I know that I haven't updated in a long time (not just in this fanfiction, but in all of them really.) So be prepared for the next Chapter of my second LarryBoy / Batman crossover, which may be the most disturbing thing that I have written so far. (It isn't much, really, but I think I wrote a rather impressive death sequence.)

The clicking on the Computer in the Batcave was rapid. LarryBoy squinted his almost red eyes at the criminal files with his head hung low. LarryBoy sighed as his head started to fall back into the chair.

"Mr. Cucumber," Alfred said walking up behind LarryBoy. "Maybe it would be a good thing for you to get some rest. It won't be easy for you to catch the criminal if you are too tired." LarryBoy turned around.

"Maybe you're right. I'm...I'm..." His head fell down not even two seconds later. Alfred left the room with the dazed cucumber behind him.

LarryBoy woke up to a loud beeping on his utility belt. He pressed it inwards and spoke. "Alfred...how is it going back there in Bumblyburg?" His voice was low and slightly raspy due to the fact he just woke up. The belt-buckle spoke right after LarryBoy gave a huge yawn.

"Master Larry," said Alfred Asparagus. "Bumblyburg isn't going so well, it seems that Iceburg has escaped and is running mad all over the city. His suit must still be having technical difficulties after you drowned him with his melted snow. He is just stealing for now...he seems to be trying to re-construct his suit."

"I would love to help if I wasn't stuck in Gotham...see if you can find any other heroes that are open. Scarlet Tomato, Dark Crow, Sweet Potato, at least one of them must be free to help with Bumblyburg this once."

"Alright," Alfred said. "I'll make sure that I remember to contact them soon. How are you doing?"

"Not well Alfred, massive nervous breakdowns are going on here and I need to find the person behind-" LarryBoy paused for a second.


"Hold that thought Alfred," LarryBoy demanded. He clicked off the utility belt and looked at the Batcomputer. The light was flashing green. The words on the screen read "Analysis Complete." LarryBoy smiled and opened up a window. Words rushed across the screen giving LarryBoy a select choice on who could be the culprit behind the nervous breakdowns. The only result was Jonathan Crane, a.k.a., the Scarecrow. LarryBoy wondered for a second why Gordon didn't think of Crane first. According to his bio, The Scarecrow was the man behind the most nervous breakdowns to ever be recorded.

LarryBoy thought for a second and then came up with an idea. "Ethan Moe, Jose Kirk, and Ricky Peeves, see what you can dig up on them." The Computer dinged and produced an assortment of information. LarryBoy spoke to the Computer again. "Now, please scan any similarities between them." The computer worked for a few minutes until something showed up on all of the profiles that was identical. Three of the people that went insane all had the same Psychiatrist, Alexander Randon.

"I think I will have to pay Mr. Randon a visit," LarryBoy said.

Dr. Randon was unaware of the blinking Plunger under his desk, nor was he aware that this was a device used by a plunger-headed cucumber to listen into his sessions. LarryBoy could hear the man blocks away, which was the distance between him and the doctor, two blocks. The last words that LarryBoy heard from the radio that picked up the words they were saying were:

"Good day to you too Miss Ransom." LarryBoy put the device back in his utility belt and then plungered his way to Dr. Randon's office. LarryBoy peeked inside through the window on the third floor. He man was not in at the moment, but due to what he had heard earlier, would be there in less then a minute.

He slid open the window and entered the room. It was very clean and only had three things in it: a desk, a chair behind it, and a soft blue couch. The door creaked open and the doctor shut it close behind him. He looked forward to see LarryBoy right in front of him. The doctor gasped. LarryBoy stopped him from behind able to get out by throwing a plunger at the door. Out of the metal end of the plunger, two small ones shot out and made a small barrier to the door. To ensure that the doctor could not escape, the barrier made an electric glow that would shock anyone or anything five inches away from it. Dr. Randon walked away from the door.

"What are you doing here? We have permanent clowns and zombies in Gotham...but Anthropomorphic cucumbers in purple armor are new."

"I've been listening to your conversations with your patients Doc," LarryBoy sternly said. "You mention the words Fear, Scare, and Frightened a lot more than you should. Maybe...you are obsessed with the concept of fear?"

The doctor gulped. "How long have you been eavesdropping on me?"

"Four sessions," LarryBoy said. "I made sure to count the number of times you said those words during the last session. A fifty-seven total? Really?"

"What...what do you want from me?"

"What do you know about Scarecrow?" LarryBoy asked with a slight growl and a determined look in his eyes. Alexander Randon bit his lips.

"Crazy psychopath, loves fear, chemist!" He shouted. LarryBoy made sure to be a little more angry with him, to be more like Batman.

"Everyone knows those things, I mean, why are you working with him?" Dr. Alexander shuddered.

"I would never even dare get into business with a crazy person like Scarecrow. I...I take my job very seriously." He scratched the back of his light blonde hair fiercely, causing a very obvious sign of being nervous.

"You are talking your patients into long discussions on fear, three of the citizens who have recently had breakdowns have been proven as your clients, and the other five might have the exact same story!"

"It doesn't matter if I have been working with Crane or haven't. You would never get any proof that I actually had, and knowing that man I'd say that...well, If I am working with him...you'd better look where you're going... because I've heard stories about his medicine. It makes you see things that you won't forget... trust me!"

LarryBoy gave a confused look that turned into a smirk. "Trust you? How can I trust someone about Scarecrow's toxin unless they had been on it themselves?"

Dr. Randon glared. "I could call the police on this."

"Don't bother...I'm not going to be staying for long. But I'm going to keep my eyes on you... you and anyone who might have a connection to The Scarecrow." LarryBoy slid the window open fast and then plungered a nearby taller building and soared out of the room.

Lilly Ransom was walking out on the streets of Gotham late at night, around twelve o'clock. She started to dig into her purse as her phone dropped onto the ground. The young woman grunted as she threw her purse on the ground. She bent over to pick pick everything up, luckily there was no one out on the streets right now. She was on a road with low traffic.

After retrieving everything, she looked up to witness Scarecrow giving a grim smile through his incredibly menacing mask.

"AH!" she shrieked. Scarecrow chuckled. "HELP!" She stepped back and felt a thin, very cold metal hit her neck. She turned her head just enough to see Scarecrow's scythe curled around her. The woman shrieked even louder as Scarecrow pulled her into his grasp. Scarecrow's arms were curled around her body as Lilly's long her draped over his shoulder, looking straight at the criminal's terrifying mask. If she tried to look away, her neck would end up being sliced by Scarecrow's scythe.

"Let me go!" she yelled.

"Tell me what you know first," Scarecrow declared.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You know dang well what I mean Miss Ransom. Tell me what you know."

"You...you and Dr. Randon are in touch... He is helping you with...something."

"That was rather easy, was it not Miss Ransom?"

"Yes. Now let me leave! Please!"

"Oh," Scarecrow laughed. "You will leave...permanently!" The last thing that came out of Lilly Ransom's mouth was a shriek of complete fear, which obviously pleased the demented mind of the Scarecrow.

Again...not too great. But I think it is a new level away from my comfort zone in FF writing.