The doorbell rang and Sweden looked up from his crossword puzzle confused. Finland wasn't supposed to be back for a little while. As he walked to his door he started to think "what if Finland had been injured? What if he was dead?" With those thoughts in mind he started to rush to the door, almost collapsing from the pain in his stomach where he had been shot. He persevered though and made it to the door. He opened it and all he saw was... nothing? Looking around he saw an envelope taped to his door. Taking it off the door he looked around one last time then went back inside. He went back to their bedroom and sat down back in his easy chair. He got comfortable in his robe and slippers then took his pocket knife and slit open the envelope. As he sat and read he saw all of his worst fears laid out before him on paper. "Sverige," the letter read "you don't deserve Finland. You sit at home and cook while he goes out and risks his life everyday to make sure the house is safe. Your just a big weakling under that scary shell. And even with you being the way you are you still manage to scare Finland half to death by even exsisting. You don't know how to love and you don't deserve Tino. Just give up now" Sweden was shocked. He knew that it looked odd to some countries that Sweden stayed home while Finland fought but he had taken all the necessary precautions before sending him out. His whole outfit was bullet proof and he had even knitted Finland a special bag for his gas mask. But this, this was just cruel. He did love Finland, more than he had loved anyone before. He had even gotten Poland to make up some of Finland's favourite pierogi and send them over for dinner. "Why," he though to himself "why doesn't anyone understand" He got up, turned off the light and went and sat in the corner of his room. Hiding like this was something he had perfected during the Viking days when he couldn't stand the sight of Norway and Denmark being happy together for another minute. Now he used it when he was sad or troubled for anything concerning Tino. Still he would have to be back to his feet before Finland came home. He needed to get dinner one the table...