Hi, this is my first story ever on this site so I don't really know how to use it yet but I'm learning. I absolutely love the vampire diaries, in particular Klaus and Caroline, and I've been thinking about doing a story for a long time but couldn't think of an idea. I got the idea for this when I read a one-shot that I would love to be continued into a story. So, please comment and tell me what's working and what isn't and don't hesitate to give my ideas, I love it when people do that. By the way, The story I got the idea from is called Long Live the Queen by Biana Delacroix.

Just a little background: Caroline wants to help with the 'war' but doesn't know how to. There is no Haley and no baby and no mention of really anyone in Mystic Falls besides Stefan and Matt.

It's been a year since she moved down here and the war hasn't changed a bit. She can't help but worry about the safety of the three people she considers family for so long. Rebekah would laugh at her worry while Elijah would give her a small reassuring smile, but he wouldn't. He would bring her somewhere secluded, grip her waist from behind, and whisper how she didn't need to worry about anything. He would come home to her safe and sound, he was the original hybrid after all.

Caroline has been given that answer since she came down here. Since she realized Tyler, who had been cheating on her with Haley since she came to Mystic Falls, wasn't what she needed in her life. She needed someone who would never stop caring about her and someone who would wait for her forever, so she came down to New Orleans to confront the man who would do this for her.

She walked through the streets of New Orleans, looking for something that could tell her where she should go. Caroline had been walking around the French Quarters for, at least, an hour and still no sign of him. She walked into the closest bar to take a break before heading back out to look again. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of being able to get her lost on her first day here, and call him for help for that matter.

Sitting at the bar, a blond bar tender came up to her. She was at least twenty-one, probably in college from the look at the time. "Hello, what can I get you?" she asked.

"Just a glass of scotch, please."

The bar tender nodded and want to make it up for Caroline. She didn't even ask for an I.D or anything. She probably saw someone my age drinking in here all the time, she thought. After a moment, the bar tender brought back her drink and smiled. "My name's Camille, by the way."

"I'm Caroline, it's nice to meet you," she replied with a smile. Camille was about to say something when the door opened to the bar, sending the familiar sent to Caroline's nose. She didn't need to even look up to know who was standing before her, but she did anyway.

"Caroline . . . " his accent brought back the warm feeling she had been missing since he left. She saw the small smile starting to tug on the corners of his mouth while his eyes had different emotions dancing through them. She smiled at him, "Hi Klaus."

Camille knew that was the moment to leave the two alone so she shuffled away quickly, not like either of them noticed. Klaus came and sat next to her, their knees bumping together as she turned her body on the stool to look at him. "What are you doing here, Love?" he asked.

She had been practicing what she was going to say if that question came up for days, but her mind came up blank. What was she suppose to say to him? 'Tyler cheated on me and I realized that I love you.' No, that would make her look selfish. She said the think that she had been telling herself since the day he left, "I missed you."

Klaus smiled a little and got up, holding a hand out for her. "Come, let's take a walk," he insisted. She missed him, and he was ecstatic. Obviously something happened with the mutt in Mystic Falls for her to be here, but he didn't care. She missed him. Caroline downed the last of her drink and took his hand, not before leaving money for Camille. They looped their arms together as they left the bar and started down the street.

"So you missed me?" he asked with a smirk. She nodded. "And you chose to come down here to find me?" She nodded again. He raised an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, what happened?" he asked her.

She whipped her head at him. "What makes you think something is wrong?" he chuckled at her stubbornness, "You haven't said anything since we left the bar. Now Love, what's wrong?"

Caroline sighed, he could always see right through her. Once of the many qualities that drove her crazy but always brought her back asking for more. "Me and Tyler broke up. It turned out he has been cheating on me with that slut, Haley, since she came to Mystic Falls in the first place. And, apparently, she want with him when he left town and they found a pack. He is now their alpha and she is his lover and second-in-command," she finished her rant.

Klaus waited till she was done before saying anything, he knew from experience that he should wait before acting while she rants. At the thought of Tyler actually cheating on her made him tense. "So, you came here to get away from everything," he figured. She just needed someone to help get over her feelings for the mutt. He actually thought she came here on her own behalf, to be with him. Obviously not.

Caroline felt him tense up. She said something wrong, she must of. She went through everything that she said to him and didn't catch anything. But he thought she was here for him to make her feel better. She shook her head, "Klaus, you don't understand. I realized what I want in life."

They stopped in a secluded alley and he cornered her against a wall, wanting answers from her. "Alright Caroline, what do you want?" he asked. He was starting to get a little frustrated with how this conversation was turning out. She looked down to collect her thoughts.

"I want a guy who will care more about my feelings then my appearance and a guy who will never stop loving me. But most importantly," she looked up at him and smiled a little, "I want a guy who will never stop trying to win my heart even after he owns it." Klaus' eyes widened for understanding what she was trying to say, "Caroline, are you saying . . ."

"Klaus, after me and Tyler broke up, I realized that you were right about two things. I didn't want a small town life with a small town boy and that Tyler was my first loved but you were going to be my last." She looked at him and felt like her heart was going to burst. Their bodies had moved a little closer to each other during the time and they just stood their and studied each other. Klaus' hair had grown and become a little more blonder since she last saw him but his light blue eyes still had the same sparkle to them when he looked at her. Caroline had grown a little taller (just an inch or less) and seemed different, more confident with herself. They looked into each others eyes and then glanced to their lips and back up, almost daring each other to make a move.

Slowly, she moved a hand to cress his cheek one of his hands brushed her cheek and moved behind her head. He took the first step and bent down to kiss her passionately. It was soft and sweet yet passion filled and full of meaning and she responded almost immediately. As the kiss became more intense, her hands moved around his neck to keep him close while his free hand wrapped around her waist to keep her still. He licked her bottom lip for entrance, which she happily allowed as her fingers found their way tangled in his hair. Their lips molded together, fitting perfectly like puzzle pieces.

They slowed down after a few minutes of fighting for dominance and soon pulled apart to catch their breath. They left their foreheads touching and lifted their gaze to look at each other. They both smiled at each other. "Do you really mean that, Love?" Klaus asked quietly, just above a whisper. Caroline nodded her head and said at the same pitch, "I love you, Klaus." His smile grew and soon their lips were connected again for a kiss that only lasted a few seconds. "I love you too, Caroline."

He always told her that love was a weakness, but she found that he was tougher then before. She stayed after that, even feeling the discomfort when he didn't have an arm wrapped around her at night. But Caroline knew this war had to end for Klaus to be truly happy with her and their family. She wanted to help, but how? Klaus would never let her in the line of fire and he doesn't want her to be too involved with Marcel and his plans, but that was so he could keep her safe. She hardly ever left the house without an escort and really wasn't allowed to talk to other supernatural creatures in town for the fear that she could get hurt. So she stayed here all day, locked away from the cities view.

Caroline was deep in thought as the doors opened and shut. She stood on the balcony, looking down on the streets, and thought as two arms wrapped around her waist and hugged her from behind. "What are you thinking, Love?" Klaus asked, his cool breath brushing against the back of her neck to send chills down her spine.

Caroline sighed at his touch, "Klaus, if you would be king of New Orleans, then what would I be?" She had been wondering this for so long, it was about time for her to ask him.

He chuckled, "Well, I would think that you would make you queen. My queen," The small smirk was evident in his voice as he kissed my hair. "But you knew that, so why do you ask?"

"Klaus, I don't like being trapped in the house all day, only being able to leave with you or Rebekah or Elijah," Caroline turned in his arms to look at him, showing him how unhappy she really was. "I want to help with this . . . this war. I mean, I understand why you don't want involved and want me protected but I can't just stay here all day."

His hand tightened around her waist while he gave her a tough look. "Caroline . . ." he warned, hoping to get the message across to her. "I'm not going to stay here, I can't. I can go out and help people on our side. I can go and retrieve information for you guys. I won't be in any danger and you can even send someone to follow me. I just need to do something," she finished, hope filling her eyes for him to see.

But he didn't by it. Klaus shook his head and grabbed her face in his hands, "No Caroline, I won't let you do this. What if something does go wrong and you get taken or killed? These are older vampires then you, Love, and they can kill you easily. I don't want to loose you." His head feel down to meet hers, her holding the back of his neck instinctively.

"You know I can take care of myself. And if you still think I'm going to get hurt, then come with me and we can do it together," Caroline paused to see the small smile the formed on his face at the word 'together'. He loved the idea of ruling the city with a true queen by his side. "Please Nik?"

His smile grew even more when she said his name, it flowed off her tongue with ease and sounded so natural coming from her mouth. He couldn't resist the gleam in her eyes, the look that she could do anything she set her mind to, but that was true. He sighed, "Alright, but any sigh of danger and you will be house bound again. Do you understand?" He tried to sound powerful, but it came out softer then he intended. But that was what happened when she stood this close to him. Caroline smiled wide and leaned up to kiss him. It was quick and when she pulled away, much to his dismay, she whispered, "Thank you."

Klaus nodded and brought her inside. "Now, what was that 'Nik' thing about?" he asked with the raise of an eyebrow. Caroline blushed, "I just thought it sounded better than Klaus. I don't have to call you that if you don't want me too.

They stopped down the hall from their bed room and he looked down at her, holding her face in his hands so she will looked at him. "Don't, I love it when you say it," he told her with a kiss. And with that, he picked her up and walked to their room, never breaking the kiss even to shut the door behind them to spend another night together.