Opposites Attract


Digimon is owned by Toei Animation

Welcome to my 2nd Digimon Xros Wars fanfic, and this is the second one that features Tagiru. While "Tagiru's Bizarre Adventures" is still ongoing, a thought hit me as I got an idea on how to make another Tagiru fic that pits him with a love interest, and I was pondering on who to pair him with, and it was quite difficult to make something like this.

By then, two female leads came to my mind and this resulted in a "mental tug-of-war" as I had to choose between the two - Nene Amano or Airu Suzaku, and which one is better suited for this fic, with Nene being a now responsible and gentler female protagonist while Airu is a sassy, and a bit of a tsundere who wants nothing more than catching CUTE Digimons.

After a few weeks of mental debating, I finally decided on pairing Tagiru with Airu, as she and Tagiru seemed to match well in terms of attitude (Tagiru being a bit blunt and dashing forward without thinking, while Airu...you know what I mean), yet there is some potential appeal between the two, and decided to try this out to see if this new ficv would be well received or not.

Moreover, you're wondering why this is rated M...well, there will be some mature themes as the story will have a dramatic start...but in the end it'll be romantic...which means love scenes will be there in the pivotal moment. Well...that'll appear later but I will focus first on the opening summary and it will still feature Digimon hunt elements so as to keep the elements of the anime alive for this fic.

So for now, enjoy this chapter.

A few months after the defeat of Quartzmon, Tagiru is back to his old, usual self, thanks to the support of Taiki, Yuu and Nene, and other hunters and friends, thus peace is restored for the human and Digimon worlds, yet Digimon incidents are still prevalent, yet all is well for the time being and so far nothing major has happened that would put threat to Japan and the human world as we speak, as the Old Clock Shop Owner randomly gives X Loaders to young people he deemed has "having potentials".

Although having lost Psychemon/Astamon, Ryouma became a quite better person and decided to start from scratch in finding a Digimon who will become his new partner. Though still a bit cold, he now has respect for Tagiru and the others, while Ren still remained the same as he prefer to catch "rare" Digimons out for kicks, as the events didn't seem to affect him much, though he do seem to care for Ryouma and Airu.

As for Airu, though she did matured a bit, she was still the same and always go after Digimons she deemed "cute". Though she initially wanted to make Yuu her "subordinate", that craving slowly ebbed away and she does her own thing in hunting Digimons. Of course she is still at odds with Tagiru because of their competitiveness in hunting and capturing Digimons if they find that particular Digimon to their likings in terms of appearance and power.

Of course at one time the two are competing over who would get to catch a certain Digimon they are hunting, much to Gumdramon and Oppossumon's bewilderment.

"Out of my way, gogglehead!"

"Watch it, pig-tail!"

"Don't call me a "pig-tail"!"

"I'm after that Digimon!"

"I saw it first! It's too cute for me to pass that up!"

"You already got cute ones!"

"It's mine, Digimon capture complete!"

"Hey! No fair!"

Yuu sighed while Ryouma and Ren sweat-dropped at seeing the two bicker at each other but still no hard feelings came in between the two, as the two teens bickered for a few more minutes before departing the Digi-Quartz and left for the human world after a rather long day in Digimon-catching, with Airu vowing that she would win in the next hunting. Tagiru sighed as he ignored her while Taiki and Yuu wondered if things are going top be like this after the defeat of Quartzmon and if the current hunt will be like this that wouldn't lead to another situation like last time.


At his house, Tagiru is rummaging on things inside his room while Gumdramon is looking at some boxes where several reading items are being stored, such as manga and doujinshi, and with nothing else to do for now, the Digimon decided to read them while Tagiru is busy putting his clothes inside the closet, not noticing that his partner would soon discover his "hidden secret" that he's long been trying to hide.

"Hey, Tagiru...want me to help you in cleaning?"


"Okay where do I put these boxes...?"

"Inside the closet..."



"A comics...eh...? Naked humans...? They're humping together...touching each other...?"

"Huh? GGGAAAHHHKK! Stop! Leave those alone...!"

Tagiru was flustered at the fact that his partner had discovered the hentai doujinshi being hidden in one of the boxes and quickly defended himself by stating that his classmate asked him a favor in hiding the collections for the time being until the time comes for him to take them back. As the Digimon chastises his human partner for accepting such a request, Tagiru took them as he places them inside his other closet for "safekeeping", until one doujinshi dropped and he picks it up, and there he noticed one of the pages and read it.

"Huh...? This girl looked attractive..."

Tagiru read it and noticed that one of the characters portrayed resembled Airu, and the image was very sexy and arousing as it depicts her sexy curve and figure, and as he glances at it, his body responded as it awakened his "arousal", and a bulge is formed within his shorts, which Gumdramon notices and told his partner about it.

"Um, Tagiru..."






"Your shorts is bulging!"


Tagiru blinked his eyes after hearing what his partner just said and looked down, seeing a "huge tent" formed on his shorts, and because he wasn't wearing a brief right now, his erection soon slipped out and was in full view, in which a flustered Tagiru tried to hide hit but since he is holding the Doujinshi, and his tanktop shirt was too short, he couldn't hide his awakened penis, in which Gumdramon took a few "shots", much to the teen's embarrassment.

"Wow...I didn't klnow you were THAT big, Tagiru..."

"Shut up!"

"So...what are you going to do now...?"

"Mind your own business!"

"Come on...I'm trying to help..."

"What can you do?"

"How about this...RUM GUM BREAK!"


Pissed off at the "verbal shots" his partner gave him, Tagiru puts Gumdramon back inside the X Loader much to Gumdramon's complaint, and now that he is alone, he 15-year old boy glances at the doujinshi where the image of the Airu look-alike continued to arouse him as this is the first time he ever felt this, and unknowingly "pinched" his organ, reveling at the sensation he never felt before, and he is starting to enjoy it, but soon stopped when he came to his senses as the thought of Airu came to his head.

"Whoa! Why am I thinking of Airu?"

He wondered why he is having naughty thoughts about Airu and before he could mentally delve on that thought, Tagiru's mom knocked on the door, telling him that dinner time is ready and the teen grabbed a pillow to cover his bulging shorts as his mom entered, telling him that dinner is ready and he replied that he is coming down shortly after "fixing" his room, which perplexed Mrs. Akashi yet she didn't suspect anything and left.

"What's with Tagiru...?"

After a few minutes later Tagiru's lower body "cooled off" and went down to the dining room to eat his dinner, though he mentally wondered what made him notice Airu and why her image went to his head that made him unintentionally fantasize her, as he never thought of her before, not knowing that this is a sign of a starting developing feelings towards her.

To Be Continued…

Hope you like the opening chapter...though it focused mostly on Tagiru and his "awakened feeling"...

This is just the start, as I will work on the following chapters to work on the story on howTagiru and Airu "developed" feelings towards one another while I would try to put some SERIOUS tone to give this fic more story before these two would get together...


Airu will be spotlighting the next chapter, and meets another hunter would would "light up" his heart though she would start to feel something towards Tagiru, and this will set the chain of events that would lead the two to an understanding...…