EHSparkwoman: Does anyone want to do this disclaimer?

Ash: EHSparkwoman doesn't own Pokémon; it belongs to whoever created it.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika! Chu-Chu Pi Pika!

Ash: Pikachu says she doesn't own Transformers either; it belongs to whoever created it.

EHSparkwoman: And with that let's get on with the story!

AN: Yay! More Transformers as Pokémon Trainers! And also you will only find one Transformer in this chapter; the Pokémon professor! Also if text is in italics and it is a Pokémon's name then the Pokémon is speaking.

Ash was just getting ready to go with his mum and Professor Oak to travel to the Unova region.

"I'm so psyched! I wonder how many new Pokémon there are! And how many new friends we'll meet, right Pikachu?" Pika! Pikachu sounded excited to be going to a new region as well.

"I hope you remembered everything you are going to need Ash. Remember; Brock is busy training to be a Pokémon doctor, so he can't be cooking for you too…"

"I remembered to pack food mum." Sometimes, Ash thought his mum worried too much. Just before Ash and his mum were about to go where they could catch a plane to Unova; a message came through on Professor Oak's screen.

"Ah, Professor Rowan, what can I do for you?" Professor Oak was curious as to what Professor Rowan might have to tell him.

"Has Ash left for Unova yet?"

"No I haven't Professor." Ash walked back into the room.

"Because I received an interesting call from a Pokémon Professor."

"Which one? Elm? Birch? Or Juniper?" Ash asked Professor Rowan. Professor Oak was hoping Juniper, maybe she'd contacted Professor Rowan about Ash travelling to Unova.

"He informed me his name was Perceptor."

"Maybe he is one of Juniper's assistants, but that seems a slightly unusual name." Professor Oak seemed confused.

"He says he is from a Pokémon region known as Cybertron."

"I've never heard of that Pokémon region." Professor Oak now seemed to want to know more.

"I could let you talk to him; you could ask him a few questions, I suppose." Professor Rowan then closed off the line; probably to contact Perceptor. A few seconds later, a mostly red robot; which looked a bit like a microscope, appeared on the screen.

"Hello there, Professor Oak. I do believe you wanted to speak with me." Perceptor seemed friendly enough.

"You said you were from a region called Cybertron, is that right?"

"Yes. That is correct."

"Why have we not heard of the region?"

"This could be due to many things…" Perceptor sounded like he was going to start a long explanation.

"However, the most likely being that not many people actually travel to the Cybertron region due to the lack of unique Pokémon that live here."

"You mean there are only Pokémon that you can find in other regions in the Cybertron region?" Oak now had an idea why he'd never heard of the region; there weren't any new Pokémon to research there.

"That is correct. However, I was hoping to ask Ash something." Ash stepped towards the screen.

"I'm listening." Ash hoped that it wouldn't be too boring.

"A Pokémon league of sorts recently became established in the region and I was wondering if you'd like to journey here to challenge it." Ash liked the idea of challenging a new Pokémon league; but he wasn't sure about travelling alone.

"Could I think it over first? I'm not sure about travelling around a new region by myself."

"That's fine Ash; you can contact me when you have made your mind up." Perceptor then ended the call, leaving Ash to think about it.

"Ash, couldn't you contact your friends and see if they wanted to explore the new region with you." Professor Oak suggested.

"That's a good idea Professor! I'll just contact them now. Do you mind if I use your console?"

"Not at all Ash." Ash walked up to the screen and began messaging Misty.

"Hello this is Violet, from Cerulean Gym."

"Hi Violet, is Misty around?" Ash asked.

"I'll just get her… MISTY!" Violet called for her younger sister.


"Ash would like to speak with you."

"Tell him I'm not here."

"I can hear you Misty!" Ash sounded amused.

"Alright fine…" Misty walked towards the screen.

"What do you want Ash?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to come to a newly discovered Pokémon region with me."

"What do you mean newly discovered? It's not Unova is it?"

"No, it's a completely unheard of region and the Pokémon professor asked if you would like to go."

"I'll go, if just to see what new Pokémon I can find."

"OK meet me at Professor Oak's lab." Ash then ended the call; he thought he'd better not mention that the Cybertron region didn't have any new Pokémon, just an unusual Pokémon professor. Now to contact Brock. I hope he is still at Pewter City… Ash then messaged Brock.

"Hello, this is the Pewter City Pokémon Gym. Oh, it's you Ash. What do you want?"

"I've just been contacting Misty and I wondered if you'd like to join both of us on a journey to a new region."

"I've been hearing a lot about a region named Unova. Is that where you are going?"

"No; you won't have heard of this region. But the Pokémon professor there asked me to invite you along."

"I'll go with you, Ash. I have to wait to start studying for being a Pokémon doctor anyway; the term doesn't start until September."

"That's good Brock. I'll meet you at Oak's lab." Ash ended that call and called May.

"You have reached Petalburg City Pokémon Gym. Oh! May, come here! Ash wants to talk to us!" Max answered the call.

"Oh! Hi Ash! Did you have a reason for contacting me?" May sounded nervous.

"I just got a call from a Pokémon professor asking me to go a new Pokémon region. I was wondering if you would like to come with me."

"Well… Does this new region do Pokémon contests?" Ash looked confusedly back at the screen.

"I think so; all the other regions do, so I would think that this region does too." Ash hoped that would be enough to convince May to come with him.

"I'll just have to show them how good contest battles are if they don't!" May liked a challenge.

"Can I come too Ash?" Max asked.

"Sure! Both of you meet me at Professor Oak's lab." Ash then ended the call and called Professor Rowan.

"Hello Ash. I take it you spoke with Perceptor."

"Yes sir. I was wondering if Dawn was around."

"She is just visiting Sandgem Town for a little while. She shouldn't be far away. I'll just go look for her." Rowan left the screen for a little while and shortly after Dawn came up to the screen with her Buneary.

"Hello Ash. As you can see I've been working on my designs." Dawn's Buneary climbed up next to the screen wearing what seemed to be a new design.

Buneary… Buneary seemed to be trying to attract Pikachu's attention. Pikachu looked back at her nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"They look great Dawn. I was trying to contact you to ask if you wanted to travel to a new region with me."

"Oh! Of course Ash! I've wanted to go to the Unova region since I heard about it!" Dawn got very excited.

"I'm not going to the Unova region just yet. I've been invited to a previously unknown region and was wondering if you would like to come with me."

"An unknown region? It's got to have lots of different things to try out! I'll go with you Ash." Dawn answered. Piplup! Piplup also chirped from where he was stood on the floor next to Dawn.

Bun-Buneary! Buneary answered from next to the screen.

"You can come and meet me at Professor Oak's lab." Ash ended the call to wait for them to get to Pallet Town.


A short while later…

Ash was just waiting for the ferry from Sinnoh to arrive.

"I wonder where that ferry goes." May pointed at a ferry with a bizarre red symbol on the side.

"I'm not sure May." Brock answered her; he didn't recognise the symbol either. Just after that; they all noticed the ferry from Sinnoh pulling into the dock. About five minutes later, Dawn came running down the ramp; followed by Piplup.

"Hi guys!" Dawn stopped just in front of them. Piplup-Pip! Piplup answered looking rather happy at being the centre of attention.

"We'll just go and have a quick talk with Perceptor and then maybe he can tell us how to get to this new region."

"Who's Perceptor, Ash?"

"He's the Pokémon professor in the new region that we're going to." Ash hoped that would stop Misty asking questions for a while; and he walked off towards Professor Oak's lab.

"Ah! There you are Ash. I did wonder where you had wandered off to." Ash's mum hoped that Ash hadn't left without saying goodbye to her.

"I'm just getting ready to go to the new region." Ash hoped his mum wouldn't embarrass him too much.

"OK. Good luck honey!" Ash's mum then left to go to the docks; she'd wave him off there.

"Let's contact Perceptor." Ash walked over to the console.

"He has an unusual name." Misty said and then followed Ash.

"Hello again, Ash. I assume you have made up your mind then." The others stared at the screen.

"Ash…" Misty looked slightly scared.

"You didn't tell us…" May also took a step back from the screen.

"COOL!" Max yelled at the screen. Everyone looked around at Max.

"It's a talking robot!"

"I'd prefer to be called a Transformer if you don't mind." Perceptor told Max.

"How do we get to the, em…?" Brock looked at Perceptor, hoping he knew what Brock was trying to ask.

"You get on the ferry with the symbol like the one on my chest." Perceptor pointed to the symbol on his chest. "Or like this one" He held up a picture with a purple symbol, "on the side, to go to the Cybertron region."

"Thanks Perceptor. We'll meet you at your lab." Ash thanked him and ended the call.

"Come on guys, let's go!" Ash ran off towards the door and the others had no choice but to follow him, or be left behind! It didn't take them long to find the ship with the red symbol on the side.

"Hello, do you want to go to the Cybertron region?" A boy with raven coloured hair asked them.

"Yes actually. I don't suppose you have a map for this region." Ash hoped this boy had a map.

"I don't have one." The boy looked slightly worried when Ash was disappointed. "But Perceptor will give you one when you get there."

"Jack, come on! We need to get on the boat to go back, now you have those new Pokémon."

"Oh! Coming mum! Sorry, I'll have to go. You can come with me though; since you'll be joining me to go to Cybertron anyway." Jack walked up the ramp leading on to the boat and Ash and the others followed.

"Why'd you wander off Jack? Did you forget one of the Pokémon Perceptor sent you for?"

"No mum but…"

"WOW!" Brock ran forward and took Jack's mum's hand.

"We may have just met but I think I'm in love with you and… AAAAAHHHHH!" Just as he was getting into his romantic rant; Croagunk poison-jabbed him in the stomach.

"Or not…" Brock managed to say, just before Croagunk dragged him away with a chuckle.

"Is he alright? I hope that Pokémon didn't hurt him." Jack's mum sounded worried.

"Hey! We just saw a boy being dragged along by a… Who are your new friends Jack?" A girl with black hair with pink streaks in it asked Jack.

"Miko, I just met these guys and they are about to go to Cybertron too."

"And they are?" Miko sounded confused.

"I'm Misty, and the boy you just saw was Brock."

"I'm May and this is my brother Max." May pointed at Max when she said his name.

"I'm Dawn and this is…"

"OH MY GOD! You have a Piplup! I love them! But Perceptor said we couldn't go to the Sinnoh region." Miko eagerly looked at Piplup. Piplup… Piplup actually looked a bit nervous for once.

"And I'm Ash and this is my partner, Pikachu." Pikachu! Pikachu answered, sounding happy.

"This is your Captain speaking. The ferry for the Cybertron region will be leaving shortly. So please head below deck while we get the ship started up." An announcement was heard over the intercoms on the ship.

"Come on guys; let's go below deck for now." Jack, Miko and his mum walked off down the stairs. This left Ash to talk to the others.

"Are you guys looking forward to this?"

"If there are lots of new water types to catch, I think I'll enjoy this!" Misty was hoping to see Pokémon not from the regions she knew.

"I hope there are lots of pretty girls there for me!" Brock sounded very excited all of a sudden.

"I'd like to know if all of them are robots!"

"Max, Perceptor got offended by that term; you don't want to be offending a really big one, so call them Transformers."

"Why do you want to go; May and Dawn?" Ash then asked.

"I'd like to try out their interpretation of contests!"

"Me too! I hope they do them…" Dawn sounded worried.

"It shouldn't take that long to get there, I hope…" Ash didn't want to be stuck on the ferry for hours… But, after what Max had said, all of them wanted to know if all of the inhabitants of the Cybertron region were Transformers!

AN: I know there aren't that many Transformers in this chapter, but there will be more of them making an appearance in the next chapter! Also Perceptor is his G1 incarnation. And the red and purple symbols are the Autobot and Decepticon ones just in case people weren't sure…