A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long to come, i was having laptop troubles! reviews are very much welcome. Enjoy ! C:

It was dark and stormy when Edd woke up. He glanced over to the clock and saw it was only six in the morning and he did not have to get up for another two hours. The thunder rumbled through the sky, this made it impossible for Edd to fall back asleep. With a sigh of frustration he jumped out of bed, and went down his stairs making his way to the kitchen. As he was preparing his oatmeal, he received a text from the one and only Eddy.

Eddy: "Hey Double D... wanna hang out with me and Ed later?"

Edd: "Greetings Eddy, unfortunately I already have plans for today."

Eddy: "Who the hell do YOU have plans with. Me and Ed are your ONLY friends."

Edd: "What do you mean, you and Ed are my only friends? I can assure I have other friendships with other people, you and Ed are not my only friends."

Eddy: "Oh yeah the dork has friends, since when? What do ya got a date or something?"

Edd: "I must ask why are YOU calling me a dork? I thought we were friends, you are being belligerent Eddy. And if you must know where I am going, I'm hanging out with Kevin."

Eddy: "Seriously Kevin, whatever dude, is he a homo like you? God I dont need this, I dont need you in my life. All you do is bring me down."

That was the last message Edd got from Eddy before he threw his phone across the room. He was so done with Eddy. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill any second. Silent sobs wracked his entire body-from both hurt and frustration. Edd rushed to get a shower and get changed for his date with Kevin. In the chaos of getting ready, Edd forgot his hat. In a rush he ran downstairs trying to remember where he threw his phone. As he went to retrieve it, the doorbell rang. He went over and answered the door. Before him stood a very flustered Kevin just staring at him holding a motorcycle helmet.

"Um Kevin, are you okay?" Edd asked Kevin while fiddling with his hands from the intende gaze the teller male was giving him.

"You just look really good, dork." Kevin said while looking down at his feet in embarrassment. At that moment Kevin knew that he needed to kiss Edd. So while Edd looked up at Kevin with those crystal blue eyes, Kevin reached down and cupped Edd's chin moving their mouths closer together. When their mouths met, their lips melted together much like chocolate would in a hand . As they pulled apart, a dark red blush creeped across both boys faces.

"Kevi-n-n-n-n wh-a-a-at was that for." Edd stuttered trying to contain his nerves.

"You just... look really good without your hat on..." Kevin muttered. Kevin then just stared at Edd's perfect blonde hair with the slightest hint of pink on his bangs.

"So, I didn't know you dye your hair, dork," Kevin said as a sly smirk spread across his previously blushing face.

"I honestly do not know, I just like the way it looks when it has some color to it, and it is the only thing that I have complete control over." Edd said while looking down at his feet.

"Well I think its cute." Kevin said with a large smile.

"I'm going to go get my hat before we proceed to leave." Edd mumbledbefore walking toward the stairs.

"Alright dork, just hurry up, I don't wanna be late." Kevin called up the stairs after Edd.

Edd returned from upstairs with his iconic hat placed perfectly on his head. Kevin just smirked to himself as he handed Edd the helmet.

"We are taking the motorcycle?" Edd asked with fear laced in his voice.

"Yeah, don't worry about it Dork, you can hold my waist if ya get to scared." Kevin said with a flirtations at Ed

As Kevin and Edd arrived at the movie theater Edd was clung to Kevin's waist. Kevin was blushing behind his helmet because of the small hands wrapped around his waist. They both got off the bike and started to walk toward the doors of the theater. That is when Kevin reached for Edd's hand and held it tight.

"Are you sure you want everyone to know about us Kevin? You know you don't have to hold my hand." Edd mumbled as he looked up to those beautiful emerald colored eyes.

"Dork, I wouldn't of grabbed your hand if I didn't want to hold your hand. Trust me." Kevin said right before he leaned down and kissed Edd.

"O-o-o-kay Kevin, can I ask what movie we are seeing?" Edd said through a giggle.

"I though we'd go see the new zombie movie that is out. What do ya' think?" Kevin replied.

"Oh that sounds splendid!" Edd exclaimed. This gave him a reason to jump into Kevin's arms during the movie.

Edd and Kevin got their refreshments and made their way to the correct theater to see the movie. They walked the whole way hand-in-hand, ignoring the stares they were getting from the other people around them.

While the movie was playing Edd took every chance he could to jump into Kevin's arms.

Kevin was enjoying every moment of Edd tucked away in his arms. He loved the warmth of him. After the movie had ended, Kevin and Edd went to the food court to grab lunch.

"So Double-D, what do you want to eat?" Kevin said causally.

"Kevin, you just called me Double-D instead of the usual dork. I'm really surprised." Edd said with amazement

"Well what do you want to eat." Kevin said brushing off what the shorter teen just said.

"I guess I can go for a salad, but whatever you get is good." Edd replied with a shy grin.

"Alright salad it is, and please don't tell anything about the name thing, I got a rep to keep up." Kevin said jokingly.

Edd and Kevin sat down and had a peaceful lunch together. They talked about everything and nothing. They sat there staring at each other when finally Kevin said that they should get going. On the way home Edd still hung to Kevin's waist, but this time not out of fright, but because he wanted to be close to Kevin. When they got home Kevin stopped in front of Edd's house. They both got off the bike when Kevin finally spoke up.

"So Double-D, would uh, you be my Boyfriend?" Kevin muttered trying to calm his racing nerves. Already he could see the pink blush creeping up on Edd's face.

"I'd love to Kevin!" Edd exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Kevin to give him a warm hug making Kevin more nervous.

"Awesome!" Kevin said, more to himself then Edd. That's when he reached down and kissed Edd. He could feel Edd go weak in his knees. Kevin then smirked to himself. When he pulled away he could see that the dork was as happy as he was.

"Well I'll text you or something later Dor- I mean Double-D." Kevin said as he jumped back on his bike and raced toward his house.

"Alright," was all Edd was able to say before Kevin was gone.

Edd was in heaven right now. The man that he has been gawking over for the last year finally asked him out. He could not have been happier