Hi there~!

So, after much consideration, i've decided to make a series of one-shots pertaining to things Soul and Maka never thought would happen, as a lot of their ideals have been shattered as their years together progress. This starts off when they first became partners and works its way forward.

You guys seemed to enjoy my last series of one-shots so I thought I'd give this a try. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater

I never thought…

Chapter One: …I'd be your partner

The room he had holed himself in was dark save the open window on the left. The piano in the center of the room gleamed, and the ivory keys practically called to him. Soul Eater walked over to the instrument, and ran his fingers over the keys. They were smooth and the black and white pattern was so familiar to him…

He pressed too hard on one of the keys, and heard its sound resonate within the room. It was a G#, not a sound that was pleasant to the ears, but a sound all the same.

Soul took a quick glance around the room. It was empty and soundless, save the odd giggle from a girl in the hall. He took a seat on the piano bench, and let his fingers skim the keys. The urge to hear the sound of the piano filled him again and, for once, he gave into it.

He played a chord. Then another. Then another, his fingers moving faster and faster. He was warming up his fingers, getting them accustomed to the placement of each note.

He heard a creak at the door and, in the piano's body, Soul could see that it was a girl; a girl with a meister tag obviously displayed because it was over her breast. Soul continued playing, pretending not to see the brunette behind him.

The girl's mouth opens like she intended to ask him something but the moment he starts playing, truly started playing, she stopped. His fingers flew up and down the piano with reckless abandon, the song dark and fierce. He played it with the intention of making the girl leave him alone. He didn't need her.

Women didn't make for good meisters, he'd been told.

Two boys, together, was what Soul was aiming for. The girl rushed out, hands over her ears and Soul heard many other footsteps follow her out of the hall. He grinned sadistically to himself and continued to play until deciding to change the song. It now became low and husky, still dark. To him, this song was that of an amateur, but it was the first piece he'd ever composed. It had been about life. How blatantly miserable he'd been.

His life story in notes.

Soul continued to play, the hope of getting a male meister failing. If they're meant for me, they'll come for me, thought Soul. He'd let the meister come to him. He wasn't desperate. He had patience. Besides, his songs were dark; it was just the way he composed. If a meister would brave the darkness, then they would be worthy of a weapon like him.

A couple hours passed and Soul stopped playing. Few people had come in to see who was playing but they never stayed long. They would give a glance, their faces would screw up with disgust, and then they'd run away. The reaction they had was normal. Soul had yet to find a meister that walked into the room and tolerated the music. That enjoyed it. That had the courage to overcome his frightening music.

He sighed and slid his fingers off the keys, letting them drop to the bench with a disheartened thum. The room was still empty, the curtains slightly drawn. The door was wide open, welcoming anybody; his music, on the other hand, was not so welcoming.

In a way, Soul had to admit that he hadn't really expected too much. Shibusen was filled with meisters, and one of them was meant to be his.

However, at the current moment, such a hope was risky and riddled with flaws.

"Oh! You stopped playing." Soul swivelled to face the door. In its frame stood a young girl that looked about Soul's age if not younger. Her hair, an ashy blonde colour, was tied up in two long pigtails. She had bright green eyes and the oddest uniform he'd ever seen. Her breasts weren't as big as the other girls he'd seen, he noted, but, none the less, it was her chest that caught his attention.

Over her heart, there was a tag. Meister.

"Yeah? So?" he wasn't totally interested in this girl. He was looking for a male partner. A stronger partner than this...than this flat-chested girl in front of him.

"You weren't intending to continue?" She took a step into the room, hands behind her back. She held herself with a kind of pride that he was slightly interested in. Still, she wasn't what he wanted at the moment.

"You don't want to hear it."

"But I do!" she insisted and Soul just snorted. He was feeling very sadistic. It was almost like he was begging to be rejected.

"If you're sure." If this girl wanted another taste of his music then fine. He'd whip out a song he liked to play. Dark and eerie; perfect for making this stupid girl regret what she's said.

Soul walked back to the piano, stretching his fingers before glancing at the girl. "This is the kind of guy I am."

And then the music started like a crash. It was ominous and dark at first. It then scaled to something lighter before continuing it's dark and dangerous melody. The made it darker, with bits of light in between. It then became somewhat of a bright call that always made it's way back into the darkness.

While Soul played, he felt very warm in his chest. He didn't understand it, didn't care to, so he continued playing, eyes closed, deep in the music.

The piece came to a finish and, when he opened his eyes, the reflection in the piano gave him the same unfavourable answer he'd been getting all day.

No one was there.

"Just another girl," he said to himself, pushing up his hair. He knew it had been too good to be true. No one could actually like his music. No sane person could enjoy something like that. He was alone in that way...

"Who's just another girl?" Soul turned to his right where he saw the girl, leaning against the wall, "I find that quite insulting. Girls aren't all the same, you know? We're all very different with very different personalities. We have different tastes in music, different souls, different names. Which brings me to another topic. I believe that an introduction is in order. My name is Maka Albarn. A meister. And you?"


"Of course," she pushed off the wall and came to stand beside the piano, a smile on her face, "I'd like to properly tell the composer my take on the song."

"What exactly would you like to tell the composer then?"

"That I loved his song." Soul's eyes widened. Impossible. That couldn't be right... "It was... how should I put this? I'm not musically inclined but I felt like the song was calling to me. Like a cry for help when you're lost. It was so raw. So..." the girl now known as Maka Albarn smiled at Soul, warm and accepting, "...good. I really liked it."

Soul was frozen for a moment before he shook his head at his and started getting off the bench. "You must not know a lot about music then," said Soul rudely, trying to ignore the rising hope he felt in his chest when she said she'd liked it.

"What are you talking about? I don't need to know a lot about music to like it," Soul just stared at her, "I mean, I personally liked it. You shouldn't be discouraged if other people didn't like it. It only matters if you did." More staring. "It's just my opinion..."

"You've got a lot of guts, Maka Albarn."


"You're brave enough to walk into an abandoned music room with a boy you hardly know. Brave enough to throw your opinion at his face expecting him to accept it. And brave enough, over all, to talk to an albino with very sharp teeth in a bad mood."

Maka blinked twice before frowning, "You want me to be afraid of you?"


"'Cause you're not that scary. If anything, you're stubborn and I think that's really great. Which reminds me, that's a weapon tag, right?"

Soul looked down at his chest where the tag was pinned. he'd completely forgotten it was there. He nodded to her.

Her green eyes brightened. "Good. What do you say to being partners with me?"


"Yeah. You look like a really capable weapon. Besides, wouldn't you want to be a Death Scythe?"

"A weapon for Lord Death? It's every weapons' goal."

"Good! I'll meet you outside the school tomorrow for some training. Okay?"

"Wait, you're just assuming I want to be partners with you."

"Wow, you catch on quick." said Maka sarcastically. "If you don't want to just say so. I need a weapon. You need a meister. You can always change if you don't like working with me."

"Well, when you put it that way..." Maka frowned. "I'll be partners with you."

"Great." Maka made for the door. "By the way, what's your name?"


"Soul? Last name?"

"Soul Eater."

Maka tested out the name. "Soul Eater..." She grinned at him. "Suits you."

Soul felt this swelling in his chest that was too strong to ignore. Maka left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He finally had a partner. Not the one that he had initially wanted, oh no, this girl was not his ideal. But, if he was lucky, she'd be true to her word. She'd make him a Death Scythe.

Soul left the music room with a little more light in his soul than when he had gone in.

so this brings us to the end of chapter one. Hope you enjoyed it.

Reviews are greatly appreciated.

Thanks [:

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