Here is my multi-chapter fic. I'm gonna need your help on this one guys. I've written alot of fics before, but I'm prone to dropping them half way through, and I really don't want to drop this one, so help me out, kay? I have plans for this one, and I wanna see it through the end.
Also I apologise for any spelling mistakes of any grammatical errors. Enjoy~
Chapter 1
"How long has it been, dear friend?"
Akari frowned at the past reference, a tragic past he so want to forget. As he slipped his hand inside his lab coat's pocket, his opaline orbs diverted somewhere else. "I see you're the one behind Azana's betrayal." Although his tone revealed no sincere disappointment, he felt it…he truly felt it. "How have you been?" He questioned casually, as if it was something one would often ask one's enemy.
Blatantly slipping on a smirk, Uro tilted his head to one side as he gave an old friend a teasing glance, "My. Why so cold Akari? As for Azana, he chose that path for himself. I simply…gave him a little assistance." The ginger's condescending response earned a low growl from Circus' SSS doctor, which lured out a chuckle from Uro. "Now now, there is no need for such hostility." He added with mirth dripping from his tone, but unbeknown to the other – the glare Akari gave him somewhat sent him down memory lane. Those pair of opals of his used to gaze at him with such honesty, such kindness. But, like everything else in this world, even friendship change. "I've been well, though your lovely friends are somewhat…determined to change that." This time, his tone changed to a sarcastic one. Despite how calm, and civilize his conversation with Akari was going; the mansion was currently under attack by Circus.
A long silence settled between the two adults. Uro with a playful expression and Akari with an expression that refuse to reveal even the slightest sign of human emotion. "I have nothing more to say. Good bye." The doctor's harsh tone slashed through the silence like a blade as his legs spun around to turn his back on the other male, hiding his knitted eyebrows and his sorrowful eyes.
"I'll see you again Akari."
That was the last thing he heard after he was informed that Azana was able to escape, beyond that – Hirato can't make comprehension from the conversation he witnessed between Akari and Uro. He saw contempt between them, but he also saw a long, tangled string that somewhat links one to the other. Questions began to speed through his head like a stream; How do they know eachother?; Is Uro a part of Akari's past?; What is Akari's past?
Presently, Hirato had just arrived at the Round Table meeting where he saw Akari already seated. "Pleasure to see you again doctor." The commander greeted the older male with a slight tip of his top hat before settling himself down in his own seat. To his surprise Akari didn't respond to him with something snarky, but instead gave him a small nod of acknowledgement.
Throughout the entire meeting, Akari made no comment. Instead he remained still in his chair, swinging his pen back and forth between his fingers. For many years, Uro has not entered his mind. He had forced himself to forget about him, and yet after that brief meeting the other male somehow managed to invade his every thoughts. So deeply drowned inside his mind, Akari didn't notice the quick glances Hirato was throwing him now and again, but little did Hirato know Tsukitachi caught every single one of them instead.
"What are your thoughts on this, Akari?" Bizante questioned his distant subordinate who, after roughly ten seconds, didn't reply. "Akari!" He raised his voice which made Tsukitachi jump a little and making Hirato look at Akari with pity.
Caught off guard, Akari jumped from his seat and bowed apologetically at his senior's hologram.
"G-Gomenasai." His voice faltered, making his embarrassment evident.
To make his disappointment known, Bizante sighed loudly - practically washing the doctor with a cold bucket of regret. "Please pay attention. Now what are your thoughts on this?"
With his head still gazing down, his eyes widened. Thoughts on what? He had been too busy thinking about Uro that the meeting happening around him simply didn't exist for a moment there. Akari discreetly looked over to Hirato, who sneaked his hand under the table and began sending the former sign language signals. Thankful, Akari smiled softly at the other before raising his head. "Traitors must be eradicated." was his simple reply, which earned him wide eyes from his colleagues. But his words had more meanings than he let on. "I'll leave it in the capable hands of the first captain." Hirato was the last person he wanted to deal with this. No matter what, Hirato must never meet with Uro. It simply cannot happen.
"That is reasonable. Very well, this case shall be in the hands of Tsukitachi. You three are dismissed." Those were the last words they heard before the hologram screen switched off. Much to Akari's relief.
WIthout warning, the redhead jumped at Akari. "Ne, Arigatou Akari-chan! I didn't know you had so much trust in me!" He grinned, comically rubbing his cheeks against the older male before he was coldly pushed aside.
"Please refrain from invading my personal space." As usual, the doctor's tone was cold and stern.
Pouting, Tsukitachi huffed and puffed for a second before sighing in defeat. "Well at least that's over. Man, these meetings can get really boring." He remarked while scratching the back of his head.
"It can't be helped." Akari stated in response before making his way towards the exit.
"Ne Akari-chan, shall we have tea together?" The redhead offered, only to feel a hand on his shoulder. Shifting around, he found Hirato silently shaking his head at him.
"I believe Akari-sensei needs to be alone." He spoke softly.
Tsukitachi caught his drift, but that's precisely why he wanted to distract the older male tonight. Akari was obviously upset about Azana, and perhaps he blames himself for his betrayal. After all, he took care of that boy. Not to mention one of the reason of Azana's betrayal was due to his inferiority complex towards Akari. "I pity him." He mumbled. The doctor was in quite a predicament. Not only was he the emotionless, 'cold-hearted' doctor of the Research Tower but he was also an SSS-ranked personnel. Naturally, Azana's treacherous act against him makes him an enemy of circus, and being part of that organization makes him Akari's enemy as well. But knowing the latter, he's probably at war with himself.
Meanwhile, later that evening at the Research Tower, Akari buried himself in his work. The watch around his wrist read 2:30 AM in the morning, and yet he was still awake. Though he knew exhaustion will catch up to him later. Ever since Smoky Mansion, his conversation with Uro has been invading his thoughts and influencing his mannerism. Memories, feelings, and guilt came all rushing back to him. Sighing deeply, the doctor dropped his pen on the desk on top of his paperwork before leaning back on the chair. 'You are a person who protects life. I am a person who takes life away.' He remembered Hirato once say that to him...and he couldn't have been more wrong. Akari closed his eyes, giving in to the nostalgia he was suddenly feeling before slowly drifting off to sleep.
How did you find that? This is slight AU, I know. But since we don't know much about sensei's past, or Uro's for that matter, it doesn't really changes the canon plot much. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Unfinished Affairs, and hopefully you'll read the next chapter.
Wish me luck.