Chapter 1

I lay in my bed, trying to sleep. The fact that my brother was on his honeymoon in Hawaii for the next three weeks frightened me, because that meant I'd be the only one in my house. The only one for three weeks, unless I got another visit from him, but I hoped I wouldn't. If I did, that would mean that something would've had to happen.

Suddenly, I heard a rapping at my window.

I sighed at what I was about to encounter and rolled off my bed. Why did bad things have to happen to such good people? I opened my window and in jumped a tall, lanky boy.

"Isaac, what happened this time?" I asked him gently. He kept his head down and walked over to my bed, sitting down.

I sat beside him and lifted his head up to assess the damage.

Black eye, cuts on his hands, and strangle marks on his throat. Not the worst I've seen from this boy, but still bad. I sighed.

"I'll be right back." I left the room to grab a first-aid kit, glad I didn't have to sneak around like usual since my brother wasn't here.

I walked back into my room to see Isaac, head in his hands, his body shaking.

"Isaac?" I asked gently. "Can you let me see your face again?" I turned my lamp on so I could have more light. He slowly lifted his face out of his hands. His eyes were red from crying and they looked tired.

"I'll put something on that for you." I said, pointing to the cuts on his hands. "Do you have any more?"

"Probably the worst one yet." He whispered, voice cracking. He slowly pulled his shirt over his head and winced in pain. I gasped as I saw the bloody cut on his side, about the size of a baseball. The skin around the cut was a sickly black and green color.

"Oh god, Isaac." I whispered.

"Kicked me." Isaac mumbled. "With his boot."

His body started convulsing again and their were tremors running through it. I took his head in my hands and wrapped his body in my arms. His naked torso was cold and shivering.

"Shhh, you're safe now, Isaac." I whispered gently.

I dabbed antiseptic on his injury, probably taking longer than needed to look at his abs. He wasn't some bodybuilder, but he was still impressive.

"Isaac do you want to sleep?" I comforted him with gentle words.

"Your brother will shoot me with his rifle if he finds me." He chuckled half-heartedly.

"Lay down dummy, he's gone for the next two weeks on his honeymoon with Layna." I smiled.

Isaac took my petite hands in his large, rough ones and looked me in the eye.

"Thank you so much, Lucy." He stated in a broken voice. I pulled my sheets back and he climbed in, wincing. I sat up from the bed and pulled the covers over his shaking body. As soon as he was tucked in I began to walk out of my room, but he grabbed my wrist. I turned around.

"I don't want you to keep sleeping on the couch. You'll hurt your back." He mumbled.

"So where should I sleep?" I questioned.

His face turned pink and his eyes stayed glued to the ground. I nodded, smirking. I walked to the light switch and turned it off before walking to the bed and slipping in with him. He moved over, careful not to touch me. He was always trying to avoid awkward moments. The queen size bed was certainly big enough, though, where we both could sleep comfortably.

"Goodnight Isaac." I whispered.

"Goodnight." He whispered back.

I woke up with an arm draped over my hips and legs intertwined with mine. I opened my eyes to be met with Isaac's face inches from mine. His warm breath was emptying on my face.

"Um, Isaac?" I squeaked. His icy blue eyes burst open.

"Oh, Ga-" He stuttered and then fell off the bed.

"Uh, it-it's okay. Do you want to get ready for school? I understand if you don't want to go..." I trailed off.

"No I'll go." He said. He went to my closet where just about half the clothes he owned were located. It was easier just to keep them there. He took a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans and ran to the bathroom. I couldn't help but admire his toned back as he left my room. I took this time to throw some black jean-shorts on with a loose-fitting, flowy white tanktop. Just as I finished changing, Isaac came in. He sat on my bed and watched as I curled my dark brown hair. I just recently added some light brown and blonde highlights in it. After I styled my long hair in soft, bouncy ringlets, I turned my attention to Isaac.

"You can make my bed while I get ready if you want. " I chuckled. He smiled in defeat and began to throw the pillows on randomly. He was a total slob.

"Isaac you've been here enough to know there can't be any wrinkles!" I called out to him. I had terrible OCD.

"Okay, you freak!" He called back.

I finished with my makeup and slipped a pair of silver and black flip-flops on.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go." He answered. I grabbed his hand and he flinched and gasped in pain.

"Oh god Isaac, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"It's okay." He shrugged. "Obviously it's not your fault. Let's go."

I walked through the halls of Beacon Hills High School as a sophomore, my head held high. I was walking to Chemistry, which I had with Isaac. I took my place next to him as his lab partner.

"Okay class, today we are switching lab partners." Mr. Harris stated in his usual boring tone.

"Damnit!" I whispered. Next to me, Isaac chuckled.

"Isaac, you'll be with Jackson." Isaac grimaced. Mr. Harris announced more people, then came my name.

"Lucy, you get the horrible luck of being lab partners with Mr. Stilinski. I am truly sorry." I rolled my eyes and moved to sit with a boy named Stiles. I kind of knew him. I only really knew that he was a total spazz.

"Hey Stiles." I mumbled, taking my seat next to him. "Yo." He mumbled back.

Isaac was seated in the table behind me with Jackson. He didn't even acknowledge Isaac.

"I'm sorry for you." I mouthed to him. He smirked and was about to say something until he was interrupted by Harris.

"Isaac, you can flirt after my class, but in here you need to leave Lucy alone and focus on your work."

I looked at Isaac out of the corner of my eye and saw his eyes looking down, not meeting mine. There was a blush spread across his light skin, just under his crude black eye. I sent a glare in Harris' direction, disappointed that he didn't see it. Stiles looked at me and rolled his eyes in Harris' direction, showing his annoyance with the unprofessional teacher as well.

After a long and boring class, the bell rang and I sprang out of my seat. I met up with Isaac at the door and smiled at him. We walked together in silence, enduring the stares that are now all too common for us. People always stared at Isaac due to his bruises and cuts he always seemed to obtain.

They stared at me too. I wasn't really a popular girl, but I wasn't ugly, and I always got questioned as to why I was dating Isaac, because "he is such a loser". Whenever I tried to explain that we were not dating and we're just friends, nobody seemed to listen.

"Are you coming home with me after school, today?" I asked him.

"No, my dad will hunt me down if I avoid him any longer." He whispered. His voice cracked and I put my arm around his waist in comfort, which seemed to draw more stares.

"You don't have to deal with him, Isaac." I whispered. "You can live with me and Darren and Layna. He'll be back from his honeymoon soon and I'm sure he'll agree." I offered. Isaac shook his head again, distressed.

"It's not that easy." He mumbled. He then looked at the clock in the hallway. "I have to walk home today so I have to leave now, I'll see you later, Luce." He walked out of the school. I followed him.

"Isaac!" I called out. He turned around and faced me.

"I'll at least drive you!" I called again. He smiled at my offer and I caught up to him.

"Come on." He said and climbed into the passenger side door. We drove in silence. I stopped at his house. It was so beautiful on the outside. If only someone knew what went on in the inside.

He took a deep breath and left the car. He really didn't want to face his abusive father. I hung my head as I watched him limp to his garage. I drove away feeling guilty about leaving him alone. Alone to fend for himself. I reached my house and just felt like sleeping. I was so tired I barely reached the couch before I passed out.

I woke up at about 10:00pm to my phone buzzing and the words popping up on my screen.

Isaac: S.O.S. at the graveyard. Something is going on. Trapped in a grave.

I texted him back.

Me: WTH? are you okay? Do you want me to come there?

I got no response. I threw my phone on the couch and groaned.

Somehow I fell back asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning.

"Shit!" I mumbled. I had exactly 15 minutes to get ready before school. I rushed like a mad woman and drove to the school. I pulled into the parking lot and a certain boy's back of the head caught my eye.

"Isaac!" I called out, getting out of my car. He finished locking his bike on the bike rack and turned toward me.

"You okay? What happened last night?" I asked.

"Nothing happened. There was just a grave robber." He shrugged. I narrowed my eyes, not buying it.

"What did they steal?" I asked.

He took a breath and looked at me. "A liver. Any other questions?" He said annoyedly.

"Guess not." I mumbled.

We walked into school in silence. I saw a poster for a missing girl.

"Lydia's missing?" I questioned.

"Guess so." Isaac said curtly. I looked up at him only to notice something different.

"Hey Ise, where is your bruise?" I asked him quietly. He gave me one look and didn't say anything as he walked ahead of me into his first class. I didn't know what was up with him, but he was getting on my nerves with his moody demeanor. I also noticed his usual modest clothing was out of the picture, and now he had a new wardrobe of dark jeans, boots, and a leather jacket. I sighed at the changes my best friend was going through and entered my class, knowing I wouldn't be able to pay attention.