Authors Note: I know what you're thinking... How long does it take to write a chapter!? And I am soooo sorry! I have been out of town for work the last few weeks and have had zero time to myself. Sadly my boss doesn't seem to think that writing fanfiction is as important as doing my job ;) but I'm home with a few days off so I'm taking advantage of this time by getting a few chapters under my belt. I promise chapter 5 will be up in a much more reasonable time frame. Thanks for sticking with me and leaving such wonderful comments on this story. You guys are lovely.
When Sonny had first offered Will a ride to the party he had turned him down. Having his own car there meant he could leave whenever he wanted and he didn't have to rely on anyone else. Sonny had been persistent however, and insisted that there was no reason to go in separate cars if they were headed to the same place, and so the 15 minute car ride of sexually charged (at least on his part) tension... or should he say torture? commenced. How was he supposed to handle a whole semester of living with this guy if a 15 minute car ride was enough to drive him crazy? Letting out a sigh Will re-positioned himself on the seat.
"Here we are," Sonny said as he pulled his car into the closest parking spot and turned off the ignition.
"Finally..." Will whispered to himself, practically jumping out of the car.
"Who's party is this anyway?" he asked as they made there way through the crowd of drunk sweaty bodies.
"My friend, Brian's," Sonny replied.
"Brian sure does have a lot of friends," Will remarked, amazed at how many people could fit into such a small area.
"I don't know if I would call them friends exactly," Sonny laughed, "more like acquaintances."
"Well whatever they are there are a lot of them. I can barley see where I'm going," Will replied, standing on his tip toes to try and see past the crowd of people.
'Here," Sonny began, reaching out his hand a wrapping it around Will's, "fallow me," he finished as he led Will through the sea of college students to a small room in the back.
Despite the loud music and the sound of multiple people all talking at the same time, Will couldn't hear anything other than the intense beating of his own heart. He had never held a guys hand before, and to be honest, he still wasn't. At least not in the way you think when you think of holding someones hand. Sonny was just being polite, he knew that, but that didn't stop his spine from tingling or his thoughts from running wild. He began to imagine what it would be like to hold Sonny's hand for real. To touch him, hold him, and know that he was his completely. It was in the midst of this daydream that a beautiful blonde haired girl came running, throwing her arms around Sonny and causing his hand to detach from Will's.
"You came!" she said excitedly, giving Sonny a quick kiss on the cheek before turning her gaze to Will. "Hi, I'm Abigail," she said with a smile, "you must be Will."
"Uh, yeah, it's nice to meet you." Will replied, his hand still tingling from where Sonny's had been only moment's ago. So this is the girlfriend... he thought to himself. To be honest, a small... ok, large part of him had been hoping that she would be unfriendly, mean or stuck up. Anything that would give him reason not to like her other than the fact that he had a thing for her boyfriend... But he had had no such luck. He could already tell from their brief encounter that she was probably one of those people that were annoyingly sweet. Damnit.
"So how are you liking the new place? Is this one driving you crazy yet?" she asked, patting Sonny on the chest as he laughed.
"Um..." Will mumbled, trying to fight off the heat he could feel rising in his cheeks. If only she knew...
"Hey now," Sonny interrupted, saving Will from his own embarrassment. "I am a great roommate."
"Sure you are," Abigail replied sarcastically. Nudging her elbow into the side of Sonny's stomach. "Why don't you prove it and go get us all some drinks."
"Coming right up," Sonny said with a smile as he turned and made his way towards the living room.
"Hey," Sonny said, pulling his body up to sit on the counter Next to Will who had been sitting alone in the kitchen for the past 20 minutes. "I've been looking all over for you."
"Sorry. I guess I just needed a breather."
"Yeah, I understand. Brian's parties can be...intense sometimes," Sonny said as he took another sip of his beer.
"Where's Abigail?" Will asked, noticing that this was the first time since they had arrived that the two hadn't been together.
"Uh, talking to some of her friends I think. I kinda lost track of her when I was looking for you."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Will began but was cut off by Sonny before he could finish.
"Will, relax, it's fine. We see each other all the time."
"You guys seem really close," Will stated. Not quite sure why he was carrying on a conversation about his crushes girlfriend, but being curious none the less.
"Yeah we are," Sonny replied with a smile. "I don't know what I would do without her."
"Yeah, she seems really great," Will said.
"She definitely likes you," Sonny offered, looking at Will through the corner of his eye and giving him a quick smile.
"Really?" Will asked surprised. "How can you tell?"
"Trust me, I know Abigail. You won her over pretty much the second you walked in."
"Well I like her too," he replied, still wishing a little that that statement wasnt true.
'Ok," Sonny said as he jumped off the counter and turned till he was face to face with Will. "Come on."
"What are you talking about? Where are we going?" Will asked confused.
"We are going to go dance," Sonny replied, pulling him slightly towards the edge of the counter.
"Dance? Oh no. No, no, no, no. I don't dance." Will insisted, pushing himself back to where he had been sitting before.
"Oh come on ,Will. Loosen up! It'll be fun," Sonny said.
"Really, you don't want to see me dance. I am still trying to live down senior prom."
"Well now I really want to see you dance," Sonny teased," Seriously Horton, I'm gonna make you have fun if it's the last thing I do."
Will looked at Sonny, his lips curling up into a mischievous smile as if he was using them to dare Will to go dance. Letting out a sigh, he pulled himself from the counter.
"Ok, I'll dance.. but you have to promise not to laugh!"
"I promise," Sonny replied seriously before breaking into a huge grin and grabbing Will's arm. "Come on, lets go."
"Wow..." Sonny said as he watched Will awkwardly move side to side.
"What?" Will asked, removing his gaze from his feet to give Sonny a confused (and completely adorable) look.
"Nothing, it's just... you really are bad at this," Sonny laughed.
"I told you I can't dan... You promised you wouldn't laugh!" Will said as he playfully punched Sonny in the shoulder, his cheeks getting redder and redder by the minute, something Sonny found incredible attractive.
"Will, Will! I'm sorry," Sonny half said and half laughed as he grabbed Will, who had started to walk away in embarrassment, and pulled him back to the dance floor. "Look, you just have to move your body a little more, get into the music. Here, let me show you." Sonny said as he placed one hand on either side of Will's hips and began moving them back and forth.
When Sonny had held Will's hand earlier he had known, as amazing as it was, that there was nothing romantic behind it. Sonny was just being polite by guiding him through an overcrowded room. But this...this was different...this was...intimate. The way Sonny's hands moved slightly up Will's torso, how he pulled their bodies closer together, each one moving in perfect synchronization with the other, was almost more than Will could handle. He knew he shouldn't be doing this. Sonny was his roommate, Sonny was taken, Sonny was...goodness he was gorgeous.
Loosing the power to fight, Will let himself surrender to the moment. His body moving closer to Sonny's until he could feel the heat of his breath as it tickled the nape of his neck. In the back of his mind Will knew that this didn't mean anything. He and Sonny were just roommates, friends even, and Sonny was with Abigail. He knew this... but being this close to him had forced all logic to leave Will's brain, and all he could think about at this moment was the fact that the only thing that separated his lips from Sonny's were a few empty inches...
He had to fight it... he was trying really hard to fight it... but any restraint Will had had left went out the window when Sonny's eye's fixated on his own, his mouth slanting slightly to the left as he gave Will a small smile that he would have sworn, if he didn't know any better, was a little bit flirtatious.
God he wanted him... he wanted him bad... he wanted him really bad... but more than anything... he wanted him now...