Ava lifted up the dirty rag that was soaked with soapy suds. She quietly walked over toward the spilled bowl of steaming rice and beef. It was currently dinner time, and she was on the floor cleaning the mess while everyone else ate, and discussed topics joyously.

"Here you go Ava, honey, a new plate." Lady Kaya said as she returned to the table with a new plate that she had set down on the table.

"Thank you Lady Kaya." She replied quietly as the water streamed out of the rag, as she began to wipe the stray pieces of rice from the floor.

It had been 4 months since that night, with Ava's birthday occurring last month. The night where Ava and Gaara didn't need to exchange words to tell that she was terrified of him. Anyone could see it, in her eyes, in her trembling at the mention of his name. Lady Kaya had soothed her, told her that he would be locked away forever. Ava hoped that was true.

Miyuki had comforted her also like any best friend would; give them a makeover. Rai had done Ava's hair in an intricate pattern upon her head, and Lady Kaya sewed her a new dress to wear. Ava had thanked them, and Miyuki before pulling the braids out of her hair after thirty minutes.

There were bountiful rumours of the demon vessel though. People often spoke of Gaara, saying that he had almost killed them. They protested daily, that he should be killed or locked away forever. Of course they didn't commit the act in public, they would arrange meetings with the Kazekage, or sign anonymous petitions for Gaara's demise. Ava knew of such since Lady Kaya had once signed a petition for such cause.

The autumn season was ending soon in Suna, and Lady Kaya had struggled paying the finances once again. She wouldn't be able to pay for meat for the week, luckily though they were used to having other useful staples of food in place of the meat that was missing.

Late at night

The door sounded with a knock, which was slow and heavy. Lady Kaya had been sipping her evening tea when it had sounded, causing her to place it on the table in front of her. She opened the door to see Gouro, one of the Kazekage's lap dogs, standing there. He had a disgusted look in his eyes with a sneer painted on too.

"Hello Gouro, how can I help you?" Lady Kaya asked wanting to get to the point of his visit. However Gouro had other plans as he pulled a chair out and sat down.

"Do you not serve your guests, Lady Kaya?"

"Not uninvited ones." She retorts with a snort as she pours the hot tea she had made earlier. Part of her wanted to "accidentally" spill it on him to make the cloud of smugness disappear from his face. He quickly sipped his tea and crossed his legs together, making his appearance look much more professional.

"The Kazekage-he has a offer for you." Gouro began as he took another sip of his tea before continuing.

"As you can see the Kazekage requires one of your girls."

"For what damn reason might I ask?" She asked as she set down her tea glass.

"A-as a release f-for his son Gaara." Gouro finished leaving the woman dazed for a moment. She seemed surprised then slowly the reality dawned upon her.

"You can't just take these girls! They have a right to their own futures!"

"I never said that we would take all of them Lady Kaya, yet if you disagree-"

"Of course I disagree to this-this madness!"

"Kazekage-sama told me if you don't give Gaara one, he'll take ten." Gouro explained to the woman trying to calm her down. Lady Kaya was, for once, at a loss for words. Slumping back she brushed away the gray strands of hair surrounding her face.

"Think about it-one vs ten-it's just one girl."

"I won't do it. You-neither the Kazekage can make me!"

"I'm afraid you have no choice Lady Kaya." Gouro purred as he stood up from his seat, causing the chair to scrape against the floor.

"What do you mean?"

"As you can see the Kazekage has access to a lot of resources...including your monthly funds for running the orphanage."


"He can either raise it-or-lower it. It's your choice really."

"What does it matter to you? You're raising the future sluts of Suna anyways." Gouro finished with a smirk catching Lady Kaya off guard for a moment.

"You sick bastard!" Lady Kaya screamed as she lunged for his face, clawing him in the process. Gouro growled feeling blood flow from his cheek.

"You crazy bitch! I swear I'll cut your funding so low that you'll beg us for this offer!"

Lady Kaya in turn held her anger as Gouro brushed himself off and opened the door letting in the cool breeze of night in the house.

"You have three days, if you don't answer within three days, we'll come and take more than one girl."

Two days later

The house fell silent once again that night as the girls went to sleep. Letting out a sigh as she closed the bathroom door, Lady Kaya ran all her options through her head.

If she didn't comply to the Kazekage's wishes, her funding for the orphanage would be cut even shorter than it currently was. Adding to the fact that he WOULD take a girl no matter the situation, gave her more confusion on the matter.

Was is it a sin to sacrifice one for many?

Swallowing her fear of the consequences, Lady Kaya had made her decision.

Ah! What will happen next?! Anyways thanks for all those who are still reading, reviewing, and or following! Especially reviewing! ~MSK