It isn't a rare event for Hirato and Akari to dine together at lunch. If Hirato is at the Research Tower or Akari on Second Ship, the men are expected to eat together, to sit and make small talk as if either of them is actually interested in chatting about nothing at all. They are offered a private area to eat, but it doesn't change the fact that they're stuck together. Most of the time, Hirato is the one to fill the admittedly uncomfortable silence with stories of his recent missions. They're just repeated tales for Akari, who always learns of the captain's escapades immediately from either Tsukitachi or Hirato himself. He doesn't mind listening; after all, it keeps him from getting into an argument with Hirato, a fight being inevitable each time they meet. Truthfully, he doesn't even listen half the time.

Akari simply has nothing to say. With how carefully Circus—and Hirato—watch him, Big Brother is always looking over his shoulder and recording his every move. Anything he has to say would be something Hirato already knows, and besides, when the doctor is more focused on eating rather than talking, it makes it a little less likely that Hirato will make some sort of taunt.


Akari glances up from his meal, his fork poised halfway in his mouth. "What?" he asks, mentally kicking himself for zoning out so much. He stuffs the fork into his mouth hurriedly as Hirato smirks.

"I asked if you'd like to try a bite of my food. Weren't you paying attention?" the dark haired man asks, nudging his plate closer to Akari.

The doctor hesitates a few seconds, gears in his brain quickly calculating the outcomes of refusal versus acceptance. The latter wins, so he reaches out his fork, scoops up what looks to be a kind of mild rice, and returns it to his mouth in one swift motion. The moment it hits his tongue he regrets his decision immensely. Hirato's expression is both mildly horrified and incredibly amused as he watches Akari cough, face scarlet. To his credit, the doctor manages to swallow the rice before turning his wrath on Hirato.

"What the hell was that!? You know I don't like spicy food!" Akari all but yells, reaching across the table to the glass of water by Hirato.

The captain slides the water away and crosses the short space between them to kiss Akari. His lips aren't cool, having eaten the same food as Akari, but they're soft and pleasantly warm, and his tongue is blissfully wet against the doctor's lips. Akari isn't sure how long they stay that way, Hirato with one hand on the table to brace himself and Akari with his fingers against the other man's cheek, but he knows it was long enough for him to miss the feeling of Hirato's lips when they're gone.

Akari coughs once again, his face still flushed, supposedly from the food. "My mouth still burns," he complains, and he snatches the glass of water before Hirato has a chance to make any more foolish moves.

"I am aware you dislike spicy food," Hirato comments as he gazes placidly at the doctor, his usual smile perched on his face. "If you had been listening to me, you would have known I offered you a piece of my fruit. I didn't expect you to take the rice. But, of course, you were off in your own world."

"I— You still could have stopped me," Akari says irritably after the water is all gone, "instead of sitting there laughing at me."

"Ah, but then you wouldn't have learned your lesson, doctor," Hirato replies, resting his hand in his palm and brushing a thumb along his lower lip.

Akari closes his eyes with a sigh; he can't seem to throw insults at the other man when it was his own fault.