Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi

A/N: Thinking about putting Living Without You on Hiatus due to lack of reviews so don't be surprised.

"Eli time to wake up. We're there." One of my band mates called. It's been two months on tour and I woke up alone in my tour bed, making me wonder where my daughter was. I walked to the kitchen to see one of the guys signing, I had found her. I stood on my knees and smiled at her as she immediately hugged me good morning and started signing what she's done so far and how she had pancakes for breakfast and walked to get dressed.

That's a blessing and a curse in a way. It's a blessing because I can fight with whoever I want in front of her and since she can't read lips she won't hear or know what's going on, I don't have to worry about her being afraid of loud noises or her waking up from a sound sleep due to thunder. I don't have to worry about her being back stage and wonder if the drums or anything is too loud for her ears. And I don't have to worry about her eavesdropping in on a conversation. It's a curse because I can't hear her voice, she worries about being different since kids at home have tried to talk to her and she'll sign only for them to run and leave her by herself. And I worry that she'll be treated differently because she's deaf.

As we neared the mall where the meet and greet was, I carried my daughter, Bethany, to her nanny since her mom passed and had her look after her. When we got to the part of the mall where the meet and greet was set up, we could hear cheering as we entered. Everyone was screaming "The Aesthetics" which is our band name. As we sat down, Adam, tapped me. "I got new lyrics. I showed the band let me know what you think." he whispered. "Everyone liked them." he added meaning I didn't have to ask everyone before I approved which I liked. Not long after we sat down at the table we were given small stacks of our posters for us to sign and I was given a clipboard since I like sitting on the table, that way if Bethany showed back up she could have my chair.

Half way through the meet and greet, we were all starting to get pretty tired and I was wondering how Bethany was, but I haven't had a phone call and a body guard was with them too. I looked as a girl about the age of 15 walked up to me with an older woman, most likely her mom. "She would like your autograph." her mom told me and I nodded.

"Do I get a name, cutie?" I asked looking at her.

"Marianne." her mom said. "She's deaf." she added and I started to sign to her daughter. She was a fan of our lyrics and had often read about us in magazines. It was nice to find out our lyrics helped her in a tough time in her life. After we all took one on one pictures with her we all posed for a group photo with her. Finally the signing had finished and Bethany's nanny came to me and Bethany immediately hugged me. I chuckled seeing they made the body guard carry their bags and signed a few things to Bethany before picking her up and carrying her. This is another thing I hate. I can't talk to my daughter when I carry her because it takes both hands to sign.

The minute we got to the bus everyone decided it was nap time. Bethany and I included. About an hour later I was woken by Imogen. "We're at a store to go shopping and eat." she smiled and I knitted my eyebrows together and looked around to see we were on a new bus. "We were transported by our body guards." she giggled and I woke Bethany who was excited to get off the bus, again. Since she can't hear, she's turned into a light sleeper, when you try to turn her over, she wakes up. She walked over with the guard.

I put on a baseball cap as a disguise, colored contacts, and a medical mask, I did the same with Bethany as well only she wore dark glasses, then changed our clothes so we wouldn't be recognized. The rest of the band did the same thing. When we walked into the store, I smiled seeing that we didn't draw a crowd and started to shop for a few snacks and some of Bethany's favorite things as treats, then took her to the toys. Imogen caught my eye as she sat in an isle beating kid's toy a drum and Bethany laughed when she saw her. I walked down the aisle with Bethany and talked to Imogen while Bethany found a toy and started to play with it causing it to light up. It was a loud toy, but she couldn't hear so we didn't mind it. I watched as Bethany put the toy down and asked permission to go to the next aisle which I granted and went to find shortly after with Imogen. When I got there I noticed she was gone, and we walked two aisled down the opposite way since we didn't see what way she was going. It was empty. "Shit." I stated and we split up to find her.

Frantic I started to call out "Elizabeth" in an English accent hoping that a worker would hear me looking for her, but no. Instead I found Imogen. Elizabeth was just a name we used when we'd lose her. Another good thing about her being deaf, she won't hear us call her by a different name just to keep her incognito like the rest of us, we just used the first letter of our name or code names so no one would uncover who we are.

"I told a worker and described Bethany. I told them she's deaf and her name is Elizabeth and used an English accent too." she explained softly. "I also told him my name is Francine. It was the first name to come into my head." She giggled.

"Ok, just keep calling for her in case someone finds her and they hear you. They'll know where to bring her. Have everyone else do the same." I stated using an English accent still and watched her walk to tell our bandmates whom are more like family.

Moments later I saw Bethany leave go of a woman's hand as she ran to me and hugged me. I kissed her head a few times as she held me tightly. I wanted to soothe her and tell her everything was ok, but she can't hear so all I can do right now is hold her and use my facial expressions and my touch. As I stood up to thank the person I was met with the most amazing pair of blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Thank you for bringing her to me." I smirked and rubbed Bethany's back as she glued herself to me.

"Is she ok?" she asked curiously.

"Just scared. I never lost her before. May I ask where she ran to?" I asked curiously.

"Me. I was talking to someone and I jumped when I felt her grab my leg. She tried to run off, but I grabbed her hand and rubbed it since I she wouldn't talk to me." she said and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"She's deaf." I clarified. "Which is why I try not to lose her." I assured and texted Imogen that I found Bethany and our location. Right away Imogen ran towards us and took Bethany from me as she kissed her still with the medical mask on and ran off.

"Guess her mom's happy to have her back, she looks like she means a lot to you guys. Are you guys visiting Canada?" she stated causing me to remember I was still using a fake accent.

"Friend. Her mum left when she was little. Right after we started to take classes to sign." I explained. "It's just been us and a small family of friends since then." I smiled to her and walked as we talked.

"What about you? Any kids?" I asked.

"None. Just me in my own little apartment. My mom thinks I'll become a cat woman, but I hate cats." she stated. "I have a small dog so maybe I'll be come a dog woman." she srugged.

"Surely a gorgeous woman like you has to have a boyfriend?" I asked curiously to see her blush and shake her head. It was cute the way she blushed and I lost all track of time as I was talking to her.

"Ok, favorite song?" she asked changing the subject and I looked down. There were a lot of other groups that I looked up to and fingered through my ipod.

"I don't know. It's a tough one." I stated and looked at her. "Favorite genre?" I asked wanting to stay off the band subject in fear that she might thumb through her ipod or something and recognize me and turn into a crazed fangirl like most women did when they found out who I was.

"Rock." she said with a slight jump in her step. "But I like Indie too." she giggled and it was cute. As we passed the magazines, I watched as her eyes skimmed over the covers and mine did too. Luckily nothing popped out at me. "Have you ever heard of The Aesthetics?" she asked curiously and I chuckled.

"I know who they are." I said leaving the answer vague.

"I heard they're back from their tour and their last stop is their home here in Toronto. I want to get tickets. Do you know where they're playing?" she asked curiously and I thought about hooking her up with a few.

"I do." I smiled and looked in Bethany's bag. I took out a comped back stage pass for her it was on a custom lanyard only available for the group, but I didn't tell her. "Just give it to the guy at the back. He'll let you in when he sees it." I told her and her eyes lit up.

"I'm sure there's someone you want to go with?" she asked.

"I have to go with a few friends, but normally we split after so you can keep Elizabeth and I company. Unless you don't want to hang out with a guy and his kid." I stated and started to slowly turn the cart from her and chuckled as she pulled it back towards her. "It's a date. My name's Clare and here's my number. I expect you to call me sometime soon so we can over everything such as the back entrance." she stated and Bethany ran up to me.

"E. We have to go. We're dropping you and Elizabeth off first." Imogen said grabbing the cart.

"By Clare." I smirked and allowed Imogen to take the cart as Bethany and I followed. I signed to Bethany a few things about Clare. She seemed to be excited that I finally had a date after a few failed attempts, but I'm still not giving my hopes up especially when it comes to Bethany getting too close to her.

The minute we got back on the bus, changed out of my disguise, sat at the table with Bethany and looked over Adam's lyrics as I ate an apple. They were beautiful. The story of what appears to be a story of a love gone wrong in the most beautiful way.

"Adam." I called out for his attention and within minutes he was sitting across from me. "Does this song have a title?" I asked and bit into the apple again.

"No, but that's where you come in." he said and handed me a pen and some sheets for the music. I titled it "To the Moon and Back, Babe." and started to strum on my guitar as I made out the music for it, then called over Imogen and the rest of the band.

"I need you guys to make the music. I'll play it on the guitar." I stated and Drew and Adam went to grab their instruments. When we were all seated I started to play a few cords and before long they joined in as Imogen used the table to hit the beat. Before long the music was made and I started to sing it out. At the end everyone liked it and that was that. "I'll add it to the concert as a surprise song." I said and informed our manager of my plans for our new song. He agreed figuring that it'll be best to have a taste of our next record to increase the sales.

"Eli, your stop dude." Drew stated as we pulled up to my house. I grabbed mine and Bethany's things and we walked into our huge house. That's the thing about being famous, my parents were force to move into a new home. We live in a mansion now.

The minute Bethany got off the bus, she ran inside the large gate and took off to inside the house. I chuckled and trailed behind her. She left the door open so when I went in I kicked it shut behind me. I could hear laughter meaning she found my parents, Bullfrog and CeCe. I left the bags by the door and followed the laughter to Bethany's nursery where all three of them sat as Bullfrog and CeCe tickled her.

"Happy to see us?" I asked causing them to look up at me and hug me.

"Welcome home baby boy." CeCe smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, I'm twenty." I chuckled.

"Still my baby boy." She stated and kissed my cheek. We turned to face Bethany and she told us she was hungry and wanted pizza causing us to laugh a little as she crawled in one of her tunnels. There aren't that many just a few mainly connecting both her play room and her room to the kitchen, my room, and each other. We had our ways of calling her, mainly her puppy. We'd send her puppy after her and after a few minutes, she'd follow the puppy to us or we'd get her. I left Bethany alone in her room to play and went to my room to call Clare. Since my number is unlisted I didn't have to worry about it showing on her caller ID.

"Hello?" she answered and I smiled.

"Hello, Clare." I smirked as I trailed off her name still making sure to use my fake accent. "Are you excited for the concert?" I asked curiously knowing it was only a few days away.

"I am I picked out an outfit and took off from work." She giggled. "I'm guessing Elizabeth's going?" she asked curiously.

"Yep. She, too, has her outfit picked out." I chuckled. "She's wearing a pair of pants and a light pink shirt." I said honestly.

"The music doesn't bother her. I mean the floor must vibrate since the speakers are loud." She questioned.

"She loves it. When the floor vibrates, she dances to it. Even here we'd put a large speaker on the floor so she can feel the vibrations and she'll dance." I chuckled and Bethany ran in my room and hopped on my bed. I signed to her as I listened to Clare on the other end and before I know it we've been on the phone for two hours just talking about nothing and everything all at once.

"I need to go eat. I guess I'll talk to you at the concert?" she asked

"Of course." I said happily.

"Before I take off do I get a name?" she asked curiously.

"E and I'll talk to you in a few days." I smirked and hung up my phone before picking up Bethany and carrying her down to dinner. I was already getting excited for the concert.

Reviews would be excellent if you want me to continue this story.