Disclaimer on 1st chapter.

Chris' POV:

I stay quiet as Remus takes Harry and me to the Leaky Cauldron. I been in the wizarding world before, so I knew what to exspect, for Harry...well this was his first time. It was going to be interesting. Only reason why I know about the wizarding world let alone been in their world. Is simple...you see some wizards and witches knew my mother very well. They knew about me as well.

Poor Remus was going too find out the hard way, that I was a witch hunter's kid, then again he might already know. Not really sure. I almost hesistate to go inside the Leaky Cauldron. However I force myself to go inside after Remus and Harry. We go inside and that is when people go crazy about Harry. Harry Potter the boy who lived and defeated Voldemort. I know more then I should because Harry told me about his parents and about the scar. Then again Harry was pretty secretive about things, just like I was. We all have our secrets, but i'm sure harry knows more then he lets on about things.

For some reason my mind goes back too when we were at the zoo...not too long ago. The fat pig known as harry's cousin was there with his friends. They ahd shoved harry and me away from the boa we were looking at. Well harry was talking to it since he was able too speak snake. I had laughed my head off when the glass vanished making Dudley fall inside the boa's enclosure as Dudley's friends screamed and ran off. the boa slipped out the tank and then slithered away. The glass had returned and Dudley's parents went ballistic. Catherine had quickly ushered Harry and me far away from the snake enclosure and we went some one else. Catherine just simply laughed once we we were far enough away and treated us too ic cream and pizza. Magic is such a fun thing...shame muggles can't know about the wizarding world...I think both worlds could work side by side.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a old witch suddenly screams and points to me. I wince since all wizards and witches react like this when ever they see a witch hunter or their kids. "YOUR A WITCH HUNTER'S SON!" The old witch screams in high pitch tone that sounded like nails on a chalk board or a banshi. Her long boney finger points at me. I inwardly tense as I see many people looking fearful and alarmed as they glance at me. Remus is a bit startled but then again he doesn't look that surprised. It looked more like his suspicion was or had been confirmed about me.

"Now mother, that's not nice...you can't keep accusing every child, you see as a witch hunter's child." A man said groaning as he tries too lead the old woman away from us.

"I KNOW I BEEN MISTAKEN BEFORE, BUT I'VE SEEN THAT BOY BEFORE, HIS PARENTS ARE WITCH HUNTERS!" The old woman screams. Her son then slapped his face and pulled out his wand.

"SORRY EVERYONE, MY MOTHER IS A BIT CRAZY!" He said loudly making people go back to what they were doing before the yelling had even started. The wizard then mumbles a spell under his breath and his mother becomes insteant silent before she can start ranting again. Her eyes are flaring in rage and her mouth is still moving but no words are coming out as he leads her away. He also took his mother's wand away from her by the looks of it.

"Sorry about that, lad...the old one means well...she's gone completely insane and yet her son still refuses to send her away." A wizard said looking at me appologentic. Soon a witch starts up with a conversation with Remus.

"It's fine..." I said to the wizard before I noticed how Harry is watching me. He has this suspicious look on his face. One I know only too well. "What?" I asked him.

"What did you do too get that woman all riled up?" He asked me.

"I didn't do anything Harry! I swear I didn't do anything this time." I said sighing as Harry simply raises an eyebrow at me. "Okay...Okay you win...Look I got into a fight with a pure blood wizard kid when I was younger...I broke his nose. Mom was pissed off with me, since she had too reveal she was a witch hunter as she beat the crap out of the boy's father who was about too attack me. We spent three hours talking with Auroras."

"Who was it?" Harry asked me with a look of amusement.

"No idea...just some platinum blond git, that couldn't shut the hell up. His father was equally annoying. Harry, it was years ago..." I said bitterly.

"You have platinum-"

"Shut it Harry!" I hissed at him. Harry just smiles and shakes his head.

"Hello Hagrid." Remus said unaware of our conversation just now. He was smiling as a very tall man approached us. Harry is soon smiling and I simply smiled since harry stopped questioning me.

"Hello Remus...It's been a long time." he said before he notices Harry and me. "I haven't seen you since you were a baby Harry! Your aunt and uncle been taking good care of you?"

"You mean my mom...I got adoupted since my-" Harry started but hagrid let out a angry yell as he started too call Harry's aunt and uncle every fowl name he could think of. I couldn't help but grin and lean closer too Harry.

"Nice going Harry...you just set a wizard on a war path." I whispeared as I struggled not too laugh.

"Chris, Shut up." harry hissed at me. Remus then calms Hagrid down before he quietly tells Hagrid about Catherine who is harry's guardian. Hagrid then smiles and apologies for his behavior just a few minutes ago. However when hagrid greeted a man wearing a turbin, I noticed how harry's hand clenches into a fist and I can feel the waves of anger rolling off of harry.

"Harry...chill." I said softly. Harry calms down as hagrid introducies us too our Defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Quirell. Eventually we head too the wizarding bank. We end up going with hagrid since Remus remembered he had to go get said he would meet us at the leaky Cauldron when we were done getting our school supplies. So in a way Hagrid ended up with us.

Harry was a bit freaked out by the goblins. A few Goblins looked at me and they glanced nervously at a pair of large golden doors that had engravings of dragons on them. The head goblin looks down at harry and Me when hagrid said we needed to go to our vaults. I had totally tuned them out until the goblin asked me for my last name. "Raven." I said smirking as the goblin turned a paler shade then normal.

"Your from the W-witch hunter clan..."

"Yep." I said before I relised what I just said. "Oh shit." I mumbled before I placed fingers in my ears. I always hated this part. That was when the head goblin screamed in fear as he toppled backwards. Soon many other goblins began freaking out.

"CHRIS WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Harry yelled at me alarm. Hagrid was also alarmed by this since he had never seen the goblings freak out like this before. A lot of witches and wizards that were there ran out of the gringotts wizard bank thinking the goblins went crazy.

"THIS IS SORT OF NORMAL...YOU'LL SEE WHAT DEALS WITH THE WITCH HUNTER'S FAMILY VAULTS. I FORGOT YOUR NOT SUPPOSE TO TELL A GOBLIN YOUR A WITC HUNTER'S KID." I yelled over the noise. Suddenly the two large golden doors flew open and Harry stared in horror at what approached us. A half dragon like creature approached us. I knew this being only too well and I laughed nervously.

The being that approached us appeared almost fully human, minus the fact it had long black bat like wings that are normally pictured on dragons sticking out of his back, a long tail with long razor sharp spikes near the tip of his tail, long curved razor sharp horns sticking out of his head and the fact his skin was dark grey color, long messy black hair and his eyes were solid black with glowing yellow pupils that appeared almost snake like. He was wearing a black jacket over a white shirt and black pants. Height wise he was six foot seven maybe six foot eight. He was barefooted and his feet almost resembled that of gargoyle's feet.

"Hi Blacky." I said. Blacky looked very irritated at me as well pissed off.

"How many times must I tell you, witch hunters enter those gold doors to talk too us, Chris Raven?" He growled.

"I uh forgot..." I said looking away. Blacky sighed and looked at Harry with a warm smile. "Hello Harry Potter/Elric. Wizarding vault or would you prefere using your mother's vault today?"

"I uh would like too use both?" Harry said nervously. I reisted the urge too laugh at Harry's nervousness.

"Very well and The tall gentleman behind you?" Blacky asked. Hagrid looked uneasy about Blacky.

"He's going too a wizarding vault but he's looking after us for a while." I said.

"Very well go to the wizarding vaults first...then please come over and see the witch hunter vaults..." Blacky said with smile before he swatted me upside the head hard making me yelp in pain.

"Your still mad about me slamming the door on your tail." I grumbled in pain.

"Call us even for now...Chris." Blacky hissed at me as his forked toung like a snake's could be seen behind his ravor sharp fangs. He then yelled something in unknown language that caused the goblins to quickly calm down and go back too work. We went too the wizarding vaults first. Hagrid was still freaked out about what happened.

"Chris what is Blacky?" Harry whispears to me as we ride the cart down. Hagrid had too keep pulling harry from looking over the sides. I risted the urge too raise my hands up and yell faster like I was on a roller coaster.

"That was a demon...a dragon class demon, Harry. Not many wizards or witches have ever delt or sceen one of them. They can be very dangerous too wizards and witches. Since they have the same strength and abilities like a dragon. However they are tricksters and natural pranksters but they powerful warriors. They often served witch hunters on their missions. It's a long story...my dad knows the story better then I do. Anyways Blacky looks over all witch hunter family vaults, more importantly he guards your mom's family vault personally. Demons guard our vaults instead of the goblins...why or how no idea...it's always been like that. However dragons protect and guard both series of vaults." I exsplained. "Just never slam a door on a demon's tail...they will get even...ow...Blacky hit me harder then usual."

"You deserved it." harry said with a smirk.

"I did not!" I said glaring at him. As we arrived at the vault that Hagrid needed to be at.

Catherine's POV:

I sighed as Alex brings me to the wizarding world. I briefly see Harry, Chris going with Hagrid inside Gringotts as Remus heads off in a different direction. I wonder where Remus is going. My exspression then becomes serious and focused. Oh how the fan girl side of me was squealing in delight and wonder as I wished I could go crazy and visit every sigle store and buy things. This was so not fair, I wish I was going to hogwarts!

"Cat...you coming or not?" Alex demands snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm coming..." I said with narrowed eyes. I was here to see Sirius Black and Ihad too stay focus. Alex leads me inside the ministry of magic. Wizards and witches give us both fearful glances as our witch hunter's armor is clearly seen. Alex is smirking and I'm just keeping a cold look of fury on my face as I walked swiftly. Rage is also burning inside me at how these fools were keeping an innocent man in prison. Alex shudders when she hears my cold voice when a aoura stops us. "We are here too see Fudge...business is between us now step away and let us through." I snarled out in a bitter cold and deadly sounding voice.

The Aoura gulps and steps aside as I walk pass him with Alex trailing behind me. "Cat...you done this before haven't you?"

"No...I just want too skin this bastard alive." I said startling her.

"Cat...you can't kill him..."

"Watch me..." I growled.

"Oh god...I created a monster..." Alex whispears as I let her lead me to where we need to go. This place is like a fricken maze!

To Be Continued...