It was so hard. Traveling with you, mentoring you, teaching you.

You teaching me.

Falling in love with you.

I don't know if you felt the same, but I loved you. You certainly were a handsome boy, and I tried to force away such thoughts. After all, you may have been a hero, but a peasant. I was a princess. Even if I loved you, I had a duty to my kingdom to marry a prince.

"Do you, Prince Sodon, take Princess Zelda to be your lawfully wedded bride…"

I stood, hands in his. You were back in Ordon. You had not been invited. Mayor Bo had, along with Ilia. The mayor and mayor's daughter. People in power. Of course not the hero of time, not a peasant. It didn't matter to my father that you saved our kingdom. My hand's tightened around Sodon's, and he smiled, mistaking my anger for love. I smiled back, sadness shining in my eyes. I hoped it appeared as joy.

"Through sickness and health…"

My mind cut to when we faced Ganon. Your blue eyes flashed with lightning as you fought him.

"Till death do you part?"

"I do." His eyes shone with pride and exaltation. Mine shone with tears.

How could I not have fallen in love with you? You were kind to me, humorous when we were not in immediate danger. Sometimes even when we were. You saved my kingdom, saved the world. Saved me.

"And do you, Princess Zelda, take Prince Sodon to be your lawfully wedded husband…"

Your face when you slept, so peaceful…

"Through sickness and health…"

I loved you. I loved you. I loved YOU. Not him.

"Till death do you part?"

But it didn't matter. I had a duty to my country.

"I do."

My voice cracked as the tears in my eyes spilled over. I forced myself to smile. He bought it, thinking my emotions stemmed from joy.

"You may kiss the bride."

I was thinking how hard it must be for Zelda to travel with Link, since she probably fell in love with him, and couldn't marry out of class. Thus, this was born!

Please review! I will love you forever!