There was going to be a sequel of this, one that actually got to eight posted chapters, actually. But I had to delete it. The boy who I based Peter Pan on, my boyfriend of one-and-a-half years...we broke up last night and I can't carry on writing this story. So I fixed up the last chapter and let Peter and Wendy have the happily every after ending they deserve.
Here is the official end of "Somewhere in Neverland".
Wendy was fidgeting. Her fingers toyed with one of the many small gems sewn onto the bodice of her wedding gown. Moth fluttered around Wendy's head, adjusting her hair until it was arranged to the fairy's liking. The bouquet of white roses and lilies lying on the table a few feet away only served to make the young bride more nervous and excited. "Do you think he'll like it?" Wendy asked, smoothing the skirt for the millionth time since she'd put it on.
"That's the third time you've asked and the answer remains the same, he'll adore it," Mustardseed laughed, pushing Wendy's hands away from the dress. "Stop picking at the dress. Do you know how long it took us to sew these on?"
"An hour," Wendy answered quickly, "I watched you sew it all in about three."
"Oh, hush," Cobweb huffed. "It's still our greatest piece of work."
"It is absolutely stunning and I'm so very thankful," Wendy beamed. The white dress flowed around her like water. The white silk skirt was layered over with silvery gossamer and her train looked like fog as it flowed along the ground behind her. Small white gems and pearls were woven diagonally across the bodice, which was corseted tightly enough to hold the dress up, even with her fitted elven-style silk sleeves.
"Let's put the veil on," Cobweb suggested. Wendy grabbed up the piece of gossamer and attached it to the small headpiece hidden in her hair. The thin material allowed her to see through, but also did a good job of hiding her blushing face from the groom. Just as Wendy had finished adjusting it and making sure that it wouldn't fall out, a small glowing magenta light whizzed excitedly into the room.
"It's time!" the tiny fairy nearly shrieked. Everyone in Neverland had been anticipating this day, even if some of them wouldn't admit it.
"Alright, I can do this," Wendy breathed, grabbing her bouquet and allowing the fairies to lead her down the short path through the tree roots and into the sunlight. She focused only on the aisle immediately in front of her, a deep green strip of moss. Long log dwarf-made benches flanked either side of the aisle, providing ample seating for the creatures of Neverland. Tiger Lily herself sat in the second row on the right, her jealousy poorly hidden from the rest of the happy congregation as she sat glowering with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Even Tinkerbell, the tiny and often jealous fairy, was excited for her best friend's wedding.
Only when Wendy was standing next to Peter at the altar did she realize that she hadn't even heard the song they'd been playing as she walked or noticed the bustling noises of the audience sitting back down. She looked up at him in awe. His wedding costume was that of an old-timey Prince. He looked like a picture out of a textbook or the cover of Romeo and Juliet. His hair was pulled back and held down with a small gold circled, keeping his sweeping bangs from his eyes. He wore a fitted white tunic with a swirling silver leaf design along the hems and on his legs were white stockings. Something Peter would have been mortified to be seen in on any other occasion.
Before either of them knew it they had spoken their vows, exchanged rings, and the tiny fairy priest was announcing, "You may kiss the bride."
Wendy's breath left her in a rush with the words and Peter lifted the veil from her face. She blushed a bright shade of pink and her new husband smiled down at her, leaning down and kissing her. She kissed Peter quickly, shyly, like they'd never kissed before. He took her hand in his and turned to face the citizens of Neverland, presenting her as the priest spoke again. "I give you, Mr. and Mrs. Pan!"
The crowd cheered and clapped, the Lost Boys the loudest and rowdiest of all the guests, but Wendy heard nothing. She heard only her own nervous breathing and Peter's soft chuckle as he hurried her back down the aisle and into Titania's abandoned tree fortress. She had evacuated it with the most important members of her court after Peter's threat, knowing that his rage and wrath were things to be avoided at all costs. They tumbled into her changing room. "Change quickly and meet me out back so we can go on our honeymoon," Peter winked. Wendy blushed again, darker.
"May I just say, before you go, that you look stunningly handsome," Wend y smiled. Now it was Peter's turn to blush a shade of light pink.
"You're beautiful, too. You look radiant. Everything I love wrapped into one adorable, gorgeous, sweet, never-aging bundle," Peter smiled.
"Alright, go change and we can get out of here," Wendy conceded, glad that she'd been able to tell Peter what she thought about his extremely lovely wedding garb through her muddled thoughts. As she tried to shimmy out of the dress, Moth and Cobweb appeared to help her change out of the cumbersome gown and into something far more appropriate for a honeymoon. The fairies giggled and teased Wendy about how handsome her new husband was and how lucky she should feel because Peter Pan didn't just fall in love with anyone. Wendy was still in a slight fog over the fact that she now had a husband.
Peter Pan had married her.
She was now Wendy Moira Angela Pan.
It was an amazing and unexpected thought, but it made her happy nonetheless. Pulling on shorts and a comfortable shirt, Wendy sighed. Her thoughts ran away with her and sooner than she expected, the handsome young man himself stepped into her room and picked her up in his arms. She didn't protest. She merely waved to her fairy friends, nuzzled into his chest, and let him fly off in the direction of their getaway.
Wendy smiled up at her new husband. "Oh how I love you. I love you to the moon and the stars and back, forever!"
"I'm glad you found me," Peter murmured, leaning his forehead against hers. He held her closer and smiled against her mouth as they kissed. When they pulled away again he looked into her eyes and whispered, "Because now we can be together for eternity."