*New Message*

'I am here and I know your dirty little secrets bitch-A'

I was packing up to leave for Rosewood. Edward had left me and I was depressed for the first day maybe but not completely. That was over a year ago.


He left me deep in the woods and i was helplessly loss. I tried looking to go back to my house but it only sempt like it was getting deeper and deeper and it was pooring rain. I stopped by a tree and sat down. Finally a tree branch snapped and fell, hitting me on the head. I was dizzy for a few seconds I saw a wolf then the wolf turn into Sam Uley.

"Sam?" I you could hear the dizzyness in my voice "You're a were- were- werewolf?" I said trying to hold on to conciousness.

He sighed. "Yeah come on" he said lifting me up. Finally I let unconciousness take over me.

I woke up to Dr. Green checking me over.

"You're awake" he said with relief "Do you remember what happened?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes Edward he asked me to go for a walk i said yes I decided that I was going to tell him I wanted to break up we walked until we were really really deep in the woods I told him we needed to break up he said that he was moving anyways and he didn't want me anymore 'cause I wouldn't have sex with him I just said whatever and we got into a HUGE argument then I said something and really possed him off he turned around and ran and I tried to follow him because I was lost in the woods. A couple of hours later I was still looking for a way out of the woods I stopped by a tree to rest for a second then a brach fell on m head and I was dizzy then Sam Uley then me falling asleep in his arms" I said explaining everything. He nodded.

-Skip 4 monthes later- (Still in flashback)

Charlie had passed away last month and left everything to me. There was knocking on the door. I opened it to see the one and only Allison DiLerentis on my doorstep with bags and tears streaming down her face.

I lied to Edward ALOT. See I didn't come from sunny Phoenix, Arizona. I came from Rosewood, Philidelphia. We left because my father found out that I was more rebelious than he thought. He learned that his little princess was apart of a perverted club (N.A.T.), had a tatoo and wasn't a virgin anymore. That was the last and made sure that there was no way that I could say a word about Allison. But I secretly had another phone that Alli bought me and we all kept in touch.

-2 weeks back-

I had finally coped with the death of Charlie. It was soon but he wouldn't want me to become an empty shell.

Ali called me and I hurried and picked up the phone.

"Hello Bella?" she sobbed into the phone.

"What is it Alli?" I said. This is Allison DiLerentis I am talking to.

"I was raped by-by Ian an-and n-n-now I'm 6 moths pregnaunt with his baby but I left Rosewood when I was 4 months pregnaunt now I am just so lost" she sobbed into the phone.

"Come down to Forks and we'll get through this" I told her she sobbed a yes into the phone.

-Back to Alli on the doorstep-

"Oh Allie" I said as she sobbed into my chest. After she finished she told me she faked her death and put another girl down there. I knew I could go to jail. Then she did more things and if people knew I knew I would be in jail right now.

-End Flashback-

After that she stayed with me. Her baby was born and when he was six months I came home from a shopping week (for Alli since we were the same size and she wanted to stay with her little girl, Kylie Bella DiLerentis) to see blood all over the house and a nite on the table. I picked it up with shakey hands.

'Shame shame to bad she's gone I always take care of my bitches now that I had to get rid of one I need another. You're my new bitch. Welcome. Now if you want that baby you better do everything I tell you'

That makes now. I cleaned up my house and for the last 6 months I have been getting texts and threats from -A.

I remember the last time i disobeyed -A well that ended up with me getting threatened to show a video of Ali and I talking about me giving everything that she used as a prank. Where did she get the thing that happened to blind Jenna? Oh yeah Me she got everything from me. A minor at the time. I could go to jail for all the stuff that she did that ws bad. Where she got it from. Yeah they are going to jail for giving that stuff to a minor. Now getting that from another minor oh yeah I am most definately going to jail. Especially since some of that stuff (like the firecracker) isn't even allowed in the U.S. and my last text from -A was a command or she will send the video to the police. Except it was in the form of a four really creepy dolls. I picked up the dolls and threw it on the ground. And they did the same thing it did yesturday when I got them. They giggled and repeated the message.

"Learn In Visit Everyone" That doll was white also, It had black hair with pink highlights it was wearing black jeans and a striped pink and black striped shirt with a black half up long sleeved jacket.

"Indifferent Natives" This doll had a really nice tanned tone of skin she had black hair and was dressed nicely It was in a white dress that I knew Allison would approve of.

"Reliving Our Stressd Endured Wicked Original Optimus Drinks" the last one said it was white and had on a one peice bathing suite with some blue shorts on. It eventually dawned on me a game Alli and and I used to play. Each doll had it's own word using the first letteo

"Original Recipe" but it wasn't done after a minute it continued. "Elizabeth Lied Stupid Enterprises -A" That doll that said this was white, it had blonde hair and was dressed in Safari adventure clothes that were really more fashionable than outdoor-sie.

I realised that it meant something. Allison and i had a game you had a sentence that made no sence to anyone so nobody knew what we were talking about. But the first in every word spelled out something.

That is why right now I have just finished packing and am locking the doors to go to the airport.

-After the plane ride and in Rosewood-

I was moving into my old house when there was a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I was surprised to of anyone who knew I was moving in. I didn't know many people in Rosewood. I ran to open my door and gasped.

"Jason?" I asked breathless.

"Bella?" he asked shocked. I just nodded.

Then he pulled me in and kissed me. But I did notice four girls shocked/curious faces obvious them knowing Jason before he closed the door with his foot and lets just say that I didn't finish unpacking that night.