Loki frowned at the book in front of him. He had been looking up the Founders out of curiosity and realized that whoever was writing the histories was rather biased. That, and he could swear that he'd seen a picture of Salazar Slytherin before. It was niggling at the back of his head and annoying him to no end that he couldn't remember where. WIth a huff he set the book on the table and reread through his notes on the Founders. He had been surprised that one of the books had contained a list of the original classes offered by Hogwarts. A few had been added over the years, but a large number had actually been removed for one reason or another.

The biggest change that Loki could see was the removal of a mandatory Exercise class. Even the dueling class had been removed. This had led to Loki pestering a couple of older students to find out what classes were still available and he had been internally horrified to realize that the only school run fitness activity at Hogwarts was the Quidditch teams.

Loki ran a hand through his hair and looked around the library to see if anyone of interest had come in. He grinned when he spotted Wood sitting at another table working on homework. Loki had already finished all of his, he actually thought the difficulty level was kind of pathetic. Then again, he had been raised by Kakashi...

Using a cloaking Jutsu he snuck around several shelves before wall-walking up the side of one to give himself a better view of Wood's table. He waited patiently for the male to go to a shelf to get a new book. With the coast clear, Loki decided to practice the Levitation Charm he'd gone over in class today. When Wood returned, it was to find his table completely rearranged. The male stood there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish for nearly a minute before setting his new book down and starting to restack the books he already had there. Wood blinked owlishly when he found a random book on Nifflers sitting beside his parchment.

Loki suppressed the amusement riding up his throat and made his way down to the ground level. After checking to make sure no one else was near him he released the Jutsu and walked around the shelf to Wood's table. The male was holding the book and still trying to rearrange the table. Loki cleared his expression and walked over.

"Hey, um..."

"Oh! Hi, I'm Oliver Wood."

"Loki Lestrange."

Oliver held out a hand and Loki smiled cheekily as he shook it. Oliver was oblivious.

"Pleasure to meet you, is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually there is." Loki kept his expression mostly neutral. "I was looking for a book on Nifflers, curiosity sake, and some redheaded boy, think he's an upper year, told me you would have it..." Loki trailed off questioningly.

Oliver nodded slowly, glancing to the book in his hand before handing it over.

"I did actually, don't remember picking it up though. You can have it."


Loki took the book from the male's outstretched hand and turned to walk off, glancing back over his shoulder with a wave of his hand. Behind the oblivios male, all the papers on his desk blew away. Loki left the room to the sound of several surprising expletives as the male chased after his papers.


Loki knocked on his Head of House' office door. It was quiet for several moments before the door opened. The dark haired male raised one brow before nodding and stepping back to allow Loki to enter the room. Loki took the invitation and stepped inside so the male could close the door. Snape retook his seat and directed Loki into the one across from him.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting, Mr. Lestrange?"

Loki suppressed a frown, he didn't really like being called Lestrange, he had been Hatake for so long that being anything else just felt wrong. Shoving the thought away he returned to the topic he'd came here about.

"Is there a Fitness Club?"

Snape blinked in slight confusion before answering. "No, why?"

"Well, I was looking up the Founders, to see what the big deal was about them, and I came across a copy of the original curriculum. When the school was first founded, there were several 'exercise' classes, ranging from muggle-style exercise such as running, to advanced dueling with weapons. I asked several of the older students if there were still such classes offered and they all basically said that Quidditch was the only offered exercise program. I thought that was a little odd considering how few people are able to play the sport do to team sizes."

Snape leaned back in his chair folding his hands in front of him as he stared back at Loki.

"And this bothers you?"


Snape seemed to consider whether he really wanted to continue with his next question before asking it.


Loki ordered his thoughts before continuing.

"Physical exercise is important, especially for younger people. What we do at a young age sets a precedence for what we will do later in life. If children are allowed to be lazy, with no option for change, then they will be lazy as adults as well. For those who aren't lazy, taking away something that would allow them to not be lazy, may make them lazy. Also, dueling is an important class, especially physical dueling. Very few witches or wizards are capable of wandless magic. For those who can't, the moment they lose their wand they are entirely helpless."

Snape rubbed lightly on his temple before looking back at Loki.

"Are you asking to start an exercise club?"

Loki paused as he thought it over.

"What would that involve?"

Snape reached to one of his desk drawers and pulled out a clean piece of parchment and a fresh quill. He began to write as he spoke.

"First, you would need an older student to vouch for you, you are a first year after all. That student would also be in charge of keeping an eye on the club. A teacher or staff member would need to be present as well, or at least be within easy access should anything go wrong. You also need a minimum of five people who want to join the club. It would also need to be approved by your Head of House and the Headmaster."

Loki nodded slowly, already considering how to get people to join, and who the older student might be.

"What do I need to do first?"

Snape sighed and handed the parchment over after waving a quick drying spell over it.

"Find a student who will monitor the group. Then find the students to join. After that, you may bring this back to me with the people listed on it, and I will submit it to the Headmaster. I also want a written explanation of what will go on at this club and any materials you may need."

"Thank you, Professor Snape."

Snape nodded his ascent.

"You may go."

Loki stood before bowing to the man and exiting the room. Snape, like the rest of his teachers, was perplexed by this habit.


Loki approached Damien later on that day. The male smiled at him before turning to face him with his hands folded, leaning back against the table he was standing by.

"What can I help are little prankster with today?"

Loki blinked at then smirked faintly before clearing his face and replying.

"Would you be willing to watch over a new group?"

Damien blinked, head tilted in thought.

"What kind of club?"

"Exercise, there isn't a usable type of exercise here outside of Quidditch, and that's limited. It will be mostly exercise for the start, I am hoping to add physical dueling into it, possibly to connect in with a dueling club at some point."

Damien hummed in thought, rubbing his chin before nodding slowly.

"Alright, I will have to get an older student to agree as well, but I'll do it. Any members yet?"

"Working on it."


Loki had left a sign-up sheet with each Head of House, along with a brief explanation for the other three. The Professors had seemed amused, but agreed to put it out, along with a note that there had to be a minimum number to get the group off the ground. When he got it back at the end of the third week he was surprised to see the number of students intrested. The majority of them were Hufflepuffs, with a few token Gryffindors that he was certain were just there to make it fail since He was a Slytherin. There were three Slytherins as well and a handful of Ravenclaws. All in all, he had more than enough for the group.

When he presented the sign-up sheets to Professor Snape, as well as the written letter of acceptance and nomination from Damien and Damien's older friend, as well as a note from Professor Flitwick saying he would look over the group, Snape gave him back a copy of the acceptance letter from Dumbledore and told him a he had a week to set up a timetable for the group. Flitwick would take care of the place and time, Loki just needed to figure out what they would be doing.

Paperwork. He mentally cringed. This was not going to be fun.

-s-s-s-s-s -s-s-s-s-s- -s-s-s-s-s-

A/N: This one is short, and kind of a filler, but necessary.

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