AN: sorry guys i have had real life stuff that was a must,

but ill start to complete the Second chapter soon and i have fixed the first chapter so hope you enjoy the fixes

It has been 3 Years after the battle of the queen dragon but I have hiccup the best friend I have ever had every day me and him go out flying. hiccup said toothless lets go out flying I loved hiccup he was my whole world although we had us I sometimes wondered if I was the only night fury in the world trying not to forget about hiccup on my back I quickly flew off hiccup and I are one mind one thought much more than any other dragon and there rider but little did we know that there was a storm that was the worst ever.

Later that day the storm came and caught hiccup and toothless.

Toothless hiccup said we need to find Berk. Little did we know that was not just storm it was a sign well it was a good 2 in a half hours but we made it to Berk but then I shot my ears up, what was that?

At first I thought it was hiccup but I look back and it hit me it was not hiccup it was Stoick on his dragon Thornado a thunderdrum as we glided to the ground but the wind was so strong that it was hard to navigate but we made it Stoick and hiccup was trying to understand why this storm was so strong ….

The next day.

The next day we got up some of the houses were wiped out

Later that morning after fixing or rebuilding some of the houses

Hiccup was tired too tired to walk he crawled on to my back we went to his house he slid down into his bed I curled up next to the bed he scratched my ears toothless, he said me glaring at him in a clueless look. He sighed I wonder what it's like to be like well you know a dragon. As If I was able to reply back but he has no idea what he is missing. Later that afternoon hiccup I was about to get up from my nap I got up stretched out a bit opened my eyes and hiccup was gone I was thinking where cud he have gone? I went down stairs only to find him and his dad. He seen me, hay toothless I went down there and he rubbed my ears I purred softly.

Later that day.

Hiccup was in a good mood he and I went to the cove he sat on a log, while I fished some Cod "the best fish ever"

After I got a small pile of around 20 fish I gave him 4 and after I light the small fire and relaxed, we sat there till it was noon hiccup fell asleep I wrapped around him to keep him warm. That afternoon was very long I decided to take a nap as well.