Here you guys go, another chapter! Hope you like it and don't forget about the poll on my profile! As always, rate, comment and favorite!

Special Day

Sora woke up to an empty bed with a folded note on the pillow Kairi is usually laying on. Groaning, he sat up stretching and reached for the note, unfolding it.


I have to go with my Father to run some errands. I wish I could stay with you but unfortunately it is mandatory. I will return hopefully in a while and we can discuss how much 'fun' I had. I know it isn't going to be a pleasant errand run so wish me luck! By the way, something came for you today so I left it on the bedside table. I think it's from Aladdin, unless you have some other mysterious friends that you are not telling me about ;)

With care,


(P.S - I know for a FACT it was Aladdin, seeing as how a package of the rest of your clothes came along with the gift. Miss you!)

Sora shook his head mentally laughing to himself. He refolded the note and pushed himself over to the other side of the bed, letting his legs hang off the edge. He opened the drawer of the bedside table and threw the note inside, staring quickly at the broken pocket watch before closing it. He grabbed the wrapped gift that was on the bedside table smiling and ripped it open. Another note was inside, taped to the outside of the mysterious box.


What? You think I would forget? Sucks you can't be at the hideout this year but who knows where you'll be next year! Abu misses you so come back to visit soon! Happy Birthday buddy!



Sora placed the note on the bed next to him and opened the box. Inside was a black grappling hook. Sora looked at it excited. Aladdin knew how much he wanted one. Sora threw Aladdin's note into the table drawer with the other one and placed the grappling hook underneath the bed. He was going to try it out later tonight. God, he couldn't wait. He stood up and threw off his tux jacket and started to unbutton the white collared shirt. Tossing them onto the bed he opened the sack of clothing that was laid next to the bed and pulled out a blue v-neck tshirt, throwing onto himself. He took off the black dress slacks and slid on black cargo shorts. Keeping his socks on his feet, he proceeded to walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

A house maid walked by and bowed to him. "Good morning, Le Prince Des Sables."

Sora held up his hand. "No need to bow. Am I aloud to leave the Palace? I want to take a walk around the city." The maid nodded as Sora continued walking until he was outside and approached the main gates. They were opened for him by two guards and he walked through onto the other side.

Entering the Market Place he bumped into a body and quickly apologized but was stopped dead in his tracks by a strong grip on his forearm. Turning his head around to look at the stranger he saw spiked red hair and green eyes. Dragged into the nearest alleyway, his eyes were greeted by Leas blue haired companion.

Isa crossed his arms and huffed once his gaze focused on Sora. Lea pushed onto Sora's back harshly.

"Hey buddy! Haven't seen you roaming the muddy alleys in awhile. Kind of sad to say that I missed your company." Lea laughed as Sora glared at him while rubbing his forearm.

"What do you want?"

Isa stepped towards Sora. "Curiosity."

"Yeah well, you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat."

Lea laid his elbow on Sora's shoulder. "Yeah, whatever. So, where've you been blue eyes? Avoiding us already?"

Sora pushed Lea's arm off of him annoyed. "It's none of your business."

Isa huffed confidently. "You are alone."

Lea's eyes lit up. "Hey that's right! Wasn't there a pretty girl hanging around you? Where is she? She see through you and saw a pathetic wimp? Must've wanted a real man. Should've come found me."

Sora sighed heavily. He wasn't about to let them get to him. "She's still with me. She's my girlfriend and for the last time her name is Kairi. Get it right Lea."

"Oh, so she's still a little ditz? She'll come through and when she does…" Lea pushed Sora against the wall as he leaned forward into his face. "...let her know that a real man awaits her. Hint; it's me. I can really fulfil her wants and needs, you know what I mean blue eyes?"

Sora pushed Lea away harshly and couldn't stop himself. He reeled his arm back with his fist balled and launched his fist right into Lea's jaw. Lea fell to the ground holding his jaw as he laughed.

"You wanna play blue eyes?" Isa helped Lea stand up then stepped back a few feet. "Let's play."

Punches were thrown back and forth. Sora landed a hit on Lea who grabbed Sora buy his shirt, pulling him back then landing a hit on him. Sora kneed Lea in the stomach that was soon joined by his fist as Lea fell backwards and Sora climbed on top of him, throwing more punches. He couldn't hear, he couldn't feel and he couldn't think. He just let momentum take over his arm and fist as a repetitive motion was occurring.

Sora felt hands on his back. Without turning around thinking it was Isa, he pushed the person back with his hands and continued his actions on Lea's face. The hands returned as he heard a soft voice loudly in his ear. Delicate hands wrapped around his frame, trying to pull him backwards away from the bloody teenager. The voice returned in his ear as he started to take notice with the gentle hands and soft, warm breath. Sora loosened his tightened muscles and relaxed himself as the form yanked him backwards onto his ass.

Isa walked over to Lea, yanking him up as Lea spit bloody saliva at Sora's feet. "This isn't over blue eyes, you hear me?" Him and Isa ran down the other side of the alley as Sora tried to control his breathing.

The soft figure walked around to his front and knelt down to his eye level. "Sora, what happened? Sora answer me!"

Sora blinked, letting his vision focus as Kairi came into view. Sora huffed angrily. "You should've let me finish the job. He deserved it. That son of a bitch deserves it."

Kairi placed her hands on Sora's chest and started to rub in a circular motion which seemed to be calming him down. He shut his eyes closed as his breathing slowed down from its rapid session; skin becoming numb to Kairi's massage.

She sighed. "I know. I'm sure he said something vulgar like the last time. Don't let him get the better of you Sora."

He opened his eyes as he started to calm down more. Kairi watched his dark blue orbs fade into the light sky blue that she was used to. She gently laid her lips on his forehead and stood up, bringing him with her.

"C'mon. I have something to show you." Kairi took his hand gently, watching him wince in pain from the cuts on his knuckles and walked him out of the alleyway and back towards the Palace. Before they were a few yards from the Palace gates, Kairi took an unexpected turn down another pathway and continued walking. Sora looked at Kairi confused as she looked down to her feet.

"I bumped into Aladdin today. He told me what today was and due to you going all out for me yesterday, I wanted to repay the favor. I had him show me something that I think you need to see."

Sora squinted his eyes confused even more. "What do you mean? Where?"

"Somewhere you haven't been in awhile." Kairi stopped walking as Sora looked to his left and it felt like the world had stopped turning and breathing became irrelevant. He slowly walked up to the wooden front door and gently raised his hand, letting his fingers graze the wood softly. Kairi walked up next to him. "You don't have to go in if you don't want to. I figured you would want to see it again sometime. You might need this." Sora looked down into Kairi's raised hand to see a small key sitting in her palm.

He lightly took it between his fingers as he stared at it, contemplating. Kairi stayed silent, knowing that this was his decision and his alone. She shuddered herself, as Sora placed the key into the lock of the door and turned it until there was a click. Sora pushed the door opened slowly with the tips of his fingers as he walked through, Kairi following behind him, eager to see his childhood home.

She watched as Sora walked into the middle of the room and looked to her right to see a very small kitchen and to her left to see a small seating area. Ahead of her were three doors that led to smaller parts of the house. It was very small and quaint, but it silently suited Kairi nicely. Better than the big open space that she had at the Palace that was just overwhelming sometimes, this felt warm and cozy to her.

Sora walked to a table that was against the wall and picked up a picture frame. Wiping the dust of the glass case with his thumb, he revealed the inside of the frame and Kairi could hear him sigh sharply. She walked up next to him and looked at the picture. It was a picture of Sora in his toddler years holding a wooden sword proudly with his father kneeling down beside him, holding a similar sword in his hands.

"He made me that sword. Said 'the only way to become a man, is to fight like a man'. It was one of his many pep talks to make me feel like I was special. That whatever I did, I could feel better and stronger at." Sora laid the glass frame back down. "I broke it one day, right in half. He just laughed saying that it was more of a reason to get me a real sword. Mom fought against it, refusing her 'little boy' to wield such a deadly weapon."

Kairi smiled gently as Sora looked at the dead plant next to where the frame was placed, his fingers rubbing together with the dead leaf in between. "Mom never missed a day watering these plants." Kairi suddenly felt sad. Was she bringing up repressed memories? She wanted him to feel good not emotionally depressed.

She followed him slowly as he walked through the first door. Opening it slowly he peered inside, sighing heavily and then shut the door with his hand still gripping the handle. "Parents room. Never aloud in there. It was their privacy. It was one of their most popular rules. I don't even want to break it, but I just had to take one last glance." He walked past the second door as his hand gripped the handle of the third door. He looked at Kairi's confused stare as he let out a gentle smile.

"It's the bathroom, nothing exciting in there. Probably doesn't even work anymore so I wouldn't advise trying it." Kairi smiled at his light sense of humour as they walked through the last door. Kairi let out a smile and a short gasp as she gazed at a little boys room. The bed was small as a dresser was placed right next to it, filling the gap between one wall to the bed. There were still toys on the floor that were untouched for years, dust gathering on every object it could attach itself to.

Sora got down on his hands and knees and reached underneath the bed, pulling out another dusty object. Brushing it off he sat on the edge of the bed holding it, eyes never leaving it. Kairi stood standing as she looked at the stuff animal that was missing an eye and was a worn out golden color, its hair matted together from years of acknowledgment. It was the small, stuffed animal Tiger that was in the picture in Sora's pocket watch.

Kairi watched as Sora started to lightly pet the stuff animal, lost in thought as a small tear escaped his eye. Kairi fidgeted, still feeling guilty as she couldn't keep silent any longer.

"Sora, I'm so sorry." Sora looked up at her confused as she continued on. "I was told it was your birthday and because of yesterday you made me feel special and I really wanted to repay the action so I thought that if I brought you here it would make you happy. I see now that all it did was bring you more sadness and grief and I am so, so sorry." Sora stood up approaching Kairi while still looking down at the Tiger in his hands. "I just wanted to make you happy, please forgive me. I thought that this would help you, especially since it hasn't been touched since the day it was unoccupied. I thought…" Kairi ran out of words to say as she held her head down, letting the tears fall. She screwed up, and she couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

Sora placed his knuckle underneath Kairi's chin, raising it back up so he could look her in the eyes. He looked back down to the stuff animal and talked in a quiet rough tone, but Kairi could still make out the words.

"This Tiger has been in my family for generations. Usually it was passed down to the oldest child to keep and to keep passing down. I thought it was a silly tradition when I was a kid, I never wanted to give my Tiger away. But I made a promise to myself, I promise that I intend to keep." He wiped her tears away that were soaking her cheek with his finger as he grabbed her hand softly.

"The promise was that instead of waiting for me to have a kid and give it to them, I wanted it to have extra sentimental value. I wanted to give it to the girl of my dreams, the girl who I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with." Kairi hiccuped softly, surprised by his words and more stunned when he brought her hand to lay on the Tiger. More tears fell as she gripped the fur of the stuffed tiger, looking at Sora in awe. A gentle smile spread across his lips.

"You always wanted a Tiger right? A real one but I hope this can justify." Kairi nodded as she brought it into her arms, cuddling it. "I knew. The moment I kissed you I could feel it, the moment you said you always wanted a Tiger, the moment when you just kept crawling into my heart as I shut you out. The moment you brought me back here and when I held that Tiger in my hands, I knew when you were standing still, like it was telling me. Now this moment, where I surrender my old stuffed friend to you. That it was you, it was always you. From the day I met you in the Marketplace to right here. That I was to give this to you and that you would be the girl who meant the world to me, who hopefully I will marry whenever we are actually ready and not forced."

Kairi was at a loss for words, speechless. Sora smiled more brighter. He did it, he finally did it. What he wanted to do from the start for her, was leave her in awe and speechless. Kairi let out inaudible noises from her mouth and let out a happy sigh. She shook her head, trying to regain her speech.

"What's his name?"


"You named your Tiger, Tigger?"

Sora shrugged. "I was little, leave me and my creativeness alone." She laughed as he placed his hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry that I never said it, but I know that you knew. I just had to be sure and you holding Tigger is more than enough for me to come to my senses."

Kairi blinked, her face becoming warm. "What do you mean?"

"Kairi, you are the best thing that has ever come into my life. Even if it took me aeons to see it. I have wanted nothing more than to swipe you right off your feet and it looks like I finally did it. You have no idea the joy I feel. Yeah, I'm a little sad being here but you being here with me just feels right." Sora took in a breath as he looked into Kairi's searching eyes smiling. "I want to be with you. Forever. I don't know if I want to marry you so soon because I want to do it when it feels right and in a way that's special to us. I don't want to do it with your Father waving his hand saying it's done. I want to be down on one knee with a ring that I bought with my own money."

Kairi nodded. "However before that, I want a place of our own. Somewhere not here. Too many ugly memories to be here forever. I want us to live together and then I am going to marry you the right way and we will live our lives together alone. I need to take it in steps."

Kairi hugged Tigger closer to her. "How many steps are there?"

"Well, there's find the most beautiful, compassionate girl that I can find." Sora pecked her forehead with his lips making her giggle. "Check. Next is to reunite with Tigger and see how it feels handing it over and if it feels right then it was meant to be." He kissed her nose. "Check. And then everything after the next step you already know."

Kairi sucked in a breath, biting her lip. "What's the next step?"

Sora smiled at her eagerness as he gently gripped her shoulders, bringing her closer to him, their faces inches apart. "Say the words."

"The words?"

Sora smiled as their noses brushed. "Kairi…" He brought one hand up to cup her cheek. "I freaking love you."

Kairi smiled, once again speechless as she gripped the front of his shirt. "Sora, I fucking love you." Sora laughed at finally hearing a swear word graze her lips as she closed the distance between them. Sora broke away still laughing.

"You swore!"

Kairi smiled. "You finally said the words." Their lips soon met again with more passion then their other kisses. This kiss held a lot more meaning. Kairi broke away as she shed more happy tears. "Say it again."

"I love you."

She smiled in excitement as she pecked him on the lips again. "I love you too." Sora kissed her one more time on the lips, letting the time drag out before he parted. His eyes focused back on the Tiger.

"Sorry he's all dirty."

Kairi placed her hand on the back of Sora's head, pushing his forehead to hers. "I don't care. I couldn't care less." She kissed him again as she noticed his eyes haven't left the stuffed animal. "Don't worry, I will let you visit Tigger every now and then." She giggled as Sora's eyes sparked with glee. She waved a finger in front of his face. "Don't you forget about me now that he is back in your life."

Sora shook his head. "Never."

Kairi kissed him on the nape of his neck and laid her head on his shoulder as he brought her into his arms. "Happy birthday Sora."