, don't I? Now how do you feel about doing it on the bear?"

At that the assassin hesitated. "I...I enjoyed it. I am sure the bear's spirit weeps."

"Sure. But you liked it, which is all that matters," Haytham said, leaning down to give Connor a kiss. He ran his hand through the bear fur, smirking as he sat back up.

"Bring the fur to my cabin. I'll make you something nice," the older man said, getting up and pulling his hair back into a ponytail. Connor looked up at him, slowly pulling back up his pants.

"You? Make something?"

Haytham gave his son a look. "Just because I am excellent at killing and fucking doesn't mean that's all I am good at."

"You are right. I am sorry," Connor said, wiping his cock off a little before buttoning back up. He sat on the bear at looked at Haytham.

"I'll see you back at my cabin. Try not to have too much fun with that bear..." Haytham said with a smirk before disappearing into the trees. Connor sighed and got to the task of skinning the bear, giving another apology to its spirit.