Sakura slammed her door shut after reading the text message from Secret.

"God damn it!" Sakura cursed as she plopped herself on her bed. She heard a knock on her door and assumed who it was.

"Come in!" She said loud enough for him to hear.

"You ok Sakura?" Sasuke asked as he walked over to her.

"Can you believe this whole thing with Secrets!? As if we didn't have enough trouble!" Sakura said a bit panicked knowing that her mom was now going to be aware of everything that happens to them.

"It's ok, we just need to stay out of the eyes of the public. At least no one was recording the fight with that girl, or I should say slaughter." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Yea you're right." Sakura said thinking about it.

Then they're phones began to vibrate.

It seems as though you guys are determined to makes these two the prime topic. Though I must say that I am very interested in Sakura right now, and I suggest the rest of you girls stay away from her before she kills you two and your parents have to see a video like this.

Under the text message was a video of Sakura killing that girl.

Her parents must now be aware that she wasn't strong enough, and clearly, choose the wrong battle to fight. Remember kiddies you need to play your cards right, killing is not going to get anyone in trouble here, so choose your battles wisely. Until next time.


"I'm not sure if they're putting a target on me or praising me now." Sakura said putting her phone down.

*Knock* *knock*

"It's open." Sakura said and they're friends were at the door.

"Hey there, you ok?" Ino asked worrying for Sakura.

"Yea I'm fine, I just lost it. They make me so mad!" Sakura said putting a pillow over her face.

She heard her friends laughing before coming in through the door.

"We're here!" She heard Temari say as she and Hinata walked in with food and desert on their hands.

"Since we won't be able to go out for a while we decided that from now on we'll eat in one of your rooms. That way we get more privacy and we don't have to worry about Secrets." Temari said as she put the food down. Ino began to pass plates to everyone.

"I'm sorry I kind of lost it back there." Sakura said after a bit of silence.

"Don't worry about it." Shikamaru said with a reassuring smile.

"Yea, it wasn't like they didn't deserve it. And besides we all knew someone was going to die at some point in the four years we have to stay here; you just sped up the process." Ino said also trying to reassure her.

Suddenly everyone's phones alerted that they had a text message.

Hello there again students, it seems that with all this drama going on some parents got concerned for their kids and would like the opportunity to let you in on some family secrets. You will all be going home to your parents for a week and when you return the death score will go up because school has just started, and it will only get harder from here. I will see you all soon, until then make sure you aren't caught doing anything naughty. Secrets will still be sending out any worthy news while you're outside of school. I suggest you all start packing, your guardians will be in the front gate to pick you up in 15 minutes. Have fun.


"Oh god." Sakura groaned as she dreaded the thought of what her mother would say.

"Ah!" Ino screamed as she ran out the door in a panic to go pack her things in her room.

"Yea we should go too." The girls said following after Ino and soon after the boys went to pack their things.

As Sakura was packing her things she began to go over excuses to anything her mother might ask her.

"I hope this goes well." Sakura said to herself, her door was left open and Sasuke room was also left open so she was able to see him packing.

"Crap don't say it Sakura, you can't be clingy even if you'll miss him." Sakura thought to herself. Once she was done packing she grabbed her bag and closed the door behind her. Sasuke got out soon after her.

They felt their phones vibrate and already knew all too well who it would be.

I hope you're all ready; you're parents have just arrived, and I don't think you want to make them wait.


They both let out a sigh as they began to walk to the front of the gate.

I'm sorry to end this update shorter than what I wanted and I'm sorry that I took so long to update, but I took a break from writing to work on an actual book I want to publish and I ended up reading this heartbreaking story. It makes me cry just thinking back on what I read and I feel that everyone should read this.

This is the site just copy and paste /gag/ax2Vw6Y?ref=fsidebar

I really want to change the world but it seems so difficult at times, but anyways I'll update the story as soon as I stop crying. Have a good day everyone! Remember to always be a good person even when others aren't.