A FANFIC by Pastrinator64

Hello everybody, this is Pastrinator64 with a new Minecraft fanfic! Here is the long-awaited (well, not really that long due to my impatience) sequel to THE GLITCH! Now, before you dig into the story I have some things I would like to explain.

Firstly, you notice how on the cover-art there are three spots for pairs of eyes? (Eyes is kind of my theme, as you can tell by looking at THE GLITCH.) Well, those three spots on the cover will be taken by the eyes of the three OCs I will be accepting throughout the story. So make sure you pay attention to the end of every chapter; if I'm asking for an OC that's where you'll find the information.

Secondly, I will answer any reviews given to VOiD in the following chapter, so if you have any questions for me you can put them in review form and I'll answer them in the next chapter. If you just want to comment or be completely random I really don't care all that much, you can review however you want! ;D

Thirdly, I will be asking at the end of each chapter for you to send your very own questions to the characters, which will be answered by the characters asked in the following chapter. Any questions asked will show up answered at the bottom of the following chapter by the characters if you want to see the replies. So, surprise me with creativity! Come up with some good questions for meh characters, I can't wait to see what you've got in store! I will include what you need at the bottom of this chapter, it's not much.

Fourthly, I would just like to say to all you reading out there that VOiD's chapters will be nearly twice as long as the chapters in THE GLITCH, which I have done to minimize the documents filling up in my Doc Manager, that was a disaster last time.

Lastly, before you go on to read my story, I would just like to show my favorite review for my last important announcements, because there was one of my biggest fans who gave this hilarious comment...

Enderdude 6/12/13 . chapter 57: "Ahhhhhh! Tommrow! Wooooh! Ima grab meh hot pockets!"

XD I laughed so hard when I read that! Then when I PMd him he said he already had three dozen Hot Pockets in the microwave! Thanks, dude, I'll go grab meh Poptarts!

Anyway, how about we get on with VOiD? Are you ready? Well then, grab your Hot Pockets and Poptarts, cuz' here's the sequel to THE GLITCH: VOiD! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Expelled From Their Homes

"Mark! Come down to dinner!"

Mark Inkwell, your typical fourteen year-old nerd—tall, black hair, misty gray eyes—was sitting in front of a gigantic TV with a headset put on, wearing his favorite blue Minecraft T-shirt. He was playing Minecraft as Pastrinator64 with Nightlock and Teddybros444, two of his best friends. At the moment they were trying to escape an ancient pyramid on a new map. As he was aiming his avatar—his skin being a tan and brown man with a frosted strawberry Poptart head—to look down a hallway full of wooden pressure plates.

"Hey Teddybros444, you go through that hallway first, I'll come in after you..."

"Mark! Do you want enchiladas or not?"

He of course hadn't known they were having his favorite meal, so he quickly said into his headset,

"Sorry, guys, dinner. I'll be back in a half hour."

Mark took off his headset and paused the game. As he was running down the steps to the kitchen he caught a glance of Vanessa sitting in her room, reading her novel: "Moby Dick". Vanessa was a thirteen, so a year younger than he. She had frizzy maroon hair like her mother and very dark brown eyes. Also like her mother she was short and thin. Mark stopped and backed up again so he could see her.

"Vanessa, dinner! Enchiladas!" he said, waving to her.

"Mmmhmm, ok. I shall be down when I finish the chapter..." she muttered, burying her nose deeper into the book.

Mark just ran past her and smirked at her stiffness. She was always like that, her nose buried in the pages of some book. Mark ran into the kitchen and threw himself into his chair, taking up his fork and knife. His mother came in with a big pan of enchiladas and set it down. As she was walking back she called,

"Norman, honey, did you get the paper this morning?"

Mark's father answered from downstairs.

"Yes, why?"

"I didn't get my coupons."

Their father came up into the room and sat down at the head of their table.

"So, what's cooking?" he asked.

"Spicy enchiladas." answered his wife.

Then Vanessa came down to the table, setting her book on the counter. Then they tucked into their food. Mark, for some reason, tasted something funny in the food, but didn't inquire. His father noticed it too.

"Liz, did you put something different in these? They taste a little... Strange..."

"Yes, I added a special ingredient." answered Liz.

"What's that?"

"Fermented skunk secretion."

Norman lurched forward and spewed enchilada all over the table, coughing and choking. Mark felt a little sick to his stomach, too. After choking down the strangely altered enchiladas, Mark ran back up to his room and put on his headset. His friends were already at the other end of the hallway. He heard his best friend Teddy—hence Teddybros444—speak to him.

"Dude, you back on?"

"Yeah," said Mark, making his way into the pressure plate hallway. "I'm back. I just had enchiladas for dinner, but my mom put something really gross in it."

His best friend Elliot—Nightlock—spoke this time.

"What was it?"

"Fermented skunk secretion!" he answered.

He heard his friends start to laugh, and then Teddybros444 said,

"Your mother puts skunk crap in enchiladas?! Dude, that is freaking sick. Now, are you coming or not? Make sure you don't step on any of those pressure plates, we learned the hard way that they make you drop into lava, and I almost fell through."

Mark continued to play with his friends on Minecraft for a while, but finally when it turned 10:00PM Liz came in and said,

"Alright, off the game."

"K, mom." he answered.

He got off a few minutes later, saying goodbye to his friends. Then he got ready for bed, and he couldn't wait for tomorrow when they would be trying out a new map taking place inside The Void itself. These thoughts in mind, he crawled underneath his covers and fell asleep.

The next morning Mark awoke early. He and his friends had been planning for their Minecraft marathon for months, and now they could finally do it. Once he was up and ready he watched his clock until it was 7:00, and once it was time he jumped into place, brought out a six-pack of Coke from his mini-fridge and booted up Minecraft. As he was putting on his headset he said,

"Hey, anybody on?"

Teddybros444 answered back with,

"Yeah, I'm on. Nightlock must be sleeping in or something, but he'll be here, let's just reset the spawn point to wherever we are every few minutes and he'll be able to find us."

Mark watched Teddybros444's avatar—a black bear with green shorts—walk down through the tree-covered mountain we spawned on. He followed him until they were out of the trees at the bottom of the mountain. They get going down, and eventually reached a cave within the mountain that was full of water. Mark gasped when he saw the giant bedrock frame of the portal up against the dark wall inside the cave. Sitting inside that space was a huge swirling black portal mass, which must be for the map they were using. Teddybros444 walked up to it and said,

"Wow! Dude, let's go inside! We'll be transported to The Void!"

He walked right into the portal and said,

"Here I go!"

At this time, Vanessa came in to Mark's room and saw the gigantic portal. She still had her book.

"You're really up THIS early? You are totally obsessed, Mark. Besides, who has enough free time to make that gigantic portal? The time it took to build that could've been used for something constructive!" she declared.

"Vanessa, go away, you're not making this any funner."

She raised a finger and said,

"No, "funner" is not a word, the correct grammar would be "you're not making this any more fun" if you actually cared about grammar."

"Newsflash, Vanessa, I don't really care about grammar. As long as it makes sense to me I'm perfectly fine." replied Mark.

She grunted and then looked at the portal again.

"Who the heck built that thing, anyway?"

As Mark guided his avatar towards the gigantic portal to follow teddybros444 he said,

"I dunno, whoever created the map, I guess."

Mark walked right through the portal, and instantly he was transported into a gigantic area of darkness. He was expecting to land in the secret castle inside that Nightlock told him about, but he just was standing there in darkness.

"Humph, some fun this is..." muttered Vanessa.

"You just wait, it's probably loading."

But another thirty seconds later nothing changed at all. He decided to ask Teddybros444 instead.

"Hey, Teddybros444, is the world not loading on your end too?" he asked.

There wasn't a reply.

"Dude, Teddy, where are you?" he said again.

Still, there was no response. He started to get annoyed, because Teddy must've dropped out on him for something stupid. He grunted and said,

"Fine then, when this loads I guess me and Nightlock will explore without him."

""Nightlock and I", Mark." said Vanessa.

"WELL, WHATEVER!" retorted Mark, still a bit frustrated.

Mark was about to set down his controller and grab a quick snack while he waited for his friends to come on, but then his entire TV screen turned to static. He pounded a fist against the screen and said,

"C'mon, not now!"

He grunted and just decided to quit for real. It was a Saturday, and now he had nothing to do. But then remembered that later that night was actually Elliot's 15th birthday, so he had that to look forward to. But until 7:00 he had nothing to do. For most of the day he just wandered around thinking to himself about the book he was writing for Fanfiction. It was called A GLITCH and at the moment it was becoming increasingly popular. Even though he had finished it, his readers weren't as far as he was in comparison, so he was itching to post more chapters to get more secrets revealed.

Finally, after hours and hours of boredom it was 6:30, so he was able to get ready finally. Once he had his favorite Peanut Butter Jelly Time T-shirt on he raced downstairs and opened their family fridge. There was a huge space in the center with a gigantic mountain of crackers, each spread with cheese spread. It was a masterpiece. Elliot loved cheese on crackers.

Carefully picking up the cheese and crackers mountain on its plate he found his mother drinking coffee at their dinner table.

"Mom, I'm heading over to Elliot's party, ok?" he announced, balancing his load.

"Alright, just be back home before midnight, ok?" she requested.

"K, mom."

Mark headed out the door with his mountain and walked down three street for a couple blocks, thankfully not spilling anything. He caught a glimpse of Elliot's house and saw colorful lights flashing through the windows, and he could even feel the bass from where he was. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. About ten seconds later Elliot came to the door and said,

"Dude! You're late! We already ate all the salsa and tortilla chips and Coke!"

Mark almost dropped his load. He absolutely ADORED those two snacks more than anything else.


"I'm just kidding, bro, there's plenty! Come on in before you crush yourself!"

Mark grunted and walked through the door, and quickly found the snack table to set down his mountain of cheese and crackers. He looked around and noticed the new theme. Every year Elliot would have a different theme for each party of his. This time everything was 8-bit themed. The banners, lights, and other decorations were pixilated. When Mark looked at the snack table he noticed that there were foods from classic video games such as Mario and Kirby and of course Minecraft.

"Hey Mark!"

Mark turned around and saw his four best friends standing in the center of the party room. Mark grinned and ran over to them. Besides Elliot and Teddy there were Corinne and Gabby. Corinne had long blond hair while Gabby's was thicker and brown, Corinne with blue eyes and Gabby with brown. All of them had boyfriends or girlfriends, and unfortunately for Mark, he had always been Forever Alone. He had a girlfriend only once, but that was over a year ago, and he couldn't even remember her name. Corinne gestured for him to come over.

"Mark, we were just talking about you!"

When Mark walked up Gabby joked,

"Oh yeah, we we're talking about you, alright. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN."

"Ha ha, very funny. Let me guess, you were also talking about me, IN MY BED." replied Mark.

Gabby grinned and said,

"Oh yeah, ALL the time!"

Unfunny sex jokes aside, Mark turned to Teddy and said,

"Dude, what happened this morning? You just disappeared on me after you entered that portal."

Teddy shrugged.

"I don't know what happened, I tried to communicate with you but I guess that either your headset is broken or it's mine. Plus, when I went through the portal there was nothing but Void fog. It was a total rip-off." he muttered.

Elliot shrugged himself and muttered,

"Sorry, I had to go, my 'rents grounded me for getting up so early to play Minecraft."

Then Corinne said,

"I can't understand anything you're saying! All you ever talk about is Minecraft! I'm always gonna stick with Sonic!"

She pulled at her Sonic the Hedgehog T-shirt to prove her point. The party just continued on from there, 8-bit music playing the entire time. Mark danced, ate, talked, laughed, danced some more, and finally at 11:55 he left—he made sure to remember his mom's request. He exited through the door at that time and headed home, glad that he no longer needed to carry that cheese and crackers mountain.

It had gotten a lot colder from when he had arrived, and he shivered in his T-shirt and shorts. Earlier in the night it had been a warm summer evening, but a cold draft had blown in. Mark looked up in the sky, and to his interest he watched as a black and white meteor was flying through the night sky. But then it got closer to him, and he was startled when it hurtled down and landed about forty meters from his position.

He tried to see through the smoke and debris at the crash-landed meteor, but it was too hazy for him to see. He looked around at the street, but no sign of other activity showed. He looked back at the smoke.

Mark couldn't resist his curiosity, and he ran towards the smoke as fast as he could. He coughed as he was fanning away the smoke, and he looked down into a small crater in the ground to see the mysterious object. This object was almost a perfect cube, and it was surrounded by a strange aura of mixed black and white light. He was about to run and get someone to see what he was seeing, but then the object grew too bright and he couldn't see anymore. Without even realizing it, the black and white aura enveloped him while he was standing, and the next thing he knew he had blacked out.

Although, Mark wasn't the only one being kicked out from his home...

Deep in the dark depths of The Void, the Glitch was plotting...A BIRTHDAY PARTY! A birthday party for itself. It was its 20th Good-Guy Anniversary. Ever since it was thrown in with its past counterpart and sent into The Void inside the supercomputer named E.S.C. it had decided to become a good guy instead and thrive down in The Void. It sealed up its evil counterpart from and sent it farther down into The Void to be banished, and now it had its own kingdom in The Void, a wealthy kingdom.

Now the good Glitch had been accepted by Notch, Herobrine, and Queen Enderdragon as a fellow ruler, the ruler of The Void, which was technically another dimension. It used its infinite supply of bedrock to create its castle. The good Glitch had many subjects, all of which were protective plasma masses that used to be viruses. Both it and its subjects were pure white with blue eyes instead of black and red, and the good Glitch even changed its name to Salutem, which in Latin meant "the health".

With Salutem's new power, together the four rulers of the Minecraft Dimension restored the Nether to its full capacity again, and Herobrine had already rebuilt the Nether Palace. They also rebuilt the parts of the Aether Palace that had been destroyed. All the battle scars that stretched across the Overworld were healed. In every dimension there was celebration for twenty whole years, the celebration of the death of the Glitch and of the reborn dimension.

Although, Salutem's counterpart—the Glitch—was still sealed away, deep inside The Void trillions of kilometers farther down than the Void Palace, plotting its own revenge against its good side. And Salutem's birthday party for his 20th Good Guy Anniversary was the perfect opportunity to slip in. Even in the twenty years of rest, the Spirits In Between were still weak from the final battle between Norman Cobweb's army and its when the spirits had used their powers to keep him down while the Notch, Herobrine, and Queen Enderdragon were being prepared to suck up his counterpart in the past.

With their powers still drained, the Glitch could mask its power well enough and slowly make its way up to the Void Palace. With everyone attending the party, security would be low around the rest of the kingdom, and it could sneak inside. Once it was inside the kingdom it would finally get the chance to multiply and stretch the newly healed wings that had been destroyed those twenty years ago. Both the good and bad arrangements were settled.

Finally, the birthday party being held for Salutem was ready on July 24th, 2435, in the Minecraft Dimension. All the people of the Minecraft Dimension were invited to come, and deep in the Falling Mountains inside Last Fall Cave—the seed being 1210262575—was a huge Void portal with a frame of bedrock and a core of lava. People could come right through and enter the Void Palace if they liked, and at the moment Last Fall Cave was packed full of the people of Minecraft who wanted to join in the party.

Salutem slithered back and forth in the throne room, hardly able to contain its excitement. Finally it turned to its right-hand program—whose name was Ben—and declared,

"Ben, I believe that this shall be the best birthday I have ever had! Everything is ready, and so now all I need to do is give out the order to begin the party! This will be great!"

Salutem formed its right wing into a huge microphone and spoke into it, making its voice echo throughout the entire Void Palace.

"Hello, everyone, welcome to Void Palace! I am so glad that you could all come!" there were sounds of cheering from outside the throne room. "Today, as you should know, is my 20th Good-Guy Anniversary, celebrating twenty years of my using of my powers for good and not evil! The celebration will be held in the formal dining room! We have a vast buffet and music, so please partake! Thank you!"

More cheering followed, and the many footsteps shook the kingdom as everyone headed to the dining room. Salutem moved towards its water-fashioned mirror and inspected itself. Then it opened a nearby chest and took out a top hat and monocle, fitting them on neatly. Then it outstretched its wing and formed an elegant cane made of its white plasma. Once Salutem was ready, it slithered out the door and headed to the dining room.

In a matter of minutes Salutem entered the dining room. Everyone around him was wearing formal clothing, conversing, eating and drinking, laughing, just having a good time. Then everyone looked up and cheered for Salutem, who smiled and took a bow up on top of the balcony. After the cheering Salutem slithered off of the balcony and hovered—using its pure white wings—down onto the ground lightly. Ben followed and then when it had landed it said,

"Master Salutem, please, let me find you a seat."

Salutem nodded in agreement and soon found himself sitting down at the head of the long dining table. About three minutes later Ben came back from the buffet line with a large platter of all different high-quality cuisines. Like corndogs, for instance (just kidding XD). There was stuffed mushroom and spinach stew, stuffed grape leaf cornbread, sautéed onion and basil tenderloin, and a la mode lemon meringue pudding. Salutem created a plasma-crafted napkin and tied it around its neck.

"Ah, yes, thank you, Ben. This really will be a wonderful birthday." said Salutem.

But before it could even eat, a sudden scream echoed from the other side of the table. Other people started screaming, and Salutem watched as a woman was lifted up into the air by an unknown force. It rose up to its full height and declared,

"Who is there?! Whoever it is, set the woman down!"

Suddenly, the Glitch's black plasma wing materialized around the suspended woman, the rest of the black mass following. The Glitch's eyes squinted and its mouth turned to an evil grin.

"Hello, Salutem, long time no see..."

Salutem's eyes squinted, but its mouth turned to scowl.

"Glitch, you were not invited due to your aggressive and unforgiveable behavior! BEGONE! You do not belong here!" it said.

The Glitch tightened its grip around the woman, who grunted and then screamed again.


The Glitch continued with,

"Don't even think about moving, or she dies! Give up your kingdom to me and I will not kill anyone. Anyone except you, of course..."

Salutem looked nervously around at its subjects and guests. Finally, it sighed and dropped down.

"I cannot be the death of all these innocent souls. You make take this kingdom for your own..." it said sadly.

The Glitch's smile widened and he extended out a wing, then touched the ground. All of a sudden, all the bedrock floors began to turn to plasma, the dark substance spreading across the floors. But, as people stood on it, they died instantly, and their screams echoed through the room. Salutem launched forward angrily and screamed,


A deadly bludgeon of white plasma appeared in Salutem's wings and it screeched angrily. The Glitch crushed the screaming woman in its wing and then formed its giant black plasma scythe.

"WELL, I'M EVIL!" screeched the Glitch.

Bludgeon met scythe, and a battle began. Salutem swung upward, parrying a swing from the Glitch's scythe and then stabbed forward into the Glitch's mass, disintegrating some plasma and replacing it with his own white plasma. But then Salutem was sliced through by the black scythe, and a part of him was replaced with the spreading black plasma. They were both being weakened. Salutem's bludgeon soared upward and blocked another hit, then to the side for another stab. After a while there was no hits on either, but both of them had overcome the opposite plasmas from each other's weapons and were fully restored. When Salutem thrust forward with its giant white plasma bludgeon, but the Glitch shifted its body out of the way and slithered back.

"Alright," said the Glitch, holding out its black plasma scythe. "This isn't going anywhere. Let me just speed things up..."

Suddenly, the handle of the scythe began to lengthen, and soon another blade had grown from it of equal size. When the transformation was finished the Glitch took the handle with both hands and raised the newly created double death scythe. It began to twirl around faster than a tornado, spewing black plasma everywhere. The Glitch held out its two spinning blades of death and slithered towards Salutem, who quickly backed up to avoid getting hit.

Salutem kept backing away, trying and failing to get around the Glitch, who was much bigger than it was. Finally, Salutem had itself backed up against the now plasma-wall of the dining room, the double scythe swirling menacingly towards him.

"PREPARE TO BE ERASED, SALUTEM!" screamed the Glitch.

Just as the two spinning blades were a mere block away from Salutem, Salutem flattened its plasma mass to the ground and slithered in a ring around the Glitch, who turned around and tried stabbing him on the floor, but kept missing due to Salutem's shifting body. Salutem slithered flat as a pancake all the way over to the open window out to The Void and escaped through there, launching out into the depths of The Void to avoid its death. Salutem returned to its regular body form and flapped its wings, hurtling down like an eagle as deep as it could go, deep enough to escape the wings of the Glitch.

Salutem stopped after about an hour, and then looked around. It was surrounded in complete darkness, and when it looked up it did not see any sign of the Void Palace.

"Finally, I am safe. Although, I am not sure what kind of fate the people of the Minecraft Dimension will suffer in now that the Glitch has revealed itself again. Oh, I can only hope that Notch, Herobrine, and Queen Enderdragon made it out safely."

Salutem hurtled down into the darkness and said to itself,

"There is only one place I can take refuge now."

It kept flying downward, but after a while The Void began to lighten, and soon it had entered blue skies. Once it could see the bright blue ocean it started to hover.

Salutem stopped just above the surface of the bright blue ocean. It looked around and spotted a beach not far from its position. Salutem flapped his way towards it, and landing in exhaustion in the sand. It tried to take a breath, but the ordeal it had just gone through was too much.

Salutem had to rest and stay on that beach. Then it looked up into the blue sky and could just barely see the tiny little black hole that was the link between all dimensions. The Void fog was no longer in sight, so Salutem knew that it was far away enough inside its nature hideaway to avoid being detected by the Glitch. For that time, Salutem would stay hidden until it had enough strength to warn the Great Heroes about this terrible occurrence.

*lets out breath* So, how did you like the first chapter?

Now then, will Salutem be able to get back to its kingdom and dethrone the newly returned Glitch? Will Mark be able to return back to his home after mysteriously disappearing due to his interaction with that strange cube meteor? Does the Glitch really have all its power again after a mere twenty years? Find out next chapter in VOiD!

Alright, everyone! If you have a creative question for any of the characters then here's what you have to put in the question...

To: (Insert Character Name Here)

Question: (Insert Creative Question Here)

If you don't have any fun character questions that's ok, I just know you'll have some later!

Also, I have been talking about the mini-adventure with Pastrinator64 and friends, but I have not yet decided the character roster. So, I will give you who exactly will be playing important roles in this next adventure, which I will put at the end of the next chapter. Not including Pastrinator64 there are four other slots for characters, which will soon be filled! As always, stay tuned!

But for now, this is Pastrinator64, and I'll see you later with chapter numbah two!

*throws sugar bomb, disappears in a cloud of fine white sugar*


~Pastrinator64 [~]