"Artemis, are you alright?" Kaldur asked finding the archer at Wally's hologram.

"Define alright?" she asked. "I miss him, I feel like half of me is missing. I feel lost" she answered with tears.

"Like you have no direction anymore, and you are stumbling through the dark" Kaldur added.

"How can I just continue on with my life without him? She asked.

"Remembering is the easy part. Missing him, that is the hard part. It won't happen overnight, or maybe in the next year. But day by day it hurts a little less. I promise Artemis it will never go away but you also won't want it too. That pain is what drives you to live. Live for him" Kaldur said. "Have you thought about coming back to the Team?" he added after a moment of silence.

"Yes and I don't know how to be Artemis without Wally, we were partners. It just seems so wrong" she answered.

"Perhaps a little distance is needed from Artemis" Kaldur said.

"What are you implying?" Artemis questioned.

"That you wouldn't be the first person to change monikers on this Team, if you feel that Artemis needs distance because Wally isn't around, then maybe someone else is ready to step up" Kaldur remarked.

Kaldur stepped up to the shorter girl and pulled her into a hug.

"Artemis, together we can get through everything that has happened to us this past year. Symbiosi." Kaldur said pulling out of the hug.

"Symbiosi" Artemis answered back.