Tsukitachi has a new favourite color: Yellow.

Tsukitachi x Jiki

Jiki mentally ran through the long list of tasks he had originally planned to accomplish today. He would swing by the herbatorium later to check on his plants then drop by the town marketplace to purchase some supplies and equipment. He was expecting an update from Ryoushi about the chemicals he had submitted for testing, which would decide his next course of action regarding his current project. His stomach rumbled, as if protesting the packed schedule that left no time for a lunch break. But first, he had a meeting with his captain. Tsukitachi has summoned him to his office citing an issue of grave importance. Jiki knew that the words 'grave' and 'importance' meant something entirely different in Tsukitachi's vocabulary.

Tsukitachi must be up to something.

Taking a deep breath to prepare himself, Jiki knocks lightly on the door of Tsukitachi's office.

"Come in."

Jiki pushes the door open and is immediately greeted with the Tsukitachi brand of exuberance and unnecessary dramatics.

"Jiki-kun! So glad to have you here. Take a seat, take a seat!"

Tsukitachi cocks his head to the left, a lopsided, slightly toothy grin on his face.


Jiki's mouth flattened as a look of annoyance crossed his face.

"No thank you. Captain, I believe you have something of grave importance to tell me?"

"Why yes, actually. I called you here today to claim my dues."

"Your...dues? Pray tell, when exactly did something as unfortunate and impossible as me entering a bet with you happen?"

Leaning back in his seat, Tsukitachi graces the youth in front of him with a beautific smile.

"Well of course it was last Saturday. Remember the bet we placed about how many female nurses were in love with Akari? Well I said 'ALL' and you said 'NONE' and after a very friendly chat with the lovely nurses in the Research Tower I can safely say that I, of course, won the bet."

Amber irises stared at Tsukitachi behind black-rimmed glasses. He couldn't for the life of him remember anything that happened last Saturday. As he started to bite back a retort that he was far too busy to listen to Tsukitachi's meaningless drabble, his captain's next words stopped him short.

"Ahh...I may have forgotten to mention that you were drunk that night Jiki. It was just a teensy weensy bit of sherry and poof! There you were, drunk as a sailor, singing dirty songs at the top of your lungs. I swear even Hirato got a bit red listening to you. And you know how unflustered he usually is..."

A roaring sound filled Jiki's head, like waves crashing against a rock wall. Shit. The last thing he remembered was agreeing reluctantly to a glass of sherry from Hirato and then wham. Nothing.

He shifted in his seat nervously, if what Tsukitachi said was true, he really had entered a bet with the redhead, and lost to boot. He didn't need to ask about the forfeit to know that it would be something he would rather die than agree to do. And god knows he would rather pretend the bet never happened and went on his merry way. But his sense of honour compelled him to ask the dreaded question.

"Forfeit? Oh, don't tell me you don't remember Jiki! It was your idea that whoever lost would have to fulfill the other's wish. So, ready to hear my wish?"

The devious redhead grinned, the air around him positively hummed in anticipation.

Jiki slumped in his chair. Dread filled him. He waved his hand to indicate that Tsukitachi could continue.

"For my wish, I want you to let me kiss you."

"Wait, what?"

"I said, I want you to let me kiss you."

Jiki rubbed his temples. This entire situation was giving him a pounding headache.

"And I suppose I can't refuse nicely?"

"Of course not! Are you suggesting you'll go back on your word?"

The redhead's look of affront was almost comical, almost.

"I am suggesting we drop this farce and forget about the bet," Jiki mumbled crossly, "All right, fine! It's just a kiss right? There will be nothing else, no hanky panky, no touching and definitely no biting. You hear me?"

Tsukitachi beamed back at him.

"I swear on my heart, scout's honor."

"Fine already, let's just get it over and done with."

Jiki stood up impatiently and stepped away from the desk. His shoulders tensed and he gritted his teeth as Tsukitachi rose from his seat and approached him.

"Tsk, tsk. Relax Jiki, it's just a kiss! No need to get so cross about a little kiss."

Tsukitachi placed his hands on Jiki's shoulders and murmured in a coaxing manner. Deftly, he steered the youth backwards so that the edge of the table rested on the back of Jiki's thighs. He chuckled softly as he saw suspicion in the amber gaze.

Raising his hands in a mock surrender, "No touching." Tsukitachi placed both of his palms face down on the table top, one on each side of Jiki. He leaned forwards until their noses were almost touching. Mere inches separated their lips. Then just as suddenly, he leans back.

"Ah, ah, ah! We almost forgot something." he said, and reached out to take off Jiki's glasses, "We wouldn't want this getting in the way."

With the glasses out of the way, Jiki's amber irises gleamed more brilliantly. Apprehension, suspicion and just a hint of interest shone in their depths. Jiki stiffened his spine, as the captain leaned forward. He refused to bend backwards, away from the captain as that would mean giving the redhead the upper hand. Instead, he just stood ramrod straight, and stared defiantly at Tsukitachi. Jiki kept his mouth shut and waiting. He was expecting the touch of lips when he felt a warm breath of air. Startled, his lips parted in surprise. In that instant, Tsukitachi swooped in for the kill. His tongue slipped between Jiki's lips before he could close them. Jiki could only flounder at the sudden attack. Heat coursed through his body as the redhead's mouth slanted over his more forcefully, sucking hard then teasing and tormenting with little nips.

Unable to fight the wave of passion, a soft moan escaped his lips. His hands rise to rest on Tsukitachi's shoulders. All thoughts about the bet and the rules he had demanded earlier fled his mind.

It was all the invitation the redhead needed. Half a step closer and their bodies were now touching. Arms cradling his Jiki's body, Tsukitachi ran one hand through the silver locks of hair while the other travelled down his spine to the cup the curve of his bottom. He pressed them closer, reveling in the warm erection he felt against his thigh. Jiki could deny it as much as he wanted to, but it would not change the fact that they were both attracted to each other.

Tsukitachi ends the kiss, and leans back slightly to admire his handiwork. Gone was the starchy subordinate and in his place stood a well-kissed, panting and disheveled Jiki. It was a view Tsukitachi enjoyed very much. He waited for the effects of their passion-filled kiss to end, for Jiki's senses to come crashing down on him. In preparation, he fixed a wry, almost mocking smile on his face and loosened his grip on the silver-haired man. All the better for him to be pushed aside roughly as his object of affection shoots him a look of pure contempt and stalks out of the room. Tsukitachi let him go for he did not want Jiki under the influence of passion. He wanted more than a kiss, and in return, he offered his heart.

If Jiki had paused at the door and looked back at his captain, he would have seen the longing in his eyes and the out-stretched arm.
