Note to my beautiful and amazing readers: My computer auto-corrects Hermione to Hermoine. I know it's spelled wrong, I know it's annoying, but I'm 12 chapters in so far and I'm not about to go back and change all of them. Sorry for the annoyance but please bear with me and remember to review, favorite, follow, and check out my other stories. Thank you!

Chapter 1

"I CANNOT believe I left my work folder at home again." Hermoine blew a burst of air.

Now 24 years old, Hermoine worked at a healing clinic located in an upscale community.

She was climbing up the ladder of success but lately her head was in the clouds.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what am I going to do?! Now I have to go back to my flat and look for that ratty old thing. UGH. I'm so frazzled I forgot my wand in the folder too." She smacked herself on the forehead.

"Maybe if I run fast enough I'll make it back in time for the meeting…" She mumbled to herself, rubbing the sore spot where she smacked herself.

In a rush to find her work supplies she didn't notice the tall slim figure walking by and slammed into him full force, dropping her "Healers Guide to Black Magic and Misc." book, folder full of paperwork and spilling her scalding hot coffee all over the mystery man.

"OH MY, IM SO SORRY! I- I didn't see you walking a-an-and I- I, I'm so so so so sorry! Here let me…-" She gushed on before abruptly stopping.

When Hermoine finally worked past the initial shock and looked into the mans face, she went silent in complete horror. It was her childhood enemy, Draco Malfoy.

"Always a clumsy little thing you've always been". He said with a sly grin.

"Ugh. I have actual things to take care of... Malfoy… I don't have time for your nonsense." Hermoine retorted.

"Don't be so rude Hermoine. I was simply taking a walk. YOU ran into ME, remember?" He laughed at her.

"Ugh. You are so disgusting. What are you even doing here?" She gestured at her quaint little neighborhood.

"Shouldn't you be at your huge Mansion or something?" She rolled her eyes at him

"Actually, if you must know. I just bought a flat a few blocks away." He grinned

"A few blocks away?"

"Yes Hermoine. Get those cute little ears cleaned would ya' ?" He made fun of her.

"Before you get all high and mighty with me, I should let you know there is a small flaw in your story." She gave her world famous know-it-all smile

The same smile that irked him all those years in Hogwarts.

"Oh really, dear? What is it? Although I'm sure would have told me without my asking." He raised a brow at her.

"If you live 'blocks away' what the hell are you doing HERE? And walking nevertheless." She laughed proudly. Feeling like she finally had the upper hand.

Malfoy stared at her. And then suddenly started laughing.

"Wh-whats so funny?"

He kept laughing.

"MALFOY, What is so funny!?"

He had tears in his eyes now.

"You little twit, you think you know everything?!"

Hermoine was puzzled.


His laughter grew louder.

"Yes you fool ! You think you know it all but you don't!"

His laughter slowly subsided and he cleared his throat, wiping away a tear while still holding a condescending grin.

"My grandmother lives in the nursing home around the corner. I was visiting her."

Hermoine stared at him in disbelief.

"Well... Well even if I did know that there would still be a flaw!" She folded her arms stubbornly.

Malfoy was having fun.

"Is that so? Care to share?"

"You don't have a shred of caring or compassion in your soul Malfoy. I'm not even sure you're actually human."

Malfoy was confused.

"What are you getting at Granger?"

"That there is NO WAY IN HELL you would care enough about someone to actually visit them. AND ON FOOT!"

Her face was red with anger and frustration.

Malfoy just laughed.

"I am a wizard, mudblood. I simply flashed myself over here and was taking a small walk. Not that I have to explain myself to such a dimwit like yourself." He sneered at her.

"You're such an ass."

Tired of his crap she turned and noticed that he had been –strangely- in front of her flat when they collided, she began furiously looking for her keys. Not being able to get away from him fast enough.

"Where are you going, sweetheart? Don't you want to invite me in? I mean, you did just coat me in coffee and then proceeded to insult me." He snickered.

Another slimy grin crawled onto his mature and chiseled face.

"You can take care of that stain with a flick of wrist. No need to come into my home." She said with a heavy dose of sarcasm and a false smile.

Malfoy's slick smile slightly faltered. Regaining his arrogant composure he closed her in, encircling her with his arms.

"Look, sweetheart. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to be appearing in your life much much more. So get used to it." He responded with disdain.

With the same Cheshire grin, he placed a delicate kiss to the tip of her nose and stared deep into her decadent golden eyes. She couldn't help but fall into a trance as she stared into his icy blue eyes. She searched for a bit of emotion but couldn't get passed the wall he seemed to put up.

Suddenly, -and to her relief- her owl let out a startling screech from the window and Malfoy took a few steps back in surprise. Seeing this as a window of escape, Hermoine shook her head and hurriedly opened the door to her flat.

I don't know what you mean by that, Malfoy, but stay the bloody hell away from me! I have enough trouble in my life and I don't need you added to it!" She yelled.

She slammed the door shut and leaned against it, trying to control her breath.