Amalthea: OH MY GOD, This Plot bunny is driving me Insane! Here enjoy another FF7/Hp crossover! Voldemort is not dead yet in this story!

KON: Amalthea does not own FF7, Harry potter or Any Songs that appear. All she does own is her version of FemHarry, the family ties and the idea. Please Vote in her Poll and PLEASE Read and Review her stories! Fanart is welcomed and much appreciated! Now on to the story!


Hojo growled as his stepchildren were born and he was told that the youngest was a girl, he had wanted both to be boys that could be turned into super soldiers but this girl threw a monkey wrench into his plans. He thought about what he could do with the girl then remembered an inter-dimensional project that was about to be scrapped, an evil smile came over his face as he looked at the silver haired girl then he waited for darkness. Once the other workers had left, he walked over to the machine that would create the portal and fired it up. He then wrapped the child in a thin blanket and placed her in a basket before sending her through the portal...

Other side of the portal...

James and Lily were both in tears as their stillborn daughter was taken from the room when James heard crying outside, the healer also heard it and James went to the front door and opened it to find the cutest newborn ever on their doorstep. The healer gasped as she quickly looked at the baby and said "this little one is only an hour old!"

James then looked at the child and quickly talked to the healer about his idea who quickly agreed to it, they then took the baby into Lily and explained where they had found her. Lily was appalled at what the child was wrapped in as James said "Lily, I think we should blood adopt's obvious she was abandoned on our doorstep..."

Lily nodded as she said "Let's call her Sabriel...Sabriel Rose Potter."

James smiled as the healer chuckled then helped them with the blood adoption, the adoption went off without hitch and the next day Sabriel Potter was introduced to her Uncles...

Halloween night, one year later...

Voldemort looked at the child that was supposed to defeat him and fired the Killing curse at the child that was suddenly protected by a barrier, the killing curse rebounded on him as the barrier dropped and his spirit scratched the poor child on her forehead...

Sabriel cried for an hour until the largest man she had ever seen came in and picked her up gently, they then left and made their way to Dumbledore who was waiting at the Dursleys...

Once Hagrid and McGonagall were gone, Dumbledore smirked as he looked at the child in the basket and said "Soon my'll listen to only me!"

16 years later...

Sabriel gave a smirk at Dumbledore who was furious that she managed to stop him from getting the Potter fortune; she then faced her persecutors as her true friends sobbed at her sentence for supposedly becoming a dark lord. She was then shoved towards the Veil and sighed as she said softly to herself "The English Wizarding world are fools for believing a manipulative old man in charge of a school..."

She was then stopped in front of the veil and Fudge gave her the chance to say some last words, she smirked and said "Considering the Wizarding world...all I have to say to all of you except my closest friends is I'll see you fuckers in the afterlife where you'll get the judgment you deserve for Killing an innocent teen."

She then stepped into the veil before Fudge and the others could recover from her words and felt the chains and shackles they had placed on her disappear as she fell...

Sephiroth was looking for an old portal machine that one of the workers in the science department wanted when he saw a brilliant flash of light and grabbed his sword as he crept forward. He then found the machine with a young girl who had the same moonbeam silver hair as him, in front of it. She groaned softly and sat up as she said "What a ride that was...Now the thing is...Where the fuck am I?"

Sephiroth then spoke up and said "You're in Shinra tower..."

The girl jumped and quickly turned as she dropped into a martial arts stance, Sephiroth gasped at her eyes as they were somehow exactly like his with the Mako glow and cat like slit pupils. He saw the girl blink in shock as she stood up properly and asked "Who are you? Why do we look the same despite our genders?"

Sephiroth was just as confused when Tseng came in and stopped short at seeing the female version of his little brother, he rubbed his eyes as he asked "Did Hojo clone you or something?"

Sephiroth shook his head as he explained where the girl had come from and Tseng said "Weird...that machine isn't plugged in and it hasn't been for years..."

Sephiroth's eyes went wide at that and he said "I know what I saw, Nii-chan."

Sabriel sighed and said "I do remember a female voice telling me she was sending me to my home dimension so I could find my older brother and help save the ones he cared about..."

Tseng blinked in shock as Sephiroth put two and two together and said "It can't be...I was an only child growing up. Someone would have told me if I had a sister..."

Sabriel then thought about what the voice had said and asked "Is it possible the person who was looking over our birth, made it look I never existed?"

Tseng narrowed his eyes and said "Unless we get a blood test done I think it might better not assume anything."

The two look alikes turned to him and even raised the same eyebrow at the same time; Tseng sighed and said "Find a way to take her to your apartment without anyone noticing, I'll grab the only doctor we can trust in this situation to test your guys' blood to see if you are related."

Sephiroth nodded as His look alike smirked and said "I have the perfect thing to keep from being seen."

Sephiroth and Tseng looked at her in disbelief as she pulled out a silver cloak then placed it around her body as she pulled up the hood completely, Needless to say, both males Jawdropped as she vanished into thin air and all they could hear was a small laugh as the mysterious girl then said "Shall we go?"

Sephiroth blinked and asked "How in the hell did you vanish like that?"

Sabriel grinned and said "Invisibility cloak from my adoptive father."

Sephiroth chuckled then they walked past Tseng who quickly snapped out of his stupor and they went their separate ways for a little bit. Sabriel quickly followed the Silver haired general to his apartment and he let her slip past as he opened the door, he entered behind her and closed the door as Genesis came out from his room. Sephiroth cursed softly as Genesis caught the sound of fabric and whipped around, he grabbed where he heard the fabric and tugged on it to reveal a Female version of his general/friend.

Genesis gasped in shock as the female sighed along with Sephiroth; Genesis then turned to his friend and asked "Did Hojo clone you or something?"

Sephiroth then explained what happened in the forgotten project room and Genesis's eyes were wide at the tale, they then heard a knock on the door and Tseng's voice calling to Sephiroth. Sephiroth quickly opened the door to let the doctor and Tseng in as Sabriel sighed and muttered just loud enough for Genesis and Sephiroth to hear "I hate getting blood taken..."

Genesis started chuckling at that as the doctor asked her to sit down and stick out her arm, she did as the doctor asked and they watched as the blood was drawn then tested against Sephiroth's to see if they were a match. They only had to wait for three seconds as it came up a perfect match and told them something surprising, the doctor read the report and growled as he said "It say here that your younger twin sister was a stillborn and that Hojo personally disposed of her."

Sabriel's eye twitched and said "Do I look like I'm stillborn?"

Tseng sighed and said "This alone could get Hojo fired for trying to cover up that you were alive this whole time..."

Sephiroth and Genesis grinned evilly at that with Tseng who then asked Sabriel to put her cloak on so that he could take her with Sephiroth to the Vice-President of Shinra. Sabriel nodded and slipped her cloak on as Genesis chuckled and headed into his room to read his Loveless book...

Rufus sighed as he listened to what they had found out and asked "Where is the girl now?"

Sabriel smirked and snuck up to his side as she whispered in his ear "Boo!"

Rufus jumped with a yelp as he watched the girl appear from thin air and she was holding a silvery fabric in her one arm, he blinked then snickered at was actually the perfect prank to pull on him. He smiled charmingly at the girl as he noticed she looked exactly like Sephiroth despite the gender differences, she grinned and then stood next to her brother as Rufus then said "You two leave Hojo to me and Tseng. You two go back without her under the cloak and tell the others she authorized to stay with the first-class SOLIDERs."

Sephiroth nodded as Sabriel said "Oh this should be hilarious..."

Sephiroth looked at his younger sister as she smiled innocently and said "What? Just imagine the looks on everyone's face when they realized you have a female version of you following you around."

Sephiroth then chuckled and said "Good point..."

They then left as Tseng went to grab Hojo and headed back down to the SOLDIER floor; everyone was stopping and staring at the two teenagers who looked so alike despite the gender. They walked back into the apartment and found the other three First-Class SOLDIERs had just arrived home as they turned to greet their friend/Leader, Sabriel had bite her lip to keep from laughing at the looks on their faces while her brother snickered at the dumbfounded looks they were getting. Angeal then said in a pleading voice "PLEASE tell me that Hojo didn't find a way to clone us and the clones are female?"

Sephiroth chuckled and said "No but it turns out Hojo may be getting fired soon..."

Cloud then went wide eyed and asked "What!? Why?"

Sabriel then spoke up and said "Because when I and my Brother were born, I was declared stillborn and he did something that caused me to be in an entirely different dimension to hide that I was alive..."

Needless to say, Zack and Cloud were shocked and Angeal said "You're Sephiroth's sister?!"

The silver haired twins nodded at the same time as Sephiroth lead her to a spare bedroom they had with the other three following. Sabriel then smiled at her brother as he told her this would be her room, Sabriel grinned as she dropped her neck bag with its expanding charm on her bed then followed her brother to the living room where the two younger boys were had started arguing playfully about what Take out they would get for that night. Sabriel blinked and then offered "If you want...I can cook tonight for everyone."

Sephiroth and the others looked at her in surprise as she blushed at the sudden attention; Sabriel then smiled and asked where the Kitchen was causing Cloud to smile as they all showed her the kitchen...

Three hours later...

Sephiroth and the other males were completely full as Sabriel was still eating her third plate of food slowly; everyone complimented her food causing a beaming smile to be shown to them. They then heard a knock on the door and Sephiroth answered it to find Tseng standing there with an unreadable look on his face, Sephiroth then asked him to come in as Sabriel walked out with a smile and greeted him. Tseng came in and then said "Hojo is being..."