"Like we always say it's your move!" Yugi yelled out to his closest friend. Yugi, Atem and the whole gang including Seto Kaiba are all at the final resting place of the millennium items and are all saying goodbye to Atem who is leaving to the afterlife. Atem glanced back and nodded to his friends and then turned around in order to walk through the gate but was abruptly stopped by hieroglyphs that suddenly displayed before him in the gate's light. "What the?"

"What is it Atem?" Tea asked shocked.

"My king it seems as though the gate is giving you a second chance," Ishizu blurted out even though the Pharaoh can read the message himself as he has had all his memories returned to him.

"Huh? A second chance, at what?" Joey asked in a dumbfounded manner. Atem finishes reading what the message says and can't believe what he just read.

"It seems as though the eye is giving me a choice that influences my life," Atem replied to Joey.

"And what choice is that?" Yugi asked confused.

"I can choose to go to the afterlife with my spirit at rest or I can choose to stay here with you guys for a lifetime. The eye will give me my own body and I will be mortal which means I would die of old age," Atem explained to his closest friend. Tea realising that there is an opportunity for Atem to stay, she blurted out without even thinking.

"You have to stay, you can't leave!"

"I don't belong in this world. I was born 5000 years ago and should be long gone from this world but that wasn't the case. Instead I've met all of you and grew a fondness for each of you. Though little time that we've had together, I've come to known you all quite well and especially you Yugi as you have guided me," Atem stops and thinks to himself, "Ishizu, how do I give my answer to the eye?"

"My king, all you have to do is face the gate, say your name and state the choice that you have chosen," Ishizu replied hurriedly to the king knowing that he has to quickly make a decision. Atem then turns around to face the eye.

"My name is Atem and the choice I choose is…" Atem stated assertively to the gate but as he was stating his statement, a group of mysterious men have made their way to the room. These men of about four were all cloaked in black silk and each had a special ring on the right index finger signifying the group that they belonged to. Not only that, they came down with weapons in order to get what they came for. As Atem was finishing up, one of the men pulled out an object which appeared to resemble a gun but this gun didn't fire bullets, no, but instead fired rope. The man aimed at his target and pulled the trigger. The rope thrashing through the air violently caught hold of its victim. The pulling of a trigger caused everyone in the room to immediately turn around.