"Hey camera girl, film this!"

Trixie rolled her eyes, riding her mecha on past Billy has he dangled on the edge of a cliff. She laughed as she heard a high-pitched scream behind her, followed by a thud. She sped her mecha up to catch up with the rest of the gang.

"Hey, don't fall behind now, you don't know what type of monsters will get you if you do." Kord joked curving his hands into mock claws.

Trixie laughed again, "If you consider Billy a monster, but he's nothing I can't handle," She shrugged with a proud smile.

"Hey, let's just leave the Hooligang alone after what mess they caused last time." Eli huffed from the front of the group. It was needless to say those two boys didn't get along anymore, despite Eli's willingness to forgive almost anybody. Trixie rolled her eyes, reminding herself that no matter how attractive his blonde hair made him, Billy was on the wrong team.

But that didn't stop the dreams of returning to Snowdance cavern, just the two of them, with a nice caring Billy. Of course, that was impossible, he was cocky, immature, and more often than not, quick to anger and pull a blaster on someone.

"Trix, you okay? You seem down all of the sudden." Kord asked.

"Hmm? No, I'm fine." She forced a smile. Kord looked at her funny, he wasn't buying it. Trixie tried a different smile before turning back to the road. Almost home now, where she could vent her feelings to the slug net, where no one knew her real identity, and where no one would judge her for her feelings for the wrong guy.