The REAL conclusion to my Tragedy of Zelda story! I know I keep changing the ending, and extending the story and how it should be continued but I'm a writer an this story makes me Bi-polar dang it! But this is real ending to the story for The Tragedy of Zelda! Enjoy!

"...those little ones...they sure do bear the spark to end our suffering. The green one, our hero. And the young girl, our next princess. They will without a doubt end the suffering Ganondorf has brought upon this land. And bring forth the dreams of our previous princess...and her ambitions...I remember her final days with us in this world as she carved the way for hope to be reborn..."

10 Years Earlier, Minish Village

"Move that lumber over there! We need more houses for those that won't have on here!" I shout out to the Minish workers who are trying their best for me to build new homes for them. They follow my every word as I the princess, and don't even bat an eye at my selfish requests. My goal, to build an Underground Hyrule that can hide from Ganondorf's armies and reach. With the help of the Minish, I can establish a sanctuary for my...son...when he is born.

"Ah...princess? Are you alright?" A young Minish boy walks up to me and pulls on my dress. I bend down to get closer to him, as i'm taller than everybody here despite being shrunk to their levels.

"Yes...of course. Why do you ask little one?" I smiled at him gently to let him know everything is fine.

"'re crying princess..." The young boy said. I quickly put a hand to my eyes to feel the wetness on my face, I was indeed crying. I sigh. I thought I had cried all the tears my body could allow. I guess not.

"Oh...i'm fine...just something in my eye is all. Don't worry about me...just go and play little one." I assure him setting him off with some mint candy in my pocket. He nodded and walked off to his friend. I smile and look at them. He was with a little female Minish and gave her the candy I gave him

As I looked at them both, I imagined me and Link as we were kids. He would always take whatever candy he got from his Uncle and give it to me. He was shocked when I told him I didn't really like mint candy though. The look on his face...the disappointment...

And in a flash, the face of Link appears in my mind and I cannot shake it away. His death still strong in my heart and mind. I Know I must be crying, I have to be. No girl can hold back her tears, even if she is a princess. I let the workers I know I am taking a break and head for the cottage that I take refuge in. The Minish gave it to me as soon as I arrived here was hard to remember how I did. I must have blocked out the whole day to avoid the pain.

I open up the door to my small one bed room. It doesn't have much, but not that I needed much of anything. I strip down to just a night gown with my under garments and lie in my bed. The whole room covered in darkness, probably not the best way to sleep but we can only sleep in the dark. Its hard to with the light, but the darkness simply reminds me of that castle I ran reminds of me of Link in so many ways. Ironic isn't it? Darkness...reminds of my only light. I cry without even realizing it now, guess my body does it by instinct.

I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes. But I know I won't be able to sleep...because i'm haunted in my dreams every night. Nightmares, the same dream every night. Always about Link. Always. There is no escape from my past, its hard to live right now in the present, and I have no idea how my future will be...without him.

I wipe away a round of tears and try to force myself to get some sleep. But thinking about my own body, the way I am dressed now was one of his favorites. I remember that day, our...first time. I wonder if it really is alright for me to think about Lewd things at a time like this but...they were part of my happy memories.

I remember waiting for him in our bed room. As any girl would naturally be doing before their first time. Checking their own bodies out constantly and still hoping they were good enough for the guy. I wore the same night gown and underwear I have on currently as I examined myself. I felt ashamed yet embarrassed that I was going to show myself to a man for the first time. But I loved him so it was fine right? Was I...good looking enough for him? Pretty enough? No part about me wasn't to his liking right? I worried myself so much. But...I will be brave! I will be courageous for the first time and-

"I'm...coming in Zelda!" I heard Link announce before he opened up the door. I quickly said forget bravery and hid myself under the blanket. He came in and his face became disappointed. I knew he expected to see a naked woman in the bed, but i'm not that brave yet Link! I have my underwear on for you...but I hid myself.

"S-so...umm...hey...Zelda.." He came in wearing his clothes and shyly stood by the door.

" uh... see you." I could barely make out any words. How exactly does one begin such a thing! The man is supposed to leave but i'm sure even the bearer of the Triforce of Courage didn't have the guts to.

"Should I...turn the lights off for you then..Zelda?" He pointed to the candles I had beside the bed. I desperately wanted to say yes because I knew that would ease my mind greatly if he couldn't see my body but...he is the guy. He wants to see me but for me...he is willing to give that up. I simply nodded my head and he went to turn off the lights. Thus darkness covered the room as I heard him undressing himself and entering the bed. A soft kiss that embraced my lips, more like a peck from him. And I felt it all over my neck going down my body. As he went down, I feel any clothing in his way be removed and my face blushing like a tomato. I'm glad he couldn't see it. And down and down his kisses went, until he had removed all the clothes from my body. I instinctively cover myself, and I don't know why I did. I'm so embarrassed.

"It's okay Zel...i'll be gentle with you for sure..." He kissed me for a long minute. A deep kiss to make my body feel at ease and lighten up. My weakness obviously. My defense lowered. I gave myself up to him more and more with every thrust and through the darkness I felt such warmth, such a sensation surge throughout my body. I was a woman. And I was his. And all we said to each other that night was...

"I love you..." with a kiss to prove it. And now here I am...with my hand doing things it shouldn't to my body to simulate the feelings I had before. What a lewd woman...I must truly be. As tears run down my face throughout the whole night.

But that morning. As I was signing off on my list of things to do one by one as I accomplished them. A new haunting befell me. A ghost of my past.

"...Z...elda..." I hear and I drop my list of things to do and look around frantically. Of course...he wouldn't be here. A crazy thought.

"Zel...da..." I hear again as I try to reach for my list on the ground ignoring the sound. My mind again. Simply playing tricks on me! It has to be...please let this be a trick. And when my hand touched the paper, I feel another hand touch mine. It had a green sleeve. I slowly grab the paper and stand back up again seeming more green as I go up. Dammit...dammit!

"...Link...?" I say as I see Link standing right there before my eyes! Just...standing there! No ghostly aura though, it seemed like a real person was there. "Is...that it really you...oh god...don't let this be a joke!"

He nodded as opened up his arms to me with a smile. I slowly take a step forward to him, I felt my reasoning disappear before me. Could this really be real? I took another step. Can anyone...see this? One more step and our chests could touch. Should I...believe this? I didn't care anymore as I felt arms wrap around me. It felt so real, he was really here!

"Link!" I yell as I embrace him back holding onto him and tearing up like a little girl and smiling with a huge smile. He felt so warm, so great. I felt safe again, as his strong masculine arms wrapped around me. I look slowly into his blue eyes that looked back into mine. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss, a kiss! Oh how I have dreamt about getting one from him again, just a kiss and nothing more from him would be great. Too good to be true! I lean in with my eyes closed and lips puckered for this great gift...a dream.

"Umm...Zelda...are you okay?" I open up my eyes to see there is no body there. Just myself standing there and the Minish people looking at me with crazy or dumbfounded eyes. I must have looked crazy to them. I look down to see that same boy from yesterday looking up at me. A dream alright...a dream too good to be true. I simply run away from the scene like I have done something wrong and hide in my room. Standing by the door, I break down in tears and fall to the floor. I hated...dreams...I hate them! I punch the floor hard and harder, breaking my hand in the process. But the pain didn't stop was hearing his voice in my head telling me to long...will I be tortured like this I demanded! How long?

Two Months Later

My son is born in the nursery where I stayed, I lied there in a bed surrounded by female Minish doctors and nurses. I didn't feel quite comfortable with men in this position. When I was finally allowed to see my son, they handed him to me and I looked down at this sleeping, baby boy. He was beautiful to me.

"What his name be Princess?" A nurse asked me applying healing magic to keep me stable.

I simply looked at the boy, I knew what his name was for months now. I knew it for a long time what it had to be.

"Link...this boy will be named Link. Just like his father..." I held my son close and I didn't want to let go. For I didn't feel so alone anymore. And for the next five years. I would enjoy life as a mother for my son, raising him and teaching him many things but like his father he didn't get much of it. He would get into trouble a lot, oddly enough for breaking pots in every store! He told me wanted to find money in them. This boy was outrageous.

Of course he didn't have a hand for school or magic, he barely understood it as I tried to teach him. But naturally he was gifted with a sword, I gave up on things that would suit me and let him learn under the Minish masters to be a hunter. He quickly learned and got better and better. I see now that one day he will be a great...hero. So I tried my hardest too. I continued to expand the kingdom of the Underground Hyrule and let those who wish for freedom and a peaceful life live in networks I have developed to hide from Ganondorf. Often I would have to leave the Minish world for the outside to help do this. And each parting with my son was harder and harder, as I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him alone. Just like I was. But I didn't have much time left I knew...for my health would not last forever. I was ill.

"Mommy! Are you okay?" I remember hearing my son ask me as I was up one night developing some network paths for people to take to escape an army of Ganondorf's.

"'s late. You should go to bed son. Mommy will be...cough..cough..fine." I coughed and coughed for a bit as I felt my lungs getting tighter and causing me pain with each cough. It felt like bombs going off in my body. How much time did I honestly have left to enjoy this sort of life. Sure most of it was hard work...but the time I get to spend with son made everything worth it.

"But...mommy is sick! Mommy needs to go to bed! I'll go out and hunt for some medicine tomorrow!" A young Link said with a determined look that I knew very well. The same as his father, willing to do anything for others and me.

" You don't need to do that, I don't want you out hunting alone Link..." I coughed some more and dropped the father I was writing with. He ran over to me and began to coax me with his hand. Rubbing my back. He was a sweet boy.

"Mom..." He simply said. Saddened by me. A mother shouldn't make her son worried about her. It was the mother who is supposed to take care of the son. But I am a woman who was always being taken care of. Always...

"'s okay..I want you to know something. One day, mommy may here anymore..."

"What? No! I don't want that!" He exclaimed as he held onto me with his little arms. I simply held him back and continued to speak.

"I know...I know...but..." I couldn't finish speaking as I felt my sight fading and I fell onto the desk remembering Link calling out to me and the door opening soon after. People flooding the room, but I fell unconscious.

I soon wake up the next day with a wet towel on my forehead and my son crying on the bed. Everything is blurry and my body is weak. And behind my son, was his father standing there. Though I was not surprised to see him. I haven't seen him for years, ever since Link was born. But seeing him again did not make me cry, for I knew him being here was a sign. My time on this coming to an end.

"...Link..." I softly speak to him as I gaze upon him.

"Mommy! You're alive!" He says with tears in his eyes as he hugs me.

"Yeah...mommy is alive...but...mommy has something to say to you..." I say as the Link of the past sits behind our son and puts a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and nod.

" it mommy?" He says with tears in his eyes and voice cracking. Seeing those eyes look into mine made it very hard to tell him this. But I have to be brave. My journey ends here. And my hopes will begin with him.

"Link...I want you to be brave and get so much stronger...okay? I want you to become the strongest you can be and protect those that you love. Remember to take care of yourself, wash yourself everywhere and brush your teeth. Whenever you see a girl sure to do what you can to make her smile will make a girl really happy that way..." I smiled at him as his father smiled back.

"Mommy...why are you saying all of sound're saying goodbye...!" He exclaimed as he looked at me.

" goodbye son... You may be alone from this point forward...but not for long...or really ever. Your father and me...will always be with you...and one will probably see me again in person. Though in a way you might not expect...but never think for one moment you are alone...even in a world of Tragedy...where everything is hard..."

Memories of my life flash before my eyes. Everything in an instant. I lived...a good life. I have regrets. I have pain. But I felt love too...and now I can be reunited with that love...I feel him reaching his arm out to me.

" one is alone in this world Link...I wish I realized that sooner than matter how much darkness there is...there will always be a light...and there is always a reason to son...and...take care...I love you...I love you both so much..." And my eyes fade away and I can no longer hear the cries of my son as I feel myself drifting away to a world of light. I have done what I can. I have done what I should...and now I am reunited with the one I love in the sky above. my Tragedy...but this is Legacy. After every storm, after every tragedy. There can be a rainbow, there can be...

Hope! Never give up! For when I felt I needed to give own hero came to save me. Two of them. My Link...~

"Ready to go Zelda?"

"Of course...Link...lets go...but where are we going this time?"

"Hmph...anywhere now. Anywhere you wnat princess!"

"Hmm...then right here is fine."

"All you're doing is holding me though..."

"Your my home Link..."

"...I love you Zelda...

"I love you too...Link!"


Hope you guys have enjoyed reading this story! This is REALLY the end for sure this time! I'm done. I have no regrets anymore, I feel this story is finally complete this time. I HOPE you guys have enjoyed this story as much as I did. Go support the sequel if you liked this story where this Zelda's son goes on his journey through the Era of Tragedy. Another dark/sad story! Thanks for reading noodles!