The Wii Fit Trainer was showing Princess Zelda how to stand still for a while within her fitting studio, with the cute Hyrule ruler not exactly having it in her as she ultimately let out a huge fart, with the fitness trainer noticing as she smirked at her.
"O-oh... that was unexpected..." Zelda admitted as she blushed in embarrassment.
"There's nothing shameful about letting your body talk." The WiiFit Trainer spoke up as she winked, keeping her posture perfect despite feeling her sweat soaking up her damp blue shirt. "We all have to let go at some point."
"Yeah, but how do you do it?" Zelda asked as she seemed to have lost balance after letting out some stinky air, having another fart belt out of her.
"Keeping yourself balanced leads to abilities some consider unnatural." The WiiFitTrainer insisted as she then made an awkward face, proceeding to let out a raspy fart as she sighed in relief.
Zelda seemed confused as the WFT managed to keep her posture despite the fart gas release, with the trainer of Wii Fit proceeding to prove why she was the most fit of all the flatulent girls. It was quite something how the pale skinned human was able to stay still despite farting, which she proceeded to do several more times.