It was a spur of the moment, truly it was.

Arthur didn't mean to do it. Well, maybe he did.

Merlin was stood with his back up against the wall, the moonlight from the slightly ajar curtain window shone over Merlin coating him in the pure rays causing him to look unearthly and even more astounding.

And Arthur couldn't help it, he leaned forward and sealed his and Merlin's lips in a warm, gently kiss.

At first Merlin was shocked to say the least. He didn't expect Arthur, the king of Camelot, to ever feel in the slightest way he did about him. Let alone show those feelings when his magic had all but practically been caught.

He didn't move. Couldn't move. He couldn't get his mind to grasp the fact that yes Arthur now knows about my magic. And yes Arthur is now kissing him.

After a couple of moments, just before Arthur was about to pull away from the lack of reaction, Merlin started to kiss him back.

Slowly and delicately.

Just as he started to kiss Arthur back, Arthur pulled out of the kiss. His face still close enough to Merlin's that their noses were almost touching and the exhale of their breaths lingered on each others skin.

"Bed." That simple statement breathed out by Arthur sent Merlin's heart pounding and he slowly nodded in response, his brain too muddled to form proper words.

Merlin sat on the large, luxurious bed his back up against the wooden headboard. The left side of his lip trapped in between his teeth.

Arthur made his way over to Merlin, unceremoniously dropping his tunic on the floor. His eyes mapping out every inch of Merlin's ivory skin, hungrily.

Arthur climbed on top of the bed and pulled Merlin down till he was lying on his back the covers beautifully contrasting against Merlin's pale skin.

Arthur positioned himself so he was on all fours over Merlin and dipped his head down to those warm, red lips and kissed them passionately.

The kiss was unlike anything Merlin had ever felt before it was luscious and sensual. Merlin could practically see sparks flying underneath his eyelids that were closed in bliss. Merlin had over heard the young maidservants asking each other about if they had seen sparks fly when one of them had gained a new kiss off of a boy, but never had Merlin believe it to actually be true let alone feel like this.

Most importantly though was that this kiss was Arthur and it was every little thing about him. Strong but yet still gentle, one hundred percent caring and even the slightest bit brave when he had introduced tongues into the mix.

And Merlin loved every moment of it.

Arthur pulled his lips off of Merlin's and bent in to ravish Merlins neck in gentle bites and wide kisses.

"Explain them to me, Merlin." Arthur whispered into Merlin's neck.

Merlin propped himself up on his elbows, once again biting his lip. "Which one do you want to hear about first."

Arthur gazed over Merlin's skin looking for a particular word he would like to hear the story behind first. Then his gaze fell upon the word "Arthur" written just above Merlin heart.

"This one." Said Arthur as he ran his fingers over the word then dipped his head back to nuzzling and kissing at Merlin's neck.

Merlin took in a deep breath and confessed. "It's mostly because I regret never telling you about my magic. At first it was because I never wanted to make you chose between me and your father after, I guess it was because I couldn't find the right time or it was because I was just too scared to how you would react. Another reason I have that tattoo is because I was guilty for loving you."

Arthur's head shot up at that and their eyes locked onto each other. Sky blue met sea blue in an intense hold.

Merlin took another deep breath and continued with his explanation both his and Arthur's eyes stayed on each other.

"I felt guilty because I knew that I shouldn't have feelings for you I mean, you're the king. I knew that one day you would have to produce an heir and take the throne so you shouldn't have me holding you back. You need to run a kingdom without having to think about the Pendragon reign as well. "

A small, fond smile graced Arthur's face. "Merlin, you truly are an idiot." Arthur started kissing his name that was tattooed on Merlin's skin.

"I don't care about you're magic. I'm slightly hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me but I never truly followed my fathers beliefs on magic, not since I met you. This is why I love you Merlin. You turned my whole world upside down, you changed the way I look at the world. Before I met you it was like I would see everything in black an white, everything was set out and simple. Nobles were nobles and servants were servants, nothing more nothing less. Everyone treated me with respect and loyalty because I was a prince not because I earnt it or deserved it.

Then you came along and helped me to see in colour. You taught me that I was still just like everybody else even though I was a prince. You taught me to earn my people's love, respect and loyalty not demand it. And most of all Merlin, you taught me to love. You showed me how wonderful it is to have a friend, a real one, who likes and knows me for me not because of my status. You taught me what it's like to have an idiot for a manservant who's goofy smile makes you heart swell every time you see it or when he stupidly goes and gets himself injured you just want to rap your arms around him to protect and keep him safe because you love him. I love you Merlin, with all my heart." Merlin had tears in his eyes and after Arthur's speech one stray tear trailed down over his cheek but before he could wipe it away Arthur kiss it away along with any doubts Merlin had about him and Arthur.

By being too wrapped up in the moment neither of them noticed how the tattoo of the word "Arthur" slowly started to disappear.

"What about this one." Arthur said as he started to lick and kiss at the word "dragon" written above Merlin's navel.

Merlin gasped at the sudden contact, his cock swelling with heat.

"I regret the actions I allowed myself to do off of the words of the dragon. I regret setting him free and the damage he caused. I shouldn't have sworn on my mothers life to set him free, even though I needed the spell to save Camelot."

Arthur bite down on the tattoo and kissed it one last time before he turned his gaze up to Merlin.

"I can't believe it was you who set the dragon free but you gave him your word and it was noble of you to stick to it. The destruction the dragon caused wasn't you're fault, those were his actions not your own. Though the dragon took a lot of lives and caused a lot of destruction to the city it would have all been gone if you didn't get the spell from him to save all of Camelot in the first place. "

"Okay what about this one." Arthur said as he went even lowered to nibble and suck at the word "Freya" on Merlin's hipbone.

It took all of Merlins willpower not to just push Arthur's head over just a little to the right. If it wasn't for his damn breeches Merlin might have even felt the ghost of a breath over his straining member.

"Once there was a girl I really liked. We were going to leave Camelot and move to a place with a river, mountains and cows." a fond smile formed on Merlin's face as he remembered Freya.

"We were going to live together. Happy and finally in peace. Where we didn't have to worry about magic or destiny, but she was cursed. Every night she would turn into a Bastet. She couldn't control it but around me it was different. She never hurt me she could control herself. On the night we were to run away together she left before I could get there believing she didn't deserve my love that what I had in Camelot was too good to give up. Freya turned into the Bastet before she could get out, the knights cornered her and one dealt her a mortally blow. When I found her she had turned back so I carried her to Lake of Avalon where I laid her to rest. If I had gotten to her quicker or been more powerful maybe I could have saved her."

"Merlin, I'm so sorry." His eyes were earnest and honest till they transformed wide in shock. "I was the one who killed her, I gave her the mortal blow. Merlin I'm so sorry, it's my fault. Gods, Merlin if I had know we could have worked something out."

"It's fine Arthur I don't blame you, you were only trying to protect Camelot by doing what you believed to be right." Merlin said as he grabbed the back of Arthur's neck and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

For the rest of the night Arthur kissed away Merlin's mystery tattoos while Merlin explained each and every one of them to him. All the while learning more about his servant now lover as the night progressed.

Somewhere far in the mountains of Camelot a dragon smiled a wide, mischievous grin knowing his plan had worked. Now that is what he meant by one side of the same coin.

An- I think the saying is actually seeing fireworks fly but I don't know if they would have had them back then so I stuck with sparks instead.

I hope you guys like this story I didn't get a lot of views or reviews on this story so I Hopewell you actually liked it.

thanks for reading.