"Oliver where are you?" Felicity whispered worriedly desperately waiting to hear his response from her ear piece. She hadn't heard anything from him in around ten minutes now. This was only their second job back since the Glades tragedy and she still wasn't sure where Oliver's head was at. It had been four months since the Glades had fell at the hands of Malcolm Merlin.

After Tommy's death Oliver had been a wreck. He barely spoke to anyone and had closed himself off from everything and everyone, completely blaming himself. The funeral was horrendous and Oliver had sat staring vacantly throughout the service. Laurel had tried to pressure him into giving a speech and this had ultimately led to the end of their relationship. Felicity thought on some obscene level she was blaming Oliver for the fact her and Tommy hadn't been together when he died, but it was Tommy who had broke up with her in the first place. A few days before the funeral Felicity had found him sat against the wall in the foundry with a piece of paper and pen in his hands. She had called at his house beforehand to make sure he was okay, only to be told by security he wasn't there.

She knew Thea and Oliver had had falling out over Roy and she had basically been living with him, helping him sort the mess that was his house and ignoring Oliver's calls. Felicity found herself constantly worrying about him and herself and Diggle had been constantly trying to stop him from isolating himself. A few days after the quake Felicity and John, despite still healing himself had raided the foundry removing any evidence of Oliver's involvement with the hood. They knew that a structural team was scheduled to come and check out any damage to the club at any time and they were concerned that would involve checking out the basement.

So when she found him that night sat in his hide out against the wall she had tried to talk him into leaving because she was worried it wasn't safe. Their exchange however hadn't gone well and ended in him storming out and shoving the piece of paper in her hands as he left. When she looked down to read it she found a half written speech about Tommy. She couldn't help the tears that fell when she read it, as Oliver may not have been a angel before the island but the poor guy had suffered so much and had been through so much.

She had been sat at home at about eleven pm that evening in her pajamas and comfort eating with cookies while catching up on her favorite shows when there was a quiet knock at the door. She cautiously opened the door with the chain lock still on, only to see Oliver standing there. He offered her a sad smile and she opened the door.

"Can I come in?" he had asked gingerly.

"Of course you can" she smiled, silently cursing at the fact Oliver was seeing her current, less than desirable appearance.

"I'm sorry for storming out earlier, I just…" he trailed off.

"No its my fault I should have left you alone, I was just worried about you and about the roof and the roof falling on you, which definitely wouldn't be good," she spoke rapidly trying to explain herself.

"You mean like it did Tommy," he said walking over to the sofa "Can I sit?"

"Oh Oliver I'm sorry I have a big mouth, I didn't think… yes make yourself at home," she replied. She could be so damn stupid at times. Insensitive brain.

"No its me, I just can't " she watched as he covered his face with a hand closing his eyes.

She sat down besides him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"If you need to talk, or you need to vent, or you just want to just sit here in silence, I am totally fine with doing any of those things." As she spoke she watched his expression as he stared forward.

"I told Laurel I couldn't do it. The speech." he said clarifying what he was talking about although she already knew. "She thinks I'm a horrible person. Again."

"Oliver you aren't and never will be a horrible person and if she doesn't know that then she's not seeing the real you. Anyone who knows you, is well aware of how you felt about Tommy and I mean that in a totally straight way by the way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just clarifying what I meant," Felicity rambled, but acknowledged a smirk flash across Oliver's face which she was fully taking credit for.

"I think you would struggle to find anyone to agree with you," he replied solemnly.

"Well It's a good job I know best then isn't it," she said trying to lighten the mood and he returned the gesture with a brief smile.

"What are we watching?" Oliver said diverting the conversation. "That is if I'm okay to," he gestured towards the tv.

"Oliver, if you ever feel lost, or don't want to go home to that massive but gorgeous house you're currently living in by yourself, you can always come here and I know Digg would say the exact same thing."

"Thankyou Felicity," he said kicking off his shoes.

"Anytime, and in answer to your question, I'm in the middle of a new girl marathon. You never know even you might even find it mildly amusing," she smiled in his direction.

"Good," he replied and Felicity noticed how gaunt he looked.

"I'm going to order us Pizza," Felicity said jumping up off the couch.

"I'm not.." but she cut him off.

"Stop. I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure I can convince you to eat a couple of slices once it gets here. Please for me? I know your not eating properly Oliver," she looked pointedly at him over her glasses.

"Felicity your reminding me of a really horrific maths teacher I had at school right now," he laughed and for the first time she actually believed it was a genuine smile.

"Well if it makes you smile, I will run around in a clown outfit."

"I hate clowns, they freak me out," Oliver admitted and she couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter.

Ever since that night, Felicity had been spending more time with Oliver despite the absence of the hood. If she wasn't seeking him out to check on him, he was coming to her apartment to sit. Felicity loved having Oliver's company; one because she was pretty sure she was secretly in love with him, and two because it meant he was okay. Although she had successfully managed to make a fool of herself a whole host of times, by making unfortunate comments that either sounded dirty or suggestive, Oliver wasn't fazed as he continued to call on her. It had been a surprise to both Felicity and Diggle when Oliver had announced four months after the Glades tragedy he wanted to resume some hood operations. He'd seen a interview on the news about a man who was wreaking havoc on Starling city and taking advantage of those hurt by the quake. Oliver as the hood had given his associates a scare and successfully gathered information about where the main man may be.

Right now, Diggle had gone to his nephews birthday party and Oliver had insisted that he go and that he and Felicity could handle it. After all they had before. Felicity however wasn't so sure. She couldn't help but worry that if something happened to Oliver she wouldn't be able to do anything to help him. She was a measly I.T girl and not a trained bodyguard who she was pretty sure could give anyone a run for their money. Well maybe not anyone, not Oliver.

She heard some muffled sounds and it sounded like Oliver was starting to say something before she heard him gasp.

"Oliver?" she said again wearily pacing outside the side door. It was dark and she really hoped Oliver was going to come stomping out of the door any second now.

It had been Felicity's job to get information out of the bar staff and to find out if Oliver's target Douglas Lakin was in the building. She could remember their conversation now.

"Felicity I need to you to work some magic and find out if he's in the building and then let me know as soon as possible. If it turns out he is, the hood will be ready to give him a friendly or not warning," Oliver had said as they were discussing the plan.

"Oliver, no offence but I'm hardly supermodel material so I don't know what kind of magic I'm supposed to work, this isn't exactly computer based." She said seriously and Oliver smirked back at her.

"Wear your gold dress, and just talk their ear off until they crack, your good at that," Oliver said light heartily and Felicity lightly smacked him on the arm.

"Felicity seriously, you're the smartest person I know, you'll figure it out." Felicity felt her cheeks go red as they always did if Oliver offered her any kind of compliment, no matter how small.

Her mind focusing back on the present she tried again.

"Oliver are you there?" she said and just as she finished speaking the door he stumbled through the door with a furious look on his face.

He stumbled and she immediately ran forward and grabbed hold of his side, with him shrugging her off.

"Oliver what happened?" She said worriedly watching him sway as he walked forward.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he replied driving forward. She ran after him stumbling in her heels.

"Oliver tell me, what did they do to you?" she said pulling out her phone to call Dig.

He stopped abruptly putting his arm out to lower the arm she currently had positioned near her ear with the phone in her hand. Pulling down his hood he pointed to his neck where Felicity could barely make a out the tiny mark. "They got me with something through the hood, I don't know what. Some kind of poison I think," he murmured pulling up his hood and walking on.

Felicity grabbed his arm, and he stopped, turning around and scowling as her as if to ask what the hell she was doing.

"Oliver we need to get you to the hospital you could have anything working its way around your system!" Felicity rambled panicking. This had to happen when Dig wasn't here with them she thought. Typical.

"No," he said stumbling and she could tell whatever they had injected him with was clearly having an effect on him already. "I'm going back to the club," he said simply and finally.

"Oliver," she began protesting but he put his hand up.

"Felicity I said no," he fired back sharply and walked forward his bike coming into view.

"Oliver there is no way you are riding that bike, you will get yourself killed. I'm not a medical expert, obviously, but even I can tell when somebody cant see straight," she said catching up to him.

"Felicity I will be fine," he said stubbornly. Typical Oliver Queen.

"Oliver I know I'm just an I.T girl and I know I really have no right to tell you what to do, so please don't fire me from our hood family. Although I'm not sure if you even fire me because I'm pretty sure I'm a volunteer. Anyway that being said, you should know that I'm driving us both back to the club whether you like it or not, so just get in my car and Dig can get your bike later," Felicity asserted seeing her car a few meters further up the basically abandoned street from his bike.

Oliver sighed and walked straight past his bike and Felicity silently cheered that he was actually listening to her for once. Crap that must mean he's more hurt than he's letting on.

She watched as he stumbled in front of her and quickly pressed Digs number. He answered in only three rings and Felicity immediately launched into a explanation.

"Dig I'm really really sorry to call you and I really don't want Carly to be angry with you for ditching her, but we need you." She took a breath and Dig interrupted with urgency in his voice.

"What's happened? Where's Oliver?" He whispered.

"Something went wrong and they injected Oliver with something and he's swaying and sweating and refusing to accept my help. He wont go to the hospital, and I'm scared of what might happen. I mean I'm not a doctor," she panicked but Digg interrupted her.

"Felicity I'll meet you at the foundry. I'm on my way okay. Try not to panic and just keep a eye on him till I'm there. Call me if anything changes ," Digg asserted calmly.

"Thanks, hurry!" She ended the call quickly shoving her phone in her pocket.

Felicity ran to her car to see Oliver using the door to prop himself up. She unlocked the car and watched him yank the door open and stumble inside.

Oliver was breathing quickly and she could see the sweat on his forehead. He unzipped his jacket and pulled it off his shoulders before slumping back against the seat.

"Oliver you don't look so good, are you sure you don't want me to take you straight to the hospital, I mean you could have any kind of poison inside you and I really don't want to have to explain to the cops why I have a dead billionaire in my front seat. Not that I would let you die, because of course I wouldn't. Diggle would kill me."

"The foundry felicity," Oliver said shakily offering her a slight smirk. "And I know you wouldn't, I trust you," he said closing his eyes for a second. Felicity slid the car into gear and sped off towards the factory. She'd been told many times before she drove like a grandma, but she recognized this clearly wasn't the time for plodding along.

She saw Oliver close his eyes and started to panic.

"Oliver queen, eyes open! Are you trying to give me a heart attack again! I mean as if bleeding and shot wasn't bad enough, "she demanded and she saw him jump at the sudden screech from her voice.

"Sorry" he grunted.

"I think you should know that my CPR skills are practically non existent so please try and keep breathing for your own sake. Also I think its some kind of written ethical law that you shouldn't kiss your boss's son so I don't think giving you the kiss of life would be appropriate. Not that I wouldn't of course. I totally would if I had too because I wasn't suggesting you have a disease or something I don't want to catch. I'm sure your lips are really nice, which I wouldn't know because its not like I've looked or paid any attention to them. Oh my god why am I still alive. I wish the floor would swallow me up. Why do I have no brain to mouth filter." She glanced over to him to see him smirking.

"Oliver It's not funny. I swear to god if you die, I will use my superior hacking skills to hack into heaven and make your life a living hell!"

"I don't think that's possible even for you," He replied breathy, before breaking into a coughing fit.

"Oh my god, Oliver what do I do? Tell me what to do? She panicked.

"When we get back to the foundry," he was now taking a deep breath every couple of words. "Get the island herbs, the ones I told you about before, and liquidate them with water and inject me with the solution here," he said gesturing a hand to his chest.

Felicity blew out a deep breath. "Come on Felicity. Get a grip you can do this," she said to herself and Oliver gave her a strange look despite the mess he was in.

"Felicity, I trusted you with my life when I barely knew you, I trust you okay, stay calm," Oliver stated confidently. Felicity couldn't understand how he could be so damn calm. If she messed this up he was a goner.

She noticed he had closed his eyes again and let go of her death grip on the steering wheel for a second with one hand to smack him on the arm.

"Oliver! Eyes on me! Can I remind you of all the people who would miss you if anything happened to you. Again."

Oliver scoffed, "My best friend is dead, Laurel hates me, my Moms in jail and Thea's wont talk to me. I'm sure they would get over it."

"At the risk of sounding over forward and slightly creepy, I don't hate you, you are a hero and those people are stupid if they think otherwise. I may not have known you before the island, which is probably a good thing as you may have pushed me into a bush or something for being a geek, but I know you now," Oliver shook his head and smiled.

"Tommy's death was not your fault. You did everything you could. My life was boring before you came sauntering into my office feeding me ridiculous lies and now somehow I cant imagine life without you. So tell your body to get a grip and hold on Queen."

"Thanks," Oliver whispered.

"Anytime," Felicity said thankful for the clear road ahead.

"For what its worth if I wasn't dying and the world was ending tomorrow and I could rescue one person.."

"Your not dying Oliver!" Felicity squealed.

"It would without a doubt be you," he reached a hand across and touched her arm.

"Really?" she whispered trying to focus the road ahead. Oliver had the ability to turn her to jelly with a single touch.

"Really," he stated confidently.

"Ill take that as a compliment" she blushed.

"You should. Can you do something for me?" Oliver asked his head back against the seat and his tone sounding serious once more.

"Yes," she squeaked.

"Drive faster," he asserted. She could see his fists clenched and his chest heaving.

"I'll have you know I've never been caught speeding in my life, but maybe this once I can break a few rules as I'm basically a glorified criminal anyway," she rambled putting her foot through the floor and the car jerked forward faster.

"Oliver do you promise not to die if I tell you something? Just so you know it involves me rambling for a few minutes and you listening to me."

Oliver attempted to smile over at her but all she saw was a grimace. "Okay," he replied.

"Well basically you know how I said you and Digg are my family, well you literally are." She took a deep breath before continuing. "When I was 19 and I was at college my mom and dad were coming to visit me. I was climbing the walls excited and I had laid out all my grade sheets on my bed , which were perfect of course." She heard him laugh quietly which made her smile.

"Of course they were Felicity," He whispered and she was glad he was still listening to her.

"Well, I waited and waited and when they didn't come I tried to call and nothing. So anyway to cut the long story short they were both killed in a car crash on their way to visit me," she hesitated looking straight forward at the road ahead before glancing over to look at Oliver who was looking at her warily.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea Felicity," he began quietly but she cut him off waving her hand.

"Don't apologize Oliver, just breathe," she whispered glancing over at him to be greeted by a sad expression. "Luckily I isolated myself in my work and made my super good grades even better and thus a computer geek was born. I know I should probably have told you this before but you and Digg both have way to much on your own minds to be burdened with my crappy life as well. Of course I was devastated at the time and I still am but my grandparents were amazing and visited me and everything and I lived with them until my granddad died two years ago." She glanced over at him and resisted the urge to cry, he looked terrible but he was clearly still focusing on what she was saying. They were only about two minutes away from the foundry thank goodness.

"So I was forced to get my life together and here I am today at Queen Consolidated. I don't want you to feel sorry for me or anything because I'm not a complete loner and I mean I do have few friends from college I still speak to. Okay so like three but it still counts. Ish. Nights in with my friends were more like an episode of the big bang theory and not the wild nights out with otherworldly beautiful people you probably experienced. But anyway what I'm basically trying to say is I really don't want you to die because I love our arrow family even if our moral compass probably isn't quite right and we could all be looking at long stretches in jail if we ever got caught. And I don't mean love as in I sit at home doodling Felicity loves Oliver or whatever, because seriously I'm not that lame. Maybe. I mean love as in if anything happened to you or Digg I probably wouldn't leave my bedroom for a year other than to get ice cream. So basically don't you dare die or I will become a fat loner. Is that what you want?" She looked over at him questionably and he shook his head, his eyes fluttering open and closed.

"Hold on. We're here Oliver!" Her car abruptly stopped outside the back entrance and she dived out of the car.

"Wake up. Please," she said desperately tapping him on the cheek. His eyes snapped open and he surveyed his surrounding wearily.

"It's Felicity. Oliver you have to help me, I cant carry you by myself," she stated forcefully gripping his jaw forcing him to focus on her. She good feel his pulse hammering under her fingers just by holding his jaw.

"Right," he muttered. He dragged himself up and was something slightly less than a dead weight. Felicity put her self under his shoulder putting an arm round his waist and gritted her teeth.

"Oliver you have an amazing body, but your so god damn heavy. Shit, did I just say that out loud," she blushed but she knew he wasn't focusing on her.

She somehow managed to type the code in and when they got down the stairs Oliver collapsed against the wall gasping. Felicity bent down put her hand under his chin to make him look at her.

"I'm going to go make this tea thing , you stay alive do you hear me." He blinked a couple of times and barely nodded and she could tell she was losing him.

"Thank you Felicity. For everything. Your remarkable," he whispered his eyes finally locking on hers.

"You don't need to thank me for anything, I enjoy hacking extremely dangerous criminals. It gives me a rush." That's when she noticed the tension between them and she couldn't help but let her eyes drift down to his lips. She saw him do the same. She was just about to move away when she heard him whispering.

"Kiss me," he barely whispered. She thought there had been something weird going on between them over the last couple of weeks but she wasn't sure if she was imagining it.

Felicity looked skeptical and flushed red. Did he really mean kiss him?

"Please," he added weakly.

She closed the space between them and could feel her cheeks flushing red. She was kissing Oliver queen. Felicity Smoak was kissing Oliver queen. Who was also dying. Shit. She pulled away quickly and jumped to her feet rushing over to his trunk and set about quickly making the formula.

"The herbs! You need them now! No time for kissing. Which I'm sure there will be plenty of time for later. Oh no did I just say that. Don't you dare kiss me and then leave me," she stated quickly rushing to his trunk.

"Oliver!" Felicity bellowed quickly scurrying around collecting the stuff she needed. She had no idea what she was even doing. After fixing the herbs she grabbed a syringe and filled it. Grabbing some scissors she ran over to him and was terrified to see he was unconscious.

"Crap" she stated as she carefully lied him down on his back and cut haggardly up the tight black t shirt he had on underneath. The rise and fall of his chest was barely noticeable but at least he was still breathing. Normally the sight of Oliver queens torso would send her mind into a frenzy but today she didn't have time for that.

She could see his body desperately trying to take in air and quickly bent down to his ear kissing his cheek. "Oliver I'm so sorry if this hurts."

She squeezed her eyes shut and jabbed the needle into his chest . His body responded and his back arched from the pain. Once the magic formula or whatever it was called was gone, she let the syringe drop to the floor and put her hand on his forehead.

"Oliver come on" she whispered. "Wake up."

She noticed his head was on the concrete and instantly felt terrible so within out hesitation she moved around behind his body sitting on the floor against the wall and pulled his head up gently so it was leaning against her chest.

One hand loosely rested on his chest to support him and the other she placed on his neck so she could feel his pulse under her fingers. It was now weak and slow. Too slow she thought, she just hoped they'd got back in time.

She wanted to kill whatever scumbag had done this to him. Felicity Smoak had a moral compass but not when it came to Oliver queens life. Felicity liked him a lot more than she was ever willing to admit and she would be dammed if he thought he could just die.

She closed her eyes and started counting his heartbeats to try and work out if it was getting any closer to normal speed.

She was silently praying that whatever was in that island magic was fighting and defeating the drug they had given him. Where the hell was Digg. She leaned back against the cold wall and just hoped. How the hell did Oliver get caught up in this. He must have let his guard down or gotten distracted.

She startled back from her trance when she heard Digg's voice as he ran down the stairs jumping to avoid them at the bottom.

"How is he?"

"He's alive," Felicity said. "I did what he told me, I injected him with that herb solution thingy and he's still here so I hope its working."

"Good I came as fast as I could," Digg said breathlessly.

"I know I understand. Everything has gone wrong. The Glades, this, I cant imagine what's next."

"Felicity he's going to be okay, his island hocus pocus always works." She couldn't help but rub her thumb up and down his chest.

I hope so, she said throwng her head back against the wall to try and blink away encroaching tears.

Dig bent down beside her and put her hand on his shoulder, looking down at Oliver who's head was resting against her chest.

"I know this looks weird right?" Felicity flustered. "But I couldn't carry him to the medical table and then he passed out against the wall and I laid him down to inject the herby things and his head was resting on the cold concrete and I couldn't see anything soft so I thought I could use me as a pillow sort of. He's going to think this is weird isn't he. Oh no," she rambled taking in a breath.

"Felicity its okay, you did good. Oliver's alive and will soon be kicking. Probably kicking the crap out of whoever did this to him," Digg said trying to comfort her.

She nodded tipping her head back to try to get her glasses to fall back up her face as her hands were supporting Oliver's body.

"He thinks no one cares about him you know," Felicity whispered.

"He's stupid and stubborn. I think after working with him this long we know that more than anyone."

"Well we have to make sure he realizes that at the very least he has me and you. Right? Were a team," she stated looking up at Digg who nodded.

"Oh. Oh I know what we can do. I was reading the gossip section in a magazine yesterday. Don't judge, and anyway you know how they have pictures of celebrities or locals who were born in that particular week. Guess who there was a picture of?"

"Oliver?" Digg stated pretty confidently.

"Yes it's his birthday on Saturday and personally I'm a little miffed he hasn't told me but I've forgiven him due to you know everything's that happened. I don't know if anyone will you know acknowledge it, considering his friends and family relationships are too put it mildly strained at the moment. So lets throw him a surprise party here!"

"Just the three of us?" Digg stated skeptically.

"Yes. We can make him a cake. Oh my god lets make him a hood cake! We can buy some green and black icing sugar and …" Felicity rambled getting carried away.

"Felicity I'm not sure if a cake is the best idea, do we really want to give him food poisoning so soon after being actually poisoned."

"John you're a specially trained bodyguard and I'm a computer genius so I'm pretty sure we can follow a recipe! How hard can it be."

Felicity glanced down at Oliver every few seconds to make sure he was okay.

"This will definitely be an experience Felicity," John stated rolling his eyes.

"It will be fun, besides it breaks my heart to hear that Oliver thinks he's alone in this world. I cant imagine what he went through on the island and he needs to know he's not alone anymore. We're family right? Even if its slightly weird and dysfunctional and criminal."

"Yep we're a team," John stated and it reminded her of their conversation before the attack on the Glades.

She felt Oliver shuffle below her immediately removed her hands from his chest.

"Oliver?" Digg stated worriedly.

Oliver blinked his eyes open and pushed himself up on his hands using the wall either side of Felicity to steady himself.

"Guess you drove faster then," Oliver smiled wearily turning to face Felicity who was in close proximity behind him.

"Uh, yeah," Felicity spoke jumping up flustered.

"Urgh, I feel like I've been run over," Oliver stated groggily, before looking down at his cut t-shirt.

"You undressed me why I was unconscious? Really felicity, I look like a stripper" Oliver grinned.

"Shut up. I was a little more concerned about saving my pain in the ass boss because of his tendency to try and get himself killed."

She felt herself starting to tear up and the look on Oliver's face changed. She blinked back tears.

"Hey at least you didn't have to suffer the whole CPR disaster, that's a good thing right?" Felicity said trying to lighten the mood and stop her emotions.

"So why does he have hot pink lipstick on his lips?" Digg smirked mischievously.

"I don't now what your talking about," Oliver flustered. Dig raised an eyebrow

"Um I fell," Felicity said not looking either of them in the eye.

"Fell onto his lips?" Digg suggested.

"Um.. I need the bathroom, I think my bladders been ready to pop for about three hours but due to the disaster that was today I haven't had chance to even pee. Too much information. Right. Sorry," she said as she ran off up the stairs. Digg immediately turned to Oliver.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You and Felicity."

"What about us? Oliver asked composing himself against the wall and standing up.

"Your perfect for each other and you know it," Digg smirked.

"Shutup," Oliver replied and Digg walked forward to help him.

"You know I'm right though," Diggle laughed.

"We're not. I would only hurt her," Oliver said growing serious.

"The pink lipstick your currently wearing says differently," and Digg heard him sigh.

"Like she said she fell," Oliver replied leaning on his friend for support.

"Whatever dude."

Dig helped Oliver across the room who dropped into the chair by the computers like a sack of potatoes and leaned back. Digg threw him a blanket to wrap around himself and he closed his eyes for a second.

"Um Oliver… you're in my chair" and he opened his eyes to see the object of his thoughts hovering nervously in front of him. It hadn't escaped his attention that he'd woken up in her arms.

Oliver chuckled. "Felicity I've just been poisoned and you're critiquing me for being in your chair?"

"I am well aware what has just happened Oliver. I'm pretty sure my hearts still going about eight hundred miles per hour after the whole episode," and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Okay you can stay there for now. But don't touch anything or I'll chop off your hands, and then how will you shoot your bow" Felicity hovered unsure of what to do next.

"Okay," he smiled.

"How are you feeling?" she asked gingerly.

"Okay, thanks to you. Felicity, I'm really sorry about your mom and dad."

She was shocked and was kinda hoping he wouldn't remember her confession. "Thanks," she smiled before attempting to lighten the mood. She was going have to explain to Digg about her family history too. "I'm watching you with my babies!" she said gesturing to the computers.

"I've noticed," Oliver replied and Felicity blushed.

"Um I have to erm go get something that I didn't know I wanted," Felicity turned on her heels and ran up the stairs.

"Because that was normal behaviour between two people," Digg smirked triumphantly, only for Oliver to roll his eyes and swivel around in the chair his back now to Diggle.