The Kings of Sheldon

AU. Sonic and Shadow both are kings of different land right next to each other. They don't have much of a good relationship. But, in an attempt to calm things down, King Shadow does something unpredictable…Can you imagine the King, himself, dressing up as a female and forming a political marriage with King Sonic?

A dedication is needed here. Okay.

I dedicate this to my awesome social studies teacher. I learned a whole lot during the school year with him, and it was really fun. He had helped me to like the subject better. Anyway, we talked about Henry VIII and how he had a lot of wives in class, and right then, I got an idea. Sonic and Shadow both as kings! They could be married by political reasons. And so, this story was born. Thank you, (insert social studies teacher's name here)!

Note: The author will be thinking up crappy names for different places and kingdoms. Please bear!

Another note: Takes place in Medieval Times. ;)

Chapter One: Kingdom Blues

Shadow looked at himself in the mirror and almost smashed it.

Can you believe it? His quills were extended, he wore fake eyelashes, had minimal make-up on, and is in a gown. Him!

You're probably wondering why he's dressed up like that. Well, here's what happened, a few days prior:

The dark hedgehog growled as he was informed of how the neighboring kingdom, Sheldon, is attacking the boarders of Ethend, his own kingdom.

'This can't go on. Sooner or later, both of our armies will be worn and while that, other territories could attack and easily take us!' he thought. 'What can I do…'


He looked at the feline messenger, as if annoyed to be interrupted from his thoughts. "Yes?"

"We had also discovered that Sonic of Sheldon is looking for a wife."

His eyes narrowed. "What has that to do with anything?" He watched as the messenger squirmed in discomfort. Grunting, he added, "Nevermind that. You may go now." He wasn't in the mood to yell at the cat.

The messenger nodded and left eagerly, scrambling out of the throne room, almost slipping on the polished marble floor. As soon as the heavy metal doors closed, the king of Ethend started thinking.

Sonic of Sheldon. He had started to send small groups of his soldiers to attack Ethend a few weeks back. He still was, except now, Ethend wasn't in as good shape as it was back then. Very small changes were made, but it was for sure that if it continued on for a few more months, the army would decrease in number and the people will have started to panic.

And what's the matter with the cat? Some other king in another territory searching for a wife was none of his business. Sonic was looking for a wife. A marriage ceremony would be performed if he found a partner. What did it have to do with him if the two of them bonded?...Bond…marriage. Marriage…bond.

King Shadow's eyes widened in realization but almost immediately cringed after that. After debating silently in his mind for another few minutes, he had decided. He called some servants over and told them one sentence.

"Get the cosmetologists."

And that leads to this time.

Now let's get back to how he looked.

Shadow's quills weren't changed too much, except that they were only slightly longer. However, they were also fluffed, so it looked much lighter and bounced in the air as he walked. One of the cosmetologists had mentioned that a loyalty without long eyelashes, especially one who might marry another king, is not a proper loyalty. So, as a result, he ended up wearing fake eyelashes as well, but not before growling out a warning that if they went overboard, they will be punished severely.

To compliment his eyes, a light shade of blush was powdered on his cheeks. His small patch of whiteness was also fluffed so it was more spread out and more 'lady-like' as the girls had called it. And during the process, many giggles were echoed in the room. They also applied a light layer of shiny lip gloss just for the fun of it. (of course, Shadow didn't know that)

The gown was crimson red with gold linings. Its gold neckline with many complicated patterns was low and wide enough to let his entire collarbone show. The gown had long, loose sleeves that glided along smoothly in the air if you waved your arm. It was longer than where his finger tips were. Down the middle of the gown was a corset with gold strings tying tightly around his waist, almost making breathing a chore. The gown was long enough to have more than six inches lying on the ground. It had beautiful ruffles cruising down the smooth fabric to make it look more expensive than it was.

Honestly, Shadow didn't need the fake blush powder. Reason? He was already blushing like mad. It was a good thing that he had the makeup on though, or else it would be way too embarrassing for the cosmetologists to know that their king's face was flushed.

And then, last but not least, they put on a clear, tear drop shaped necklace with silver chains that wrapped loosely around his neck.

After the cosmetologists were dismissed, the king asked for a local painter, which there were lots of.

Shadow was tired to the point that he almost passed out when the artist was finally done with the painting, which took hours of him just sitting there with his back straight and his hands resting on his lap while the painter covered the canvas with oil paint. He couldn't get more relieved when the painting was finally sent and delivered to Sheldon.

As soon as he had returned to his room, he got out of the dress, folded it, laid it somewhere, took off his makeup, and collapsed onto his bed…But he couldn't sleep. He was physically tired, but his mind refused to shut down.

What if King Sonic declines the offer? What was another way to smooth the wrinkles between him and Sonic? Shadow hoped that war wasn't the only other option.