Hi~! This is a bonus chapter about Luffy's report to Nami.
Don't get it? Read the summary of this story! XD
I hope you enjoy enough to leave a review!
"Nami~! Nami~~! Hey, Nami~!"
"What, Luffy?" snapped Nami, annoyed.
"Zoro was eating cherries in the kitchen with Sanji!" Luffy complained.
"Zoro wasn't sharing with me! He even said he wanted Sanji's banana!"
"...Sanji-kun's banana?" Nami questioned.
"Yep, Sanji's banana. Zoro said he wanted it, so it's probably really really delicious!" Luffy rambled on.
"Wait, what?!" Nami contemplated, "Zoro said he wanted to eat Sanji-kun's banana? ...I wonder if it's wrong for me to think that's suggestive...but if my suspicion is true...oh my...! Sanji-kun and Zoro, huh...Zoro's definitely the seme. But WAIT! ...What if Sanji-kun was the seme...oooohhhh...Nah. Seme-Zoro is more hot."
"Hey, Usopp?" Nami called.
"Hm? What, Nami?"
"Can you make some kind of spying tool for me?" Nami asked.
"S-spying tool?!" Usopp shivered, "W-what are you planning to do with a spy-"
"Don't ask questions, Usopp. Just do it." Nami ordered.
"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Usopp saluted.
"Miss Navigator?" Robin called.
"Hm? What is it, Robin?"
"I've been wondering, are you a yaoi fan by any chance?" she asked.
Nami's eyes popped open. "Wha- What makes you say that?! Anyways, y-yaoi? What's that? Some type of fruit? I-I've never heard of it!" she stuttered.
"Your computer's history. It's filled with ZoroxSanji fanfictions, Miss Navigator." Robin chuckled.
Nami fainted.
"Not that I mind, really," Robin smiled, "I read KidxLaw."
Thanks for reading~!
I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter! I enjoyed writing it! XD
I'd love it if you leave a review, no matter how short! ^_^