Chapter 3: Holy Ground and the Mad Maiden
"I will wait outside for you Aang." Sokka says as he gets off Appa with Lion fallowing him.
"Why, don't you want to see the inside of an air temple? Few outsiders get to see inside one." Aang asks Sokka.
"Aang I should my soul to the devil I don't think you want someone like me, in a holy place like this." Sokka tells the boy.
"Why did you sell it Sokka?" Aang asks the Sokka curious as always.
"To save my mom and make sure she will live see her grandchildren." Sokka tells Aang with a smile since he never regretted the deal he made.
"So you did it out of love, there is nothing wrong with that as long as it only affects you negatively. It does only effect you right?" Aang asks Sokka confused.
"It would be a negative to Mephisto if broke the deal himself. However, other than that, it would only affect me so long as I keep to the deal. I hunt down the souls of the truly corrupted and send them to hell, to Mephisto." Sokka tells Aang.
"Well Monk Gyatso says greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for a friend or in this case family. I feel that you would be welcome here Sokka, so please come in with us." Aang tells Sokka with a smile.
"We will catch up in a minuet girls, I need to talk to Aang about some guy stuff." Sokka tells the girls as he grabs Aang's shoulder, holding onto him a bit more tightly the necessary.
"I read that there are some nice baths in the Nun's visitor's quarters. I'm sure you gals would like a nice long soak after ruffing it for two days, so Aang give them directions." Sokka says as he increased presser on Aang's arm squeezing hard enough leave a light brose the boy.
Aang gives the girls directions in a bit of a pain-filled voice.
"Now you're not going to like this, but I have stayed in the temple a few times in the stables outside the walls. However, I found something you need to see. It will be better if you just see it now and get it over with." Sokka says before he hits Aang in the back of the head hard.
"What was that for?" Aang asks as he rubs his head.
"It was to temporarily block your seventh chakra and when the time is right this will make since and because I know you like my sister that was a warning. If you break her heart I will break you, now fallow me." Sokka says as he walks to the back of the temple.
"You know Sokka as a monk, I may be able to remove whatever curse you were put under when you sold your soul and free you from your deal." Aang tells Sokka to make conversation.
"Thanks for the offer but no, I made a deal and I will stick to it. A deal is a deal, Aang you should never try to back out of one. You also need to read any deal you get thoroughly before you sign anything. When we have time, I am going to teach you more about how to handle legal documents. Were here now what you're going to see is going to upset you, but I'm going to do something for you." Sokka says before he turns the corner to find the skeleton of monk Gyatso surrounded by dead fire benders.
Sokka the takes on his Rider form the dark red flames of his hellfire burning brightly in place of Sokka's skin. Sokka calls upon the infinite power of hellfire and he uses it to pull a piece of Gyatso pure soul out of his corps. Sokka solidified it into a gem in the shape of the air tribe symbol. Sokka then uses his power over the chains of the dammed to create a thin necklace chain so Aang can were the soul fragment.
"When you are ready this will let you talk to Gyatso, but it will only work once a year. I charged it to work twice before it needs a year to recharge but the two time use is a onetime thing. Now I am going to pass out, my powers are not really meant to be used in this fashion, Sokka out." Sokka says as he falls over backwards as drops out of his rider form, which looked weird to Aang.
"Hello there little lemur want to be my friend?" Aang asks seeing a ring tailed lemur. Aang left Sokka alone as he chased the little creature hoping to have a new pet.
Fire Nation Colonies
"We were attacked by The Ghost Rider who was after my soul; luckily I am on the way to redemption so he spared me. Zuko is suffering from a concussion and a cracked skull so he is resting in his cabin, Caption Zhao. Unfortunately, due to the Riders involvement the Avatar escaped. I would like to inform my brother of his son's successful mission." Iroh says with a smile on his face.
"I have some good fire healers visiting the base I will send one to heal Zuko. I am glade he has regained his honor by completing his mission." Zhao says politely but on the inside, he was mad the boy was now crown prince again and that he could not manipulate the boy into thinking he was to capture the Avatar instead of finding him. Then again, it gives him a better shot for the glory of capturing the Avatar himself.
"I would appreciate that. Do you have any Jasmin tea? If you do I would gladly brew us a pot to enjoy." Iroh says still smiling; he knew Zhao like himself loved a good pot of tea.
"It's been a while since I have had a descent pot of tea, as you know I am not the best brewer. Would you care to give me a lesson?" Zhao asks hoping to get some tips on improving his brewing techniques.
Two days later
A figure on a large female blue Northern Tiger-Lion rides into the Fire Nation colony port city's gate. The Tiger-Lions legs were a silver blue and her ears were yellow. A long full body cloak was covering the rider entire body obstructed them from view. The gate guards a man and a woman both of whom were third generation Fire Nation soldiers born in this colony guard the gate.
"Please remove your hood rider and show us your passport." The woman says.
The rider removes her hood showing her long brown hair tied into a top knot and golden eyes. The girl had a pretty face and she wears dark red lipstick. She reaches into her cloak and pulls out a small book. The book had the emblem of the royal family of the Fire Nation on it. It was a rare hand bound royal passport indicating a special agent of the Fire Lord.
"I am Princess Azula and I am here to deliver a message to my uncle and brother. If that is all I would like to be on my way as I have more important things to do then chat with two lowly gate guards." The Princess of the Fire Nation states in an arrogant and dangerous voice.
"Yes princess but I will still need your passport so I can log your arrival into the books." The woman says as she takes the passport from Azula before stamping it.
"Sighing here please." the male guard states shakily as he hands the volatile girl a clipboard and points to where she needed to sigh. He was deathly afraid of cats of all sizes and shapes.
Azula grabs the offered board but reaches into her cloak to grab her favorite writing utensil a fountain pen. Fountain pens were a rare and very expensive on the planet Midgard because of the time it takes to make one at this time. Azula's pen had a fierce and vicious looking wolf on it. It was a gift from her mistress, Hela for her fourteenth birthday two months ago. She carefully reads the form before sighing it. (The wolf is Garm Hela's Hel hound.)
"Thank you for holding me to proper standers and procedures. You are good at your jobs; expect a bonus on your next check." Azula says as she hands the clipboard back to the man who hollers for the gate to open.
Azula pulls up her hood before she proceeds to ride Azure into Port City, which was the original Earth Kingdom name of the city. She heads right for the docks were she could sense her brother's angry soul. As she rides her beloved tiger-lion Azure, she thought about the deal she made with Hela.
Two years ago in the Fire Nation
Azula was almost in tears as she sat by her mother bedside. Ursa was badly injured protecting Azula form an Earth Kingdom assassin. Azula never knew her mother could fight like the way she did to protect her and she had be awed by her mother's vicious fire bending style. She did not even know her mother was a fire bender until she watched her bend two days ago. She could only look at her mother and cry as she laid motion less in bed inside an iron lounge. Ursa was not expected to live through the night. This was because of the injuries to her lungs form the earth benders use of the Zen gardens sand.
"Do you want to make a deal to save your mother's life young princess?" a woman's voice comes from behind her.
Azula turns around to look behind her with tears staining her face, she sees the tallest living woman she has ever seen. The woman was standing at six foot six inches tall; she had long strait black hair, green eyes and was dressed in a green suit with a long black trench coat her skin was white as snow as well. Azula had to admit the woman had a nice pair of legs and was very attractive. The woman also wore a black circlet around her head.
"Greetings young princess I am Hela Goddess of the Dead and I have a deal to make with you. However, we should discuss it somewhere more pleasant for you. Don't worry I have stopped time so nothing will happen too your mother." Hela states with a kind smile and with a snap of her fingers, they disappeared.
Marvel 22413243(my story armory: Steel and Maiden universe)
"This is Dena's diner. They have the best French silk pie in the multiverse." Hela says with a smile as they appear in front of the dinner. Hela walks into the diner with Azula fallowing after her.
"Hello Hela do you want your normal both?" The waitress asks the tall woman.
"Of course I do Tina." Hela says with a smile to the young woman, as she was lead to her booth. Hela saw that Steve Rodgers was on a date with Ophelia Sarkissian as she sat in her booth.
"I will have a mocha latte and the girl will have a Wild Cherry Pepsi." Hela tells Tina.
"I got it." Tina says with a smile as she writes down the drinks.
"Now if you will just sighing here and I will save your mother's life." Hela says as she hands Azula a blank scroll with an x and a line on the bottom.
"It does not say what I am agreeing to so I will not sighing it since the price is problem my soul. I was taught in school to always read the full document before I sighing anything. "Azula says arrogantly as she looks at the scroll.
"Smart girl let us discuss the terms of the contract then. Azula you will become my Dark Valkyrie. You will use an amulet to deliver the souls of powerful warriors to me after they die or slain by yourself. When no battles are happening I will give you a list of souls to collect when I find a warrior who peaks my interest that is about to die. In addition, you will hunt the souls of the damned to send their evil to hell were they will cleansed of their sins. You will be granted the ability to transform into my Dark Valkyrie and in this form, you will be granted the cold flames of Niffleheim. After all, I do need you to be different from my husband's Rider. Do not worry your fire bending will be normal when not transformed. In exchange your mother will be healed and have no scars. But you will be pledged to serve me until time ends then you will be judged to enter either heaven or hell." Hela says as she takes a sip of her mocha.
"That is fair but she must also live a long happy life, have at least one more child and you cannot make deals with any other member of my family for three generations, Deal?" Azula says in her normal tone.
If she was going to give up the throne to Zuzu, her mother had better have a long and happy life.
"Deal. Now let us sigh the contract. I will sighing first." Hela says as she takes the contract.
Hela pulls out a fountain pen; she did like antics after all. Her pen has several skulls on it. She sighs the contract before pressing a button on the pen releasing a small knife blade. She uses the blade to cut her thumb and uses her blood to bind her to the contract. She hands the pen to Azula who does the same thing under Hela's name. The words magically appear on the scroll binding Azula as Hela's Dark Valkyrie and Hela to the deal she made.
"Lady Sif I call you to me, it is time for you to repay your debt." Hela says as she calls the former leader of the Valkyrie.
Azula is startled when a tall black haired blue-eyed woman in a red dress suit appears next to her in the booth.
"This is lady Sif former leader of the Valkyries and she will be teaching you how to use your new powers as well as teach you how to wield a sword. Now let's get some French silk pie to eat and get to know each other." Hela says with a smile as she waves down Tina.
Azula who had not eaten in two days would go on to eat six pieces of French silk pie along with a kid's burger meal.
Azula still met up with her Sifu Sif and Mistress Hela every three months for pie and gossip. Finding she reached her destination, she road Azure into the naval command center of the town and had her break the door down. Her entrance scared the shit out of several Fire Nation sailors.
"Were is my old fuddy duddy of an uncle?" Azula yells as the door falls in splinters as she drops her hood she always liked to make an entrance.
"So my brother sent you instead of a messenger hawk. I have a few small gifts for you my niece." Iroh says with teary eyes after all, he did just spill his tea when his over dramatic niece made her entrance.
"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but still." Iroh sobbed.
"I picked this up on the way, it's not the best tea in the world, but still it's better than nothing." Azula says as she hand her uncle a new cup of tea.
"You are the best niece I have." Iroh says with a smile.
"You only have two and one is only five years old. How is Zuzu? You know father would have forgiven him if he just fought against him. He would have treated him as grandpa Azulon did to daddy. Any way here is what you will need to get Zuzu back into the Fire Nation. I have another matter to attend so give Zuzu my regards please and I will meet you on the ship in a few days for my presents." Azula says with a small smile on her face.
Who knew that she would be happier without the presser of possibly being the ruler of the Fire Nation? Do to her deal with Hela making her immortal she lost the right to rule. This was because the Fire Nation had a law that the ruler of the nation must be able to die so a new fire may take over. There can be no eternal flames ruling over the nation for all fire must eventually go out, so new ways of thinking can come about.
"If you're going after the Ghost Rider as my letter stated he was traveling with The Avatar, be careful your new powers may keep you alive for eternity. However, from what I saw the Rider can put you into a death like state if you are not careful my beloved niece. Be wary of his eyes for they possess a strange power and his fire is different as well. However, I do not think he is a fire bender. The Rider has a supernatural control of his chain and it is hot enough to melt through battle ship armor. I would accompany you if you were to ask but I am an old man who longs for home." Iroh states with a smile.
"I sometimes forget how spiritually aware you are uncle and thank you for the offer but you deserve some time back in the mother land, so I will take him alone. Thank you for the information you gave me I will heed your counsel. Do not worry about his mount Mistress Hela enhanced Azure with the cold flame so she can transform as I do now. She will be more than a match for the Riders saber-toothed-lion-tiger. I will come visit when I have at least disabled him if he is like me and cannot die."
"How will you find him my little ember?" Iroh asks as he sips his mediocre tea.
"One of the powers granted to me is the ability to hunt down darkness wherever I may be. The Rider may be just in his deeds but his power I am sure you noticed are from a source darker than mine are. Hela is married to the demon who granted the Rider his power and we share some of the same powers. However, as a Dark Valkyrie, I have far more physical strength then The Ghost Rider does. He will be arriving on Kyoshi later today I can get there in two days if I take my time witch I will, as I need to find a gift for Yuka. I bet she would like a Kyoshi war fan." Azula says as she starts thinking of a gift for her beloved little sister.
Yuka may only be five but she was already intimidating men better than Azula did at that age.
However most of the time she is a sweet and caring five year old girl which made her all the more scary.
"Can you give your old uncle a hug before you leave?" Iroh asks his eldest niece.
"Of course I can." Azula says as she gives her only uncle a hug.
After her uncle releases her from the hug, Azula leaves the building.
"May the spirits keep you safe, my beloved niece?" Iroh says as Azula leaves on Azure.
He knew it was redundant to have the spirits watch over a teenage girl who could not die and would stop aging in her prime. Especially since, he once watched her carry Zuko's scout ship from its dry dock to the water by herself. Azula held the ten-ton ship above her head like it was a light box. However, Iroh did it anyway as he loved his family and did not want anything to bad to happen to her.
Next time on Rider
The Ghost Rider and the Dark Valkyrie meet. A battle between the two dark god like beings ensues. What will happen when the mystic hellfire clashes with the cold fire of Niffleheim?