Derek stands over the table in the main room of the loft. Stiles can practically feel his heart trying to pound its way out. He's been trying to be supportive of this moment. He really has. He's also been distracting Derek with baby name discussions. When it's right to tell his dad everything. How to tell his dad. And when all else fails he attacks Derek with lots and lots of sex.

None of that's going to work now. Derek's going over a plan to attack the alphas with Peter and Scott. Well he's been talking about how they need to move into Allison's building and rip out Deucalion's throat...with his teeth…as he so tastefully put it. Scott's arguing against the plan. And holy shit, Peter agrees with him. Derek's looking at them both like they're idiots for suggesting that they not kill the Destroyer of World's werewolf.

Derek looks at Stiles now for support. Stiles jut shrugs, "I think you both have some valid points."

Derek's eyebrows raise and Stiles knows he's hurt him in a big way. The alpha looks at Scott and Peter. "You two should go. We'll talk about this later. I need to be alone with my boyfriend."

Scott pats Stiles on the shoulder, "Good luck, man."

Stiles just gives him a quiet nod of gratitude.

"Talk some sense into him. He actually listens to you. Fail and we all die." Peter says this like getting through Derek's stubborn head is going to be easy…even for Stiles.

Derek growls and Peter hustles out of the loft behind Scott.

When the door closes Stiles swears his heart has stopped beating, the earth itself has stopped turning, time has stopped. The universe is about to explode…or possibly implode. Either way Stiles is terrified of this conversation.

"You agree with them." Derek's voice is quietly broken and hurt. "Don't you."

Stiles lets out a shuttering breath. "I'm sorry. It's just… this is dangerous, Derek. I …don't know what I'd do if…"

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise you, Stiles." Derek steps towards him, but Stiles steps backwards. "Stiles, please. You know Deucalian has to be stopped. He wants me to kill every Beta in this pack. He wants both of us to kill them. That includes Scott."

Stiles hears the desperation in his soulmates voice. He knows Derek's right, but he knows he's going at it the wrong way. He just doesn't know what the right way is.

"Derek, you are right…"

"So why didn't you say that when Scott and Peter were arguing against me?" Derek says before Stiles can get out the big but that's needed to be said.

Stiles takes a deep breath and mentally counts down from five before he answers. When he's done he looks at Derek and his eyes flash a deep purple. And Derek quiets. The first time Stiles' eyes flared Derek was surprised, but then he remembered Stiles is still a hybrid and that his eyes were originally green. Stiles' flares those eyes and his alpha power forces Derek's to pause.

"But, you're going about it all wrong. You're not seeing the whole board. We're not seeing the whole board. We need a real plan. We go in there halfcocked we could all die." Stiles grabs Derek's hand. "Please, think about this. We need to take our time with this one."

Derek sighs, "Alright, I'll think about it."

Stiles smiles and kisses Derek hard, smiling as he reaches for Derek's belt.


"Isaac," Allison's voice comes from behind the beta as he's stacking boxes in Scott's attic to help clean up for Melissa.

Isaac turns, arms crossed. He's known this conversation was coming. He just hoped he'd be able to run away from it. Instead he's trapped in a room with a girl who once tried to kill him, his best friend, and she's also his boyfriend's ex. So this should be no problem for a claustrophobic werewolf teenager with an abusive past…right?

Allison closes the door and walks over to Isaac. "Look, I just wanted to talk to you about you and Scott."

Isaac's feeling trapped as Allison gets closer. "I just wanted to say that honestly it's weird seeing Scott dating a guy."

"Why is it weird?" Isaac asks verging on offended.

"I don't mean weird as in it's bad. It's just weirdly different. I mean Scott never once looked at other guys when we were together." Allison says this and kind of shrugs and twists her foot the way a little kid would when they're nervous.

Isaac cocks an eyebrow, "Actually he did. You just never noticed it before. His first crush was on Danny when Danny first moved here. Then he had a crush on some girl named Ruby Peterson that moved away when they were in sixth grade. When he was with you he almost always only thought of you, but every so often he'd look at me or Jackson, or even Derek. I mean can you blame him. But he was with you so he never acted on any of it."

"Why didn't he ever tell me or his mom, or Stiles any of this?" She asks slowly looking back and seeing it all in a new way.

Isaac shrugs, "Why does anyone hide their sexuality? When he was younger he was confused. Then he figured out he was bi. That made sense, but then he read all of these horrible stories about kids killing themselves or their parents or classmates hurting them. He was scared. Plus you'd have probably dumped him."

"No I wouldn't have!" Allison's offended now. "I'm not that kind of a person!"

Isaac chuckles, "Sure, that's what you think now. But no one knows what might have been. And Scott didn't really tell you because he only wanted you. Then you broke his heart. That's when he and Jackson…"

Isaac stops talking the second he says Jackson's name. He knows he's screwed. Scott's going to be pissed if Lydia finds out. If anyone finds out. And they have. Allison now knows and it's all his fault.

"Scott and Jackson!? You mean they? When?" Allison starts shooting questions. "Were they together when Jackson was still with Lydia?"

Isaac's starting to panic. He can feel the shift starting to happen. He has to get out of here. He pushes Allison out of the way. The door handle breaks off when he grabs it. He doesn't want to break Melissa's door any more than he already has so he turns and looks for a window. It's sealed shut. He's trapped.

"Isaac?" Allison's crept up behind him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Isaac turns and grabs her by the wrist. His claws dig into her flesh and the smell of blood fills his senses. He can't anchor himself. Panic and fear have taken hold of him and the wolf is completely in control now.

Suddenly Isaac is ripped away from Allison and slammed on his back outside the attic's threshold. Scott has him pinned just above the stairs.

"ISAAC!" The name comes out like a commanding roar and Isaac pulls back. His mind returns to him and he's in control again.

Scott's roar was like Derek's the night he almost attacked Stiles at the station. It was like an alpha's.

Isaac's shaking. "I didn't mean to. I …"

Scott shushes him. "It's okay now, you're okay Isaac. I know you didn't mean to hurt Allison."

"Isaac I'm fine. It's just a scratch." She shows him her arm. The bleeding's stopped, but there are five claw deep cuts that remain.

"Don't tell Lydia." Isaac pleads, looking at Allison.

Scott's confused, "Don't tell Lydia what?"


Stiles wakes up and it's dark outside. He crawls out of Derek's bed and finds his jeans and shirt and quickly puts them on feeling like something's wrong. The loft is empty save for himself. He turns on a lamp and finds a folded piece of paper with his name on it. His heart drops knowing this isn't good.


I'm sorry but I can't fight him with you there. I'd only be distracted trying to keep you safe.

Forgive me, but this has to be done.

Love always and truly,


Stiles drops the note and runs for the door. The second he opens it and tries to cross the threshold he's knocked onto his butt by something. Then he sees it. A dark line across the doorway. Mountain ash. Derek must've had Deaton do it since supernatural beings can't touch the stuff without being hurt.

He sprints for the balcony door. Same problem. He's cursing Derek now.

"Damn it! Why does he have to be so stupid?" He says this as he searches for his phone.

He finds it. When he picks it up it feels lighter than usual. Derek's taken the battery out. Great.


Scott's grabbing his helmet and about to head out to do something that's probably too stupid for even him to do, but he's gotta do this. He turns and Isaac's in the doorway.

"Where you headed?" Isaac says slyly.

Scott stutters, "I thought I'd go get something to eat."

"Cool, where we going?" Isaac asks knowing Scott.

Scott sighs, "Look, I just want to eat alone tonight. I'm not mad at you for telling Allison about me and Jackson, but I just need to have some time to process how I'm going to tell him that he could get outed to his ex, who…let's face it could end up pretty upset over this. I mean she could tell his parents and he hasn't had the chance to tell them. I mean they shipped him to London."

Isaac gives him a hurt look and speaks quietly, "So you still have feelings for him?"

"No. I just…" Scott can't find the words and he knows he's digging himself deeper. "You wanna have dinner and talk?"

Isaac smirks, "I love Mexican."

Scott just sighs and tosses him the extra helmet.


Allison is arguing with her father. Scott's texted her and told her what's happening tonight. She knows Deucalion isn't going to accept peace. It's just a chance for Scott and her other friends to get hurt. She wants to help.

"Dad we have to help them!" She argues.

Chris shakes his head, "Sweetheart, we both agreed we were going to stay out of that world. It's already cost us so much. We have nothing left worth fighting for."

"My friends are worth fighting for." She says stoic and strong. She walks out of her dads office and slams the door to her room.

She quickly makes it look like she's sleeping before grabbing her bow and several arrows and other weapons she might need. She opens her window and scales down the building. Her feet hit the ground and she's off into the night.

Stiles finds his phone battery locked in Derek's desk drawer. It was locked, but having supernatural strength makes locked things easy to break into. Who cares if the desk was an antique and a gift from an alpha that was friends with Derek's mother. Stiles doesn't. Not right now at least.

He powers up the phone and he's got a voicemail.

He plays it and Derek's voice comes on.

"Stiles…I'm sorry, but Deucalion is just too dangerous. I have to stop him. I found out Scott's meeting him tonight from Erica after she talked to Isaac. I'm going to end this tonight and then I'm going to come home to you. I want us to live together. We can build a house together. Design it the way we want it. The way that will be best for our child. It's going to be a boy. I can feel it. I liked the name you picked the other night before you fell asleep. It's actually my little brother's middle name. I know I've never told you about him before but I will. I love you and I know you're probably more than pissed at me, Stiles. But I can't expect you to understand the other reasons I have for wanted to stop the alpha pack. I'm not sure when or if I'll ever be able to tell you those reasons. They're as personal as the fire, if not more. I love you. I mean it, Stiles. I. Love. You. I promise I'll be home soon and you can yell at me all you want. Deaton will be by in a few hours to break the barrier I asked him to place. I love you."

The message ends and Stiles wants to throw his phone at the wall and watch it shatter into a million tiny pieces. But he can't. Instead he calls the only other person who can help him at this point.

"Melissa. I'm at Derek's and I need your help. Scott and the others are in danger. I need to help them so please hurry!"

Scott's mother doesn't even get a word in before Stiles hangs up.

She's there within fifteen minutes. Ten minutes faster than it would take from both Scott's house and the hospital to get to this part of Beacon Hills. She breaks the line and Stiles orders her to go home and he'll explain later. He's got an idiot boyfriend and an idiot best friend to save. He just hopes he's not too late.


A/N: Hey guys. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I had to write it on a computer I haven't used in a while. It's basically my backup. My other laptop gave me the blue screen of death…like three times in one day. Then it got to where it didn't want to start up at all. I did what a few friends suggested and it's working again. But I'm still giving it a break. Anyways. Coming up I'm thinking I'm going to have someone else join the fight, but I'm not sure just yet. Also It's been so long since I've worked on this story that I forgot I killed off Boyd instead of Erica…also I'm adding in a brother for Derek at some point. I have a backstory that will explain him and the Hale fire. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!