Heh… Hello all...

So. Here's the thing. I haven't updated since Winter Break, and I realize that… This semester has royally sucked. I am never taking seventeen hours again. Never. My saving grace are the shows I'm in, but they still take up a LOT of time. So that's why I haven't been able to update in ages. I apologize deeply, and I promise I am NOT abandoning my stories. I just haven't had time to sit and give you all the dedication and hard work you deserve. So here it is, day one of spring break, and I am finally updating this story. This is the final chapter as well for this one, so woot for that! Never fear, my other Les Miz stories are still very much alive and will hopefully be updated soon, as well as, brace yourselves, a new, AU Les Miz fic that's gonna be uploaded sometime rather soon (I hope!)

So! Without further ado, enjoy the last installment of The Call! And keep an eye out for other updates in other fics very soon! Thank you all for your patience!


Chapter Eight:

Courfeyrac woke up in the early hours of the following morning, the pink and orange sunlight streaming in through the open window. He brushed brown curls from his eyes, blinking into the light and trying to remember why exactly he was waking up from a slumped and rather uncomfortable sitting position on Enjolras and Combeferre's couch. He glanced downwards, his eyes falling on the still, sleeping form of Julien, who lay curled up on his side, his eyes slightly swollen and his golden curls falling across his face. Suddenly, the memories from last night came rushing back to him and he bit his lip, reaching down to push the golden hair from his friend's face. The night terror that plagued Enjolras so violently, the long nights from the past days where the blond was unable to sleep for fear of Combeferre never returning, the obvious weight loss and anxiety gain that the poor revolutionary leader had undergone. It was so unjust… And Courfeyrac was not sure how much more he could take of watching his friend's health and strength slowly start to deteriorate.

Sighing deeply, the brunette student got stiffly to his feet and stretched, trying to roll out some of the kinks in his back and sides from sleeping so crookedly on the couch. As soon as Courfeyrac stood, however, Enjolras let out a small noise of protest in his sleep, his brows furrowing low, his body curling in closer on itself, as if even when not awake, he could sense somebody leaving him. The other student quickly returned to his side, taking his hand and planting a chaste kiss on it, stroking blond curls affectionately. "Sorry about that, mon ami," he whispered softly to his friend's sleeping form. "I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere."

All of a sudden, the lock on the door clicked, causing Courfeyrac's head to snap upwards so quickly his neck popped in the process. A hope and joy filled his heart that he hadn't felt in weeks when the door slid open and none other than Etienne Combeferre stepped inside, lugging a suitcase and a doctors bag, as well as dark circles under his eyes and a sleepy expression, but other than that, looking exactly like the same loving, wonderful 'Ferre as he ever was. When the bespectacled student laid eyes on the crouched Courfeyrac and sleeping Enjolras, a confused and worried look crossed his face as he spoke in a whisper, desperate not to wake his obviously exhausted friend. "Courf? What are you doing here?"

"Julien just… Needed some company." Courfeyrac was desperate to get to his feet and wrap Etienne in an embrace, but he was scared to leave Enjolras's side, even now that Combeferre was home at last.

In two short strides, Combeferre closed the distance between himself and the couch, kneeling down by his friends and reaching out one hand to stroke Enjolras's hair gently and the other to clasp Courfeyrac's free hand. He watched his sleeping friend for a moment before speaking again, worry soaking his words. "Is he alright?"

"He'll be alright now that you're here," Courfeyrac nodded, squeezing Combeferre's hand tightly in his before reaching for the book on separation anxiety from the dresser and handing it to the med student. "But I think you should read this."

Combeferre frowned down at the book before looking up and offering his friend a small, genuine smile, kissing his brown curls. "And I think you should be getting home. You look exhausted."

Courfeyrac gave Etienne a small, sleepy smile and nod, getting to his feet again and stretching once more, watching as the med student took his place at Enjolras's side. The younger student knelt by Julien once more to ruffle his hair and whisper softly, "It's alright, mon ami. 'Ferre's home now," before giving Combeferre one more smile, mumbling gently "I'll see you both at the meeting tomorrow," and then slipping out the door and into the cool morning air.


Four hours passed in a comfortable silence, as Combeferre read the pages Julien had marked so carefully; Enjolras sleeping soundly at his feet. It was amazing, how the night terrors that had been visiting the blond nightly since Combeferre was gone now stayed far away, as if sensing that Etienne was finally back at his little brother's side, and any nightmare that dared to scare his petit frere would be severely punished. Finally, Enjolras was sleeping peacefully. Finally, his everything was back again.

It was nearly four hours and thirty minutes later that Enjolras finally began to stir at Etienne's feet. Combeferre smiled softly at the blond mass of curls shifting about on the pillows, setting aside the book and turning so that he might be the first thing Julien saw upon waking. When the darkly circled blue eyes blinked open and connected with the concerned ones of brown, an indescribable electricity jolted Enjolras awake so quickly his head spun as he shot upwards on the couch, his body trembling, his eyes wide. "'F-'Ferre…" he whispered in a broken voice, as if unsure if he was dreaming or awake.

"It's me, 'Jolras," the med student spoke softly, reaching out to put a hand to Enjolras's cheek to ground his friend. "I'm right here."

Shaking arms suddenly wrapped themselves desperately around Combeferre, who started only slightly before embracing his friend back equally tightly, a lump forming in his throat as Julien buried his head desperately against the bespectacled student's shoulder. The older revolutionary gently rocked his brother back and forth, kissing his curls and whispering over and over in his ear "It's alright. I'm right here. I'm so sorry I was gone for so long. I love you so much. I'm so sorry."

Finally, after a few moments of this comforting process, Enjolras relaxed enough to be able to pull back slightly from the embrace, though he kept a firm grip on Combeferre's hand, as if afraid he would vanish if they did not keep some form of contact at all times. The med student offered him a sad smile before pushing the book he had been reading onto Julien's lap. "You've… You've been doing some reading while I was gone?" he mumbled softly, his eyes concerned behind his wire-rimmed glasses.

Enjolras's relieved expression changed almost instantly to one of shame, and he looked away, a blush rising in his cheeks. "It's nothing. It's not important."

"Of course it is," Combeferre frowned deeply, leaning over to press a kiss to golden curls. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"It's stupid," Julien grumbled, shamefaced. Self-loating crept into his voice, and Etienne bit his lip and pulled Enjolras in for another hug.

"It's not stupid. It's serious," he whispered against his brother's shoulder. "I'm so sorry I had to be gone so long. I'm so sorry."

"It's just…" Enjolras mumbled quietly into Combeferre's shirt, "One day you'll be a real doctor. And you'll be gone all the time. And… And one day I might have a place of my own. And… And I don't know how I'll take that."

The med student pulled back just enough to look Enjolras in the eyes, moving a golden lock behind his ear and kissing his nose. "I promise you this. Even if you or I ever end up having a place of our own, I promise, we will only be a few flats away from each other. And I will see you every day, some how, some way. Alright? When I'm a real doctor I won't have to be out of town so much, and if I am, you're coming with me next time. You are not going to be alone again. We always find ways to make things work. And we'll make this work too."

Julien took a deep breath, looked up into the eyes of the person he trusted more than anyone, and smiled. "Promise?"

Combeferre grinned warmly and embraced his brother once more, close and lovingly. Just like he always had and always would. "I promise."

The End

Woop! There you have it, kiddos! This little story is over and done. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! PLEASE let me know what you thought! Reviews always make my day!

Keep an eye out for other updates soon, and stay revolutionary!
