This is war

Everyone at the palace were still walking around in the bliss that the baby has brought. But most of them were probably Tulio.

He couldn't keep his hands of his newborn son for even five minutes. When Liam took his daily naps, Tulio would sit by the crib and just look at him.

He walked back and fourth his and Amazonia's bedroom with Liam in his arms, while Amazonia sat onto their bed watching them as she gently folded some baby clothes.

''And that's how mommy and daddy meet.'' Tulio finished.

''And no matter what mommy says, I know that she wanted me from the very first moment she set her eyes on me.'' Tulio added in an obvious whisper.

''Don't lie to our son.'' Amazonia giggled as she went up to see who knocked onto the door.

''This present arrived just for you your highness.'' A maid said and curtsied as she reached Amazonia a light blue box tied with a white ribbon.

''Thank you.'' Amazonia said surprised and frowned her eyebrows while accepting the box and closed the door behind her.

''Who's it from?'' Tulio asks looking just as surprised as she did. Amazonia shrugged her shoulders and placed the box onto the coffee-table and unwrapped it.

Inside laid a beautiful rattle made from real seashells decorated with pearls and a note inside.

''She just won't give up won't she?'' Amazonia hissed angrily as she threw the rattle back into the box, walked outside onto the balcony and threw the box as far as she could.

''Whoa, who won't?'' Tulio asked surprised but his wife abnormal behaviour and outburst.

''My mother.'' Amazonia hissed again and wrapped her arms around for a second, before rushing over to Tulio and as carefully and quickly as possible took Liam away from him.

''I'm never going to leave him out of my sight.'' She said as she hugged him tightly and rocked him. Tulio took a hold of her face and made her face him.

''You listen to me! I'm not going to let Aqua hurt anyone of you. Not you, not him. I promise, she's not getting anywhere him.'' He said to her, and Amazonia calmed down slightly. Tulio kissed his wife before they both looked down at their sleeping son.

Paris had called Zandra, asking her to come and meet him. At first she had refused and demanded to know what for, but he asked her again and than she gave in. It took about half an hour until she finally walked inside the study.

''You dragged me here from the daytime training, so just tell me what you want Paris because some of us have work to do.'' Zandra hissed angrily but went quite as she saw Stefan smiling at her.

''Stefan.'' She exclaimed and smile widely as she gave the man a hug.

''Look at you, you're like a female version of your uncle.'' Stefan chuckled and hugged her back.

''What are you doing here?'' She asked. They sat back down and Stefan explained to her what he had told Paris.

''We have to help him Zan, we have no choice.'' Paris said sadly. Zandra looked at him and had trouble finding the right words.

''You stay home, Chel needs you here. I'll take the guys with me and fight.'' She sighed sadly.

''You're not seriously thinking that I'll let you go out to war alone do you? I'm coming with you.'' Paris told her in a serious tone. He would never forgive himself if something would happen to Zandra in battle and he wouldn't be there.

''What about Chel and Amazonia? Won't they need you to rescue them?'' Zandra said in a harsh tone.

''Right now, you need me more.'' Paris said, earning a glare back from her, but she seemed to soften up to him slowly. In that moment, Jack walked inside, totally unaware that his world could come crashing down.

Fiona had returned to the palace to get the rest of her belongings. She felt that this place was no longer her home, nothing that kept her. And she was alright with that. Now she had Declan, and Tulio was in the past, even if she would always care for him. And Breanna, they both enjoyed living together.

But before leaving she stopped by Tulio and Amazonia's bedroom. She sighed deeply before knocking onto the door. It didn't take long until Tulio opened the door and looked at her.

''Hi, I heard the baby is here.'' She smiled. Tulio couldn't stop himself from smiling as he nodded. They stood there for another few seconds in silence.

''Can I see him?'' She asked carefully and shrugged her shoulders slightly. Tulio's smile faded and looked down onto the floor.

''Do you really think that's a good idea?'' He asked. Fiona knew why he might think that it wasn't, and she didn't blame him. She was lucky that there even was a baby anymore. When she was there the last time, she didn't handle Tulio's relationship with Amazonia that well, or her pregnancy. She still has nightmares of Amazonia falling down the stairs.

Before she could answer him, Amazonia showed up behind Tulio. Inside her arms she held Liam wrapped up into blanket close to her chest.

''Fiona, come on in.'' She smiled friendly before stepping aside, allowing Fiona to enter. And Fiona did as she was requested.

''Is this him?'' Fiona asked and looked at the bundle in Amazonia's arms.

''Unless someone switched the baby when we didn't see, but with Tulio around I don't think that's possible.'' Amazonia giggled and looked over at her husband before looking back at Fiona.

''Do you want to hold him?'' She asked. Fiona frowned her eyebrows and looked at her surprised.

''Are you sure?'' She asked surprised. Amazonia didn't answer her, she just carefully handed the bundle over to Fiona and for the first time she got a real glimpse of the baby.

His head had the same dark red colour onto his hair as his father, and she even got a peek at his dark blue eyes that he defiantly had earned from his mother.

''He's beautiful.'' She said and smiled down onto the small infant in her arms. She looked at the baby for a few seconds before giving him back to his mother.

''Well, I better get going then or Breanna will send out a search party after me.'' Fiona said with a smile and left the room. As she walked down the hallway, she could hear her name.

''Fiona, wait up!'' Tulio called and ran after her. She stopped and turned around.

''I just... I heard that you're seeing someone. Romantically.'' He asked carefully. Fiona frowned her eyebrows slightly and nodded her head.

''Yeah. Declan, he's a doctor. He was here at the ball a few weeks ago.'' She replied him. Tulio nodded.

''And you like him? He's good?'' He asked again. Fiona smiled by the thought of Declan.

''He's great, I love spending time with him.'' She replied him and Tulio smiled back at her.

''Good, I really happy for you. You deserve to be happy.'' He said.

''You too.'' Fiona smiled back even wider and they two of them shared a hug before parting ways.

The very second he got the chance, Jack went back to the beach-house to Breanna to tell her about him going out to war.

Breanna was devastated! She even tried to make him change his mind, but she knew that it wasn't him who had made the decision.

They sat together into the couch and Jack held Breanna's small hands in his flesh and gloved metallic one. The tears poured down both of their cheeks, even if Breanna's was worse.

''I'll write to you as often as I can, everyday if possible.'' He whispered.

''If you don't die first.'' She sobbed harder and dried her cheeks dry. Jack had to force himself not to cry ever harder. He was not going to lie, he was terrified. More then terrified.

''When are going?'' She asked and looked at him. Jack looked down onto his lap, not daring to face her when he told her.

''Tomorrow.'' He whispered. Breanna started to sob even harder. There was no time, no time for them to get a proper goodbye, not enough time for her to tell him how much she loves him and can't live without him.

''But before I ship off, there is something I want us to do.'' He said, making her to look at him confused.

Chel sat onto the bottom-step of the stairs leading out to the backyard at the mansion. Paris and Teddy ran around chasing each other and laughing while doing it.

A few hours, that all that they had left before they wouldn't see each other again for who knew how long. Maybe never. What if Paris died in battle? He would get caught in a minefield and then boom?

Chel had to shake the horrible thoughts off and rubbed her arms to get rid of the goose bumps. Teddy had caught up with Paris and were able to get him down to the ground. Paris got back onto his feet and ruffled Teddy's hair before going over to his wife.

''Go ahead, I'll be right there with you.'' Paris called back to his adoptive son and sat down onto the stair-step next to Chel.

''God, I'll miss that kid.'' Paris said and took a hold of her hand. Then she suddenly began to cry again. Paris sighed slightly and wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

''Don't tell me it's going to be fine and that time will fly by.'' She warned him, because she knew him and she knew that it was something that he would say.

''It'll be torture. It will be the worst weeks, months, maybe even years in my life.'' She sobbed again.

''I hate this just as much as you do, but I have to go. I can't keep Zandra go fight all by herself.'' He said sadly. Chel brushed away her tears and nodded her head.

''Paris?'' Chel said after a few seconds of silence. Paris gave away a sound to tell her that he was listening.

''When you get backā€¦'' She began and swallowed hard.

''When you get back I want us to try for another baby.'' She blurted out and almost didn't dare to look at him. Paris smiled and turned her head with the help off his finger so that she was facing him.

''I want that too.'' He smiled, earning a wider one back from her. They shared a long kiss before Chel rested her head onto his shoulder.

On top of a cliff besides the beach house, Fiona and Declan stood looking at Jack and Breanna facing each other and a man standing before them.

Jack dressed in his uniform and Breanna dressed in a white one-shoulder short dress and her long auburn hair into big curls hanging from her shoulder. Breanna slide a simple silver band onto Jack's

left ring-finger and he slide a silver ring with pink diamonds with regular white ones in between onto hers.

''I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.'' The man said. Jack cupped Breanna's cheek and pressed his lips against hers. Fiona and Declan looked at each other and smiled as they both clapped their hand.

Alright, this was the last chapter for this season. Having some great things coming up in the next and last season.

Paris, Zandra, Jack and the others is going into war. Will they all make it back home?

Jack and Breanna getting married! Good or bad idea?

And now Tulio and Amazonia finally got their baby, will they be able to keep him safe? At least Fiona, Amazonia and Tulio finally seems to have moved on.

Appearances can de deceiving will be posted soon.