I don't own Teen Titans or any of the characters, all rights reserved to DC and Warner Brothers and probably Cartoon Network. Rate and Review.

"Titans, GO!"
The familiar call always meant one thing: it was time to leave... Now!
"Mammoth! We need an exit!" But before he even had the time to grab his bags of stolen cash, the shape-shifter was on him. "Mammoth, shake him! We have to go!" Normally it took Beast Boy and his buddy Cyborg to match Mammoth. But ever since his little girlfriend screwed herself over trying to save the world, the Green Giant has been kicking some serious ass. Great for the Titans... not so much for us.
"Giz! Come on, Billy!" As I called out each name, I saw my team mates being picked off one by one. Starfire was flying circles around Gizmo, one of the engines on his wings completely melted. Beast Boy was beating Mammoth at every turn. Cyborg and Robin were beating down Billy Numerous faster than he could clone himself. "Damn," I whispered to myself.
"Already giving up," I heard a voice whisper behind me. That cold, emotionless voice... Shivers down my spine were the least of my problems.
"You wish! You'd better fight as good as you look. Today is NOT your lucky day!" My powers are the best. Bad luck. That's why my friends call me Jinx. But there's only so much bad luck can do, and it looked like I was going to need a miracle to keep us out of jail this time. I'm good at working miracles... Wait, did I just complement her... again!
'Dammit, Jinx, head in the game, girl.'
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"
It was all I could do to cart-wheel out of the way in time. She's just so damned distracting!
"Dammit, guys, we're out of here!" The armored safe she threw at me crashed against the wall, finalizing my statement. I ran at one of the marble columns that supported the bank and placed a simple hex. It corroded the stone enough that a light tap brought the pillar down; along with half the roof. Back-flipping through the pieces of falling rubble, I grabbed Gizmo and whistled for Mammoth and Billy to follow. I saw Cyborg get knocked on the head with a decent sized ceiling tile, giving Mammoth the moment he needed to side-step Beast Boy and charge through the wall, bringing down more of the bank with him. Gizmo gave me the heads up to let him go as he found the button to his spider-legs. Billy ran out of the building just in time to avoid being crushed by another piece of roof. He grabbed on to one of Gizmo's robo-legs with one hand, and a large bag of cash in another. Gizmo then ran as fast as his legs would carry him. A second later, Mammoth came around the block, having exited the bank in the wrong direction. Unfortunately he didn't see me, and was out of earshot before I could call for him. Damned oaf.
I looked back at the wreckage. Somehow I knew they were all okay. Robin's resourceful (to say the least), Beast Boy knows his morphs, Starfire and Cyborg can both take harder hits than that, and Raven...
"I hope you're okay," I whispered to myself. I turned back around only to walk into something. "Crap," I said as I saw what it was.
"Hope WHO's okay," she asked. Her voice as cold and steely as ever.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I retorted.
"I'm bringing you in this time," she said. She seemed to be laughing at me and my increasingly worse situation. My entire team gone and hers just seconds away. She stood there, hovering above the ground, the tips of her blue boots an inch away from the floor. Her cloak gently rippled around her shoulders down to about midway between her knees and ankles. Her-
A quick hex provided me with the distraction I needed to cartwheel away from her.
"See you next time, Raven," I said quickly. With a skip, flip and a jump, I was already down the block. After a few more seconds, she was out of sight as I rounded a corner into an alley as fast as I could run. I reached the end of the alley before I realized teleporting was a LOT faster.
"Wait!" She cocked her hooded head. The new angle allowed the sun to reveal a small section of her face. "You got me. Just... before you take me in... can I ask you a question?" Now was as good a time as any. Probably better than most seeing as how she could answer without the rest of the Titans breathing down her neck.
"Jinx, I swear, if this is a trap-"
"No! No trap. I swear. It's just... Have you ever... liked anyone? Ever?"
"Before you get mad- I'm the only girl on a team of four people... or a hundred... more Billy doesn't really count..."
'For anything else besides burning through our food money,' I thought to myself.
She slowly began to lift further up off the ground, an obvious sign that she was gathering power for another attack. It was obvious no matter what I said, she wasn't going to take me seriously. She didn't trust me... With this realization, I heard my heart shatter into a million pieces. I mean, I honestly shouldn't have expected anything different, but I'd wished... I'd hoped...
I dropped to my knees in defeat and pain. I didn't care if I caught a run in my new stockings when I hit the dirty cobbled ground.
"J-Jinx? What the heck is your problem?" The sound of her perplexed voice made me look up. I've never heard her as anything but sure of herself.
"Raven, please. You have no idea how hard living like this is. No money, no permanent home... no girl friends to talk to... Please. I need help." It was almost impossible trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. What's wrong with me?
"If you're going to continue leading this life and robbing banks like this, there's nothing I can do for you," she said, her steely voice wavering slightly. I barely even noticed she was now standing on solid ground.
"Yeah, real easy for you to say. You live in the tower. Your powers bring peace. What's bad luck good for besides making it easier to get away after committing a crime?" Absolutely nothing. I'd tried everything before becoming a villain. Bad luck was just... bad luck.
"Jinx... I don't know how I can help you. NYC needs more heroes. If you want to change-"
"I knew you wouldn't understand. Nobody does. I didn't ask for these powers."
Raven removed her hood and revealed this inquisitive face. She took a couple steps closer to me. "Jinx-"
"Raven, I don't need your sympathy," I pleaded. "Just answer the question. Have you ever liked anyone?"
"Well, yes, of course. The Titans are-"
"No. I mean, as more than a friend, or a teammate. Haven't you ever crushed on someone?"
It took a while before she answered, or even moved. She just stared me down with those beautiful blue eyes. It took me a second to realize my mascara was running. Raven's figure started becoming blurrier and blurrier as I discovered I'd lost the fight to my emotions.
"Jinx, what's the matter," she asked. I heard the sound of footfalls, and then felt a cool hand gently grab my chin and lift my head to look up.
"I... I th-think something's wrong with me," I sobbed.
"There's nothing wrong with liking someone," Raven mumbled quietly. "I've had a couple of crushes before."
"It's n-not that I'm c-crushing. It's who I'm crushing ON," I managed to say.
"Who is it?"
I almost wanted to tell her. This new person trying to comfort me was so different from the regular Raven who had tried to drop a car on my head on many occasions. But there's a reason we villains run after a bank robbery... We're not all that good with dealing with the consequences of our actions. This was an action whose consequences I knew I couldn't handle.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said again. I reached up to wipe my face. The tears had messed up all my makeup. I shivered at the thought of her seeing me without it. I look hideous without it on. Luckily, I heard the sound of Gizmo's jet-pack off in the distance. Time to go.
I wiped my face on my jacket. "Thanks for the chat, Titan," I said, pouring on as much of my villain self as I could. I stood up, turned heel and ran. I used my momentum to carry me up a wall far enough to grab on to the bottom of a fire escape. A quick flip brought me over the low wall. As I looked down, I saw she was just getting ready to fly at me. I could tell from the look in her eyes she knew I was sincere, but was just doing what heroes are forced to do when the bad guy tries to get away. I didn't have the heart to hex her. Not after how she'd treated me. Instead, I just pushed Lady Luck against her just a bit. She slipped on a puddle of grease, and fell. I mouthed 'sorry' to her before I made it to the top of the building. Gizmo saw my pink pig-tails (they're not really something you can miss) and flew me away. I had to force myself not to look back. I AM part of the HIVE. I have to hide my feelings no matter what.