No Megan and Conner. No Superman and Superboy hate. Yes Lois, no Lois and Clark relationship will develop later on the story? No Rocket/Raquel. Yes Zatanna/Robin Yes Spitfire both way later. Superboy was 16 weeks old that equals 3 months plus the 4 extra months equals 7 months old. Superboy will develop his powers later on the story including the ones that are only in the comic.

…Washington D.C Cadmus July 5

The roof falls down on top of them as the whole building collapses around them. Aqualad and Superboy shield Robin and Kid Flash. Superboy breaks out first of the rubble. They're all all right, apart from minor bruises and torn clothes. Blockbuster is out.

"We…did it." Aqualad says panting.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Robin asks smiling slightly panting as well. He high fives Kid Flash and they both grunt in pain grabbing there chest.

"See, the moon." Kid Flash says to Superboy. As he looks at it, Superman appears, and with him the entire Justice League. "OH and Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?" he says standing next to Superboy.

With the entire League before them, Superboy steps forward pulls up his torn white shirt showing his S shield. It startles Superman

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asks standing behind Superman.

"He doesn't like being called an it." Kid Flash mumbles to them.

"I'm Superman's clone." Superboy blurts out.

The Justice League look at each other shocked.

"Start talking." Batman says to them.

While half the League carries off Blockbuster, the sidekicks wait for a verdict.

"He needs a home." Wonderwoman say to Superman.

"I know." Superman says to him.

"Will you take him home with you?" Martian Manhunter asks him.

"No." Superman says quickly. They both look at him. "I can't. Diana think you could take him to paradise island."

"Kal-" Diana starts.

"Please" Superman begs a little. "I just need to talk to my parents first, and my apartment is one room only." He pauses. "I'll visit, I just need time."

"Fine." Diana says. "Just for a month."

"Or two." Superman says to her.

Martian Manhunter touches Superman's shoulder Superman turns around and sees Superboy looking over at them. Superman walks over to him.

"So um you're going to be staying with Wonderwoman for a little while just until I figure a permanent place for you." Superman says to him.

"With you?" Superboy asks him.

"Yeah my place is too small of two people." Superman says to him. "I'll visit and we can train."

"Really?" Superboy smiles at him.

"Yes." Superman smiles back.

"Cadmus will be investigated all 52 levels." Batman says walking up to them with Flash and Aquaman behind him. "But let's make one thing clear-"

"You should have called." Flash says interrupting Batman.

"End results aside we are not happy." Batman says to them. "You hacked Justice League system disobeyed direct orders and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I am sorry but we will." Aqualad says.

"Aqualad stand down." Aquaman says to him.

"I apologize my King, but no." Aqualad says politely. "We did good work here tonight the work you trained us to do together on our own we forged something powerful important."

"If this is about your treatment at the hall the three of you-" Flash starts.

"The four of us." Kid Flash corrects/interrupts. "And it's not."

"Batman we're ready to use what you taught us or why teach us at all?" Robin says stepping forward.

"Why let them tell you what to do?" Superboy asks them. "It's simple get on board or get out of the way." He says to the League.

"Give me three days." Batman says to them.

"Three days isn't so long." Kid flash says shrugging.

"Will you be coming with us?" Robin asks Superboy.

"No, he's coming with me." Wonderwoman says to them. "If that's ok with you." She adds.

"Where do you live?" Superboy asks her.

"Paradise Island, it's a place where Amazons live." Wonderwoman says to him. "No man is allowed in, but I'm sure we can make an exception." She says to him.

Superboy looks over at them. "So-"

"Don't worry we'll save you a seat." Robin says to him.

"Thank you." Superboy says to him. "All of you."

"Come on." Superman says as he puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't fly." Superboy says hesitantly.

"That's ok, I couldn't fly at first either." Superman says to him he takes out his hand and he takes his hand and they fly off.

4 months later …Paradise Island

Kon swings his sword and a woman with red hair covered mostly by a helmet in a ponytail black tank top and brown pants with sandals attacks him with a sword. Kon was wearing sandals, blue pants no shirt and a helmet. Swinging their swords at each other she cuts his shoulder and he cuts her leg then kicks her in the stomach she swings her sword at him he jumps behind her swings he leg beneath her she falls and points his sword at her neck. She looks up at him.

"Give up Artemis?" Kon asks her smirking.

"Yes, I yield." Artemis says to him smirking.

He turns around taking off his helmet and runs up to Queen Hippolyta and Princess Diana look at him.

"Why the long faces ladies?" Kon asks them smiling. "I finally beat Artemis, we should be celebrating!" he says happy.

"You're getting ahead of yourself as usually Kon-El." Diana says to him. "Ever since you've been brought here you have excelled at the physical side of fighting but you obviously lack restraint."

"I've been working on it." Kon says to her. "That's why I need to go out and seen what else is out there and train with you know humans."

"Do you believe he's ready mother?" Diana asks her.

"Yes, mortals are delicate creatures he will learn restrain from them." Queen Hippolyta says to her.

"Very well I'll call Kal-El." Diana says to them.

"YES! Finally!" Kon pumps his fists happy. Diana and Hippolyta look at him. "I mean-" he bows. "Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement." He says to them he walks away and laughs then running off. "Wolf!" he yells out and a white wolf comes running out of a tree. "You should have seen me." Wolf licks his master's face. "I kicked Artemis's butt and we'll be leaving soon I can't wait to see Robin, Wally and Kaldur."

…Later that day

"Come on Wolf faster!" Kon says running along Wolf in a mountain and jumps from the cliff to another cliff and so does Wolf landing perfectly and continues to run when they both stop and look up at the sky seeing a plane and a blue red blur Kon smiles "They're here!" he says and flies off the cliff.

"Kal, Bruce you got here fast." Diana says to them.

"Yeah well we have some bad news, we talk on the way here and-"

"Kal! Bruce!" Kon yells out as he lands perfectly on the ground and runs up to them smiling.

"Hey looks like you've got the hang of your flying." Kal says smiling and Kon hugs him.

"Completely, you should see me use my heat vision and superspeed." Kon adds as Kal hugs him back.

"Good to see you Kon."

"You too Kal." Kon pulls away smiling.

"Hello Kon-El." Batman says to him.

Kon hugs him. "Good to see you too Bats." He says to him hugs him back a little then lets him go. "So when are we leaving?" he asks him.

Batman looks at Kal. "You're going to have to tell him sooner or later."

"You're not taking him are you?" Diana asks him.

"I'm sorry Kon-El." Kal-El says to him.

"What?" Kon asks them. "Why?" he says looking at them angry.

"I can't take care of you Kon." Kal says to him.

"But you promised that when I finished my training I'd be able to leave."

"I know but Metropolis has been taking on a lot of resent attacks and I can't take care of you."

"I don't need a babysitter Kal." Kon says angry then turns to Batman. "What about Mount Justice I can stay there." He says hopeful. "It'd be perfect."

"You're not ready to go on missions." Batman says to him.

"But I did good last time, ask Wolf."

"You almost got Kid Flash and Robin killed." Batman says to him.

"They were fine." Kon says to Batman. "Please being locked in here is the same as being locked in a pod."

"Kon I'm sorry I just need a couple of more months." Kal says putting his hand on Kon's shoulder.

Kon pushes his hand away. "Whatever." He says and walks away then flies off.

"I think that went rather well." Batman says.

"How is it possible that he's only 7 months old and he acts like a teenager?" Kal asks them.

"Genetics." Batman says, Diana chuckles.

"You're not funny." Kal says to him.

"Yeah, Green Lantern?" Batman says to his com. "Giant Robot?... In Metropolis?"

"Oh no not again." Kal whines.

"Superman's here yeah we're going." Batman says to Green Lantern in the com.

"Wanna come?" Kal asks Diana.

"Sure, it'll be fun." Diana says smiling.

Batman gets on his batplane and Superman and Wonderwoman fly off to Metropolis. Kon and Wolf were at the edge of Paradise Island sitting down looking out at the vast ocean and see Superman and Wonderwoman fly off and the black plane.

Kon glares angry.

"Come on Wolf we are running away." Kon says to him he was wearing blue fatigue pants tucked into dark-brown combat boots with a large buckled-belt and his black S shirt.

"Nice night for an escape." Queen Hippolyta says to him wearing a white dress.

"I have to leave. I have to find my own path." Kon says to her.

"I know." She walks up to him. "You are destined to be a great hero." She hugs him.

"Thank you Queen Hippolyta." Kon says to her, hugging her back.

She puts her hands on his shoulder he smiles up at her and she kisses his forehead. "Goodbye, Kon-El."


Kon takes Wolf with him and flies off to Metropolis arriving early in the morning. He lands in the park some people noticed others didn't, others just looked at the giant white dog.

"Well that got me tired." Kon says Wolf looks up at him. "Shut you, I did all the flying." Wolf stretches and so does Kon. "Ok well…where to now?" he asks Wolf and sees him laying down on his back rubbing himself with the grass like a snake. Kon looks around and sees a giant marble statue of Superman with an eagle on his right arm and looks up at it. "Whoa." He gulps in shock and then smiles up at him. "What do you think Wolf? Think I'll ever be like him?" he asks him. "Where'd you go?" he looks around sees him of running away. "HEY! Wait for me!" Kon yells out and runs after him. Wolf runs and runs and stops smells around the air and follows the smell. "Wolf? Oh I get it you're hungry." Wolf barks and runs off. "OK but then we are going to go see Kal." He runs after him. Wolf runs up to a hot dog vender.

"AH!" the man screams and lands on his butt.

"Wolf wait!" Kon yells out at him. He whines and sits down waiting patiently for his master's command. "Sorry." He helps the vender up . "We'll take ten." Kon says to him.

"That'll be 15 dollars." The man says no longer scared.

"Oh um I don't have any money." Kon says to him.

"Sorry kid. No money no food." The man says. "And put that dog on a leash you can't have dogs on the park without leashes kid."

Wolf whines. "Don't worry boy, the city is huge I'm sure we can rustle something up." Kon says to him as the walk away patting him on the head.

They end up on the lake Wolf swimming in it fishing for fish while Kon had already caught three and put them on a stick and uses his heat vision on them and grabs one then takes a bite.

"Hey kid." a homeless man says as walks up to him and sits next to him.

"Whoa dude heard of a shower?" Kon asks him pinching his nose.

"What are you talking about I showered three days ago." The man says to him. "Can I have one of your fishies?" he asks him.

"OH! Sure." Kon says smiling and picks up the fish and uses his heat vision on it and gives it to him.

"Hey, you can use heat vision?" the man asks him.


"Like Superman?"

"Don't tell anyone." Kon says to him.

"No problem." The man says to him. "Are you related to Superman?" he says in a whisper.

"HEY you stop!" a police officer yells out blowing out his whistle. "You can't fish here!" he yells out and runs up to him.

"We best skedaddle." The homeless man says and runs off with the fishes.

Kon whistles and Wolf comes running out of the lake and they run off, the officer stops and pants.

"I don't hear Superman anywhere." Kon says as he tries to use his super hearing to listen for his voice. They walk around and end up in a fountain. "Maybe he doesn't even live here or maybe he's out in space." He sighs, sits on the fountain. "This sucks." Wolf whines and Kon pets him. "OH I know Happy Harbor." Wolf wags his tail happy that he's master's happy. He stands up and goes up to a person. "Excuse me, which way is Rhode Island?"

"Hi excuse me." Kon asks a girl.

"Well hello gorgeous." The girls says in a southern accent she had bleach blonde hair, in a ponytail two lines shaved across her temples, blue eyes, piercings, purple lipstick, a white top and a black plaid skirt, held up by red suspenders. She wears boots and torn stockings, and fingerless gloves that reach to her elbows.

"I'm lost, which way is Rhode Island?" he asks her.

"On um I don't know but I can tell you where my house is." She grabs his hand and pulls him.

"I don't understand." He says to her confused. "But-wow you're strong." He says shocked.

"That I am." She says to him. "I'm Tuppence."

"Kon, but listen I really have to-"

"Kon? That's a weird name."

"Where are you li'l sis?!" a boy yells out in a southern accent.

"That's my brother Tommy." Tuppence says to him. "Over here!" she yells out to him.

"Hey, I got the jewels." Tommy says as he runs up to her with a black bag also has blond hair, with one line shaved across his temples and blue eyes. He wears multiple earrings. His clothing matches his sister's: he wears a white sleeveless shirt, black pants, boots, and red suspenders. He wears a padlock on a chain around his neck. He also has black fingerless gloves. "Who's this?" Tommy asks her.

"This is Kon, ain't he gorgeous?" she asks him.

"No." Tommy says to her. "Ditch him, let's fly."

"Hey! Stop right there!" a police officer yells out running towards them.

"Come on let's go, Tuppence." Tommy says to her pulling her hand.

"Wait." Tuppence says to him she pulls away and kisses Kon right on the lips.

As soon as she pulls away. "Did you steal those?" Kon asks pointing to the bag on Tommy's hand.

"Yeah. What are you going to do about it?" Tommy asks him smirking.

"Give them back." Kon says to him standing right in front of Tommy glaring.

Tommy laughs. "Make me."

Kon grabs his wrist holding the black bag Tommy tries to pull away and Kon keeps his putting pressure on it.

"Give them back." Kon says with a death glare.

"Let him go!" Tuppence yells out tries to interfere but he kicks her away sending her flying.

Tommy drops the black bag in pain and Kon punches then kicks him way sending him flying off into a building.

"Whoa kid that was awesome." The police officer says panting. "Oh wait you a good guy or bad guy?"

"Good guy, here you go." Kon says picking up the black bag and giving it to him.

"Superman fan?" the police officer says to him pointing at the shirt.

Kon looks down at his shirt. "…Yes." he says to him. "You need any help with them."

Other police cars came and ran up to Tuppence and Tommy putting collars on them.

"We got them." The officer says to him overconfident.

"Right good, um do you know where Rhode Island is?" Kon asks him.

"Um North that way." The officer points.

"Thanks." Kon says to him and whistles.

A white wolf runs up some cars and up to him. "Good news boy, I know where Rhode Island is." Wolf barks at him waging his tail.

"Nice pet." The officer says to him.

"Thanks." He says to the officers Wolf barks then licks the officer. Kon puts his arms around Wolf's backbone hugging him and flies off. "Nice meeting you! Bye!" Kon yells out.

"He can fly." He says to himself. "Of course he can fly."

…Happy Harbor

"Well it only took a day and a half to find the place." Kon says as he puts down Wolf he stretches. "OK well now what?" he asks him. Wolf looks at him. "What, I've only been here like twice." He walks around the cave trying to remember where the door was.

Recognized Superboy B-0-4

"Found it." Kon says smiling.

Wolf and Kon walk in looking around the place.

"I'm telling you I heard the-" Robin starts as he walks in the briefing room.

"Kon?" Kaldur asks shocked.

"Holy-crap." Wally says shocked.

"Hey guys." Kon says waving at them smiling.

"Dude what hell are you doing here?" Robin asks him walking up to him.

"How did you get here?" Kaldur asks him walking up to him as well.

"And most importantly where did you get the clothes." Wally asks him. They both hit him upside the head. "OW!" he yells out in pain.

"I ran away, I flew and I picked them out last time I was here." Kon says answering all of their questions Wolf goes up to them smelling each one.

"You ran away!" Kaldur yells out.

"You can fly?" Robin asks him.

"Guess that whole no capes, no tights was true huh?" Wally asks/says to him.

"Yeah, I am never wearing that suit again…but seriously no offence." Kon says to them.

"None taken." Wally says and grabs his arm. "Let's show you around we can introduce you to the new girls." They start walking away. Wolf stays behind still smelling them.

"We should call Batman." Kaldur says to Robin.

"I think Superman would be a better choice." Robin says to him, knowing Batman he was going to be pissed.

"Maybe Wonderwoman?"

"Black Canary?"

"Yo guys come on!" Wally yells out.

"Wolf come here boy!" Kon yells out.

Kaldur and Robin sigh then they walk away Wolf follow them then stops smells something and walks off somewhere else.


"Wow hi I'm Zatanna." She says wearing a strap purple top and white capri pants. She says walking right up to Kon.

"Hi Zatanna I'm Kon." He says to her. Taking out his hand, shaking hands with her.

"Hey I finally got the goop out of-oh WOW." Artemis says walking in the kitchen wearing short shorts muscle shirt and a towel around her hair. "Hi." She takes off the towel and her blonde hair falls down. "What's shakin you hot piece of bacon?" she asks smirking.

"Hey!" Wally yells out angry that Artemis was flirting with him. They look at him. "This is Kon, Kon Artemis." He says thinking fast.

"Hi." Kon says to her. "Your name is Artemis that is so weird, I know another woman named Artemis."

"Good introductions are over." Wally says not wanting to show that he was jealous.

"You know another girl named Artemis?" Artemis asks him.

"Yeah, she beat me up a lot." Kon says to her.

"Don't worry I don't bite unless you want me too." Artemis says to him, Kon looks at her confused.

"We called Superman." Robin says as he walks in the kitchen.

"And Batman." Kaldur says to them as he walks over as well.

"And Wonderwoman." Robin says to them.

"And Black Canary." Kaldur says.

"Aw man, why?" Kon asks them. "They're gonna take me away."

"What?" Zatanna asks sadly and shocked standing next to him holding his hand.

"Why would they do that handsome?" Artemis asks him pushing Wally away and standing next to Kon and grabbing his hand.

"I kinda ran away." He says to them.

"You're gonna fit in great." Artemis says to him.

He smiles at her then looks around the room. "Where's Wolf?" he asks them.

"What's a wolf?" Zatanna asks.

"AAAHHH!" they hear a girl yell out.

"Oh no." they boys mumble and then run off.

They watch him run off and they lean on each other.

"He is so…" Zatanna starts not having words to finish her sentence.

"Yeah." Artemis says sighing happy.

"I saw him first." Zatanna says to her.

"Nah ah." Artemis says to her.

"Yah ha." Zatanna says to her.

Artemis looks at her and Zatanna looks at her, crossing their arms.

"You know what this means?" Artemis asks her.

"Just some friendly, completion." Zatanna says to her.

"All is fair in love and war." Artemis says to her.

"War." Zatanna says to her.

"Could you please just put him down?" Kon asks the green girl on her bed as she levitates Wolf in the air.

"He's a wolf." She says scared of him not wanting to put him down.

"He's my friend." Kon says to her kneeling down by her bed he's elbows on the bed hands on his chin.

"Who are you?" she asks him.

"Kon." He says to her. "That's Wolf." He says pointing up to him.

"I'm Megan." She says to him. "Are you sure he wouldn't try to kill me?" she asks him.

"No he probably just wanted to smell you. I promise he wouldn't hurt you." Kon says to her smiling.

She nods puts Wolf down gently and slowly. "I'm ok." She says to herself.

"Be nice to the pretty woman Wolf." He says to him as Wolf puts his head on the bed next to him.

"He is kinda cute." Megan says and pets his head blushing. "Where did you get him?"

"Long story." Kon says to her. "But we are both hungry."

"Dinner!" she yells out happy . "I can make you both dinner." She pauses. "What do wolves eat?" she asks him.

"Meat mostly but he can eat vegetables if he's hungry enough." Kon says to her smiling.

He gets up off his knees and she gets off the bed they walk out of the room passing Kaldur, Wally and Robin by the door.

"So what's your favorite food?" she asks him.

"I've been eating a lot of fish so no fish."

"Got it." she says giggling a little

"How does he do that?" Wally asks angry and jealous.

"Kryptonian charm." Robin says to him slightly jealous about Zatanna was flirty with him.

"Maybe they just think he's a good person." Kaldur says to him.

"Do us a favor Kaldur?" Wally asks him.

Kaldur nods.

"Don't help." Robin and Wally say to him and walk away.


"I can help cook." Zatanna says and puts on an apron.

"Me too." Artemis says.

"You don't cook." Zatanna says to her slightly glaring.

"I'll learn." Artemis says glaring back.

"Anything I can do to help?" Kon asks them sitting on the counter's chair.

"No." The girls say at the same time.

"Ok sorry I asked." He says to them.

"You can watch tv." Artemis suggests.

"Oh I know, you can tell us the story of Wolf." Megan says to him.

"Or we can show you around the cave." Wally says to him wanting to take him away from the girls.

The girls glare at him.

"That could be fun." Kon says to them. "We can talk about Wolf during dinner." He says to them smiling.

"Ok." They say smiling back at him.

The boys walk off the kitchen.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Artemis asks Megan.

"What do you mean?" Megan asks her.

"We saw him first." Zatanna says to her.

"Ok I was just trying to be friendly." Megan says to her.

"Just don't think you can take him away from me." Artemis says. Zatanna glares. "Us, I meant us."

"They're a bit intense." Kon says to Kaldur, Robin, and Wally.

"So you're not interested in them?" Kaldur asks him.

Robin and Wally glare at him.

"They're nice." Kon says to them.

"But?" Kaldur asks him.

"They seem a bit strange are most girls like that here?"

"No not all." Kaldur says to him. "Most girls aren't like that."

"What are the girls like in Paradise Island?" Wally asks him changing the subject.

"The Amazons? They're a warrior race and they are extremely smart, they educated me about there culture."

"So they're a bunch of butch, geeks." Wally says to him.

"um…I don't understand." Kon says to him. "But they are very well developed."

"Nice." Wally says to him smiling.

"You have no shame." Kaldur says to him.

"Did you see them naked?" Wally asks him smiling.

"Yes, we showered together in the waterfall almost every day."

"Whoa!" Wally yells out smiling putting an arm around him. "Please tell me that Cadmus put some sort of artistic ability in your brain and you can draw me a perfect picture of that."

"I can do that." Kon says to him.

"Don't do that." Robin says to him pushing Wally away.


"It's called voyeurism buddy."

"Oh I didn't know that." Kon says to him slightly alarmed.

"Rule number one never listen to Wally." Robin says to him.

"HEY!" Wally yells out offended.


After the tour inside the cave they went outside with Wolf playing catch with him. Robin and Kaldur laying down in the grass Wally and Kon sitting next to each other waiting for Wolf to come back with the ball.

"Are you telling me you didn't get off one bit?" Wally asks him.

"No Wally I didn't." Kon says to him annoyed.

"Kon if you're trying to say you're gay, that's cool. You can tell us." Wally says to him.

"Gay? Happy?" Kon asks him slightly confused.

"Gay means homosexual." Robin interprets.

"Oh, not that I'm aware of but I've only been alive for 7 months and 3 of those where in a pod." Kon says to him.

"Have you kissed a girl?" Wally asks him.

"Yes recently. Her name was Tuppence, her and her brother Tommy both robbed a jewelry store and I stopped them."

"Tuppence and Tommy Terror?" Robin asks shocked sitting up.

"I don't know about Terror part but they got arrested." Kon says to him looking at him.

"What did they look like?" Robin asks him.

"Blonde hair, piercings and they both had super strength and I think they could fly."

"You actually took on the Terror Twins by yourself?" Robin asks him.

"Yeah I guess."

"You're a badass Kon." Robin says, and Kon smiles at him.

"You're a badass too Rob." Kon says, Robin smiles back.

"Dinner is ready boys!" Zatanna, Artemis and Megan yell out.

The boys get up and Kon whistles Wolf comes running with the ball in his mouth.

"Anyways he couldn't fly back then and-" Wally says.

"You're talking as if it was years ago it was only like 2 months ago." Robin says to him.

"Whatever I'm telling it."

"I thought Kon was telling it." Artemis says to him.

They look at Kon who was eating nicely but still eating a lot. "Sorry I didn't notice how hunger I was until now." He says to them.

"That's ok, take your time sweetie." Zatanna says to him smiling.

"The food is fantastic." Kon says to her.

"Thanks." Zatanna, Megan and Artemis say at the same time.

Kon looks at them and smiles awkwardly and continues to eat.

"Right well who wants to see Kon in tights?" Robin asks as he pulls out his phone from his green jacket.

"Your mean." Kon says to him.

They crowd Robin as he pulls up pictures of Superboy in red tights, blue tight long sleeve shirt, yellow and red S shield and red fingerless gloves.

"Wow you have a lot of muscles." Artemis says biting her lip.

"Enough of that." Wally says taking Robin's phone and closing the pictures away and giving it back to Robin.

"Right so then what happen?" Zatanna asks them.

"Right well. We flew there on a Batplane that Robin hog the whole way." Wally continues, Robin sticks out his tongue at him. "And jumped into Northern India with parachutes and then we split up that's when the giant vultures."

"And elephants." Kaldur adds.

"And a Tiger." Robin says.

"And Wolf's old pack." Kon adds smiling.

"What they said." Wally says. "Me and Robin get kidnapped by the gorilla Monsieur Mallah."

"I hate monkeys." Kon mumbles at himself.

"That's when that started too." Robin says to them.

"The giant gorilla almost killed you guys." Kon says to him.

"The Brain almost dissected our brains." Wally says to them.

"That was fun." Robin says to sarcastically.

"Anyways both Kaldur and Kon both bust in the door and run in save our asses end of story."

"Kon what do you think you're doing here?" Kal asks him as he walks in kitchen.

"Eating." Kon says to him.

"Kon-El this is was not funny." Batman says as he walking the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Bruce." Kon says to him.

"You had us worried." Diana says to him.

"I'm sorry Diana." He gets up from his chair. "Your Black Canary." He says shocked.

"Yes I am."

"Oh my god." Kon walks up to her. "You're like a…living legend."

"I am?" she asks him smiling.

"Yes, you're the only human to ever be taught by an Amazon." Kon says to her excited. "Artemis told me so much you."


"Not me." Artemis says to her.

"Red head? Bad attitude? Kick ass warrior?" she asks him smirking.

"All of the above." He says to her smiling.

"So what did she tell you about me?" Black Canary asks blushing a little.

"She told me not to piss you off or else." Kon says to her.

"Oh well I'm not that bad."

"But your Black Canary you're the most amazing woman ever, it's really an honor to meet you." Kon says to her.

"Oh stop." She says pushes his shoulder smiling, blushing extremely flattered. "But keep going."

"Please don't." Diana says to him.

"Oh right you guys are still mad at me." Kon says to them.

…Briefing room

"He's going back to Paradise Island." Batman says to them.

"BUT-" Kon starts.

"No you are leaving now." Batman says to him forcefully.

He turns to Diana. "Please Diana don't sent me back." He says to her begging her.

"You blatantly disobey our direct orders." Diana says to him.

"Hippolyta agreed with me that I should come she said my destiny was here." Kon says to her.

"Don't bring my mother into this." Diana says angry. "I'm going to have very serious talk with her."

He turns to Superman who was glaring at him too angry for words then steps away and looks at them three. "Look I have already finished my training in Paradise Island being coped up and hided away from the world isn't helping me become a better hero." He pauses and looks at Superman. "I understand if you don't want me living with you in Metropolis, it is a dangerous place." He looks at Diana. "But being in an island full of Amazons warriors isn't exactly helping me develop my social skills."

Diana and Superman sigh in defeat, he was right.

"You're leaving now." Batman says to him, not having changed his mind.

"Bruce please-" Kon starts and Batman glares at him.

"No, means no."

…Outside Mount Justice

"I'll miss you guys." Kon says hugging them all at the same time Kaldur, Robin, and Wally.

Then pulls away.

"We'll miss you too." Robin says to him.

"It was fun." Wally says.

"Perhaps when you're ready you could come and visit later on." Kaldur says to him.

"Yeah that'd be great." Kon says.

The girls walk up to him smiling pushing away the boys.

"It was nice meeting you ladies." Kon says to them.

"You too Kon." They say at the same time.

"Yeah you girls really need to stop doing that." He says to them. "It's kinda…creepy." He says to them.

"Got it." they say at the same time, nodding smiling. "Well stop." They say at the same time again, they glare at each other. "Starting now."

Kon laughs at them. "Then again I could get used to it." he kisses Artemis on the cheek, Zatanna on the forehead and Megan on the cheek. "Dinner was great."

He waves at them and starts walking to the Batplane frowning, Wolf walking besides him head low feeling his master's sorrow. Superman and Wonderwoman both look at Batman.

"Bye." They girls say at the same time waving at him Megan blushing like crazy Artemis biting her lip and Zatanna smiling.

"Later dude!" Wally yells out.

"Hope to see you soon." Kaldur says to him.

"Later Kon!" Robin yells out.

"Wait." Batman starts and Kon looks at him. "I guess one more person on the team wouldn't be a bad idea." Kon smiles at him. "And you do need to learn to be a hero and not be hidden from the world." Kon smiles widens. "We can teach you that here."

"YES! Thank you!" Kon yells out pumping his fists. "You're the best." He says to Batman.

"YEAH!" Wally yells out happy and runs up to Kon.

"ALRIGHT!" Robin yells out happy also running up to Kon.

"YES!" The others yell out run up to them. Kon picks up Wally and Robin up and they laugh and then he picks up Batman. They laugh harder Batman sighs already regretting his decision. Wonderwoman and Superman smile at each other. Wolf howls happy that his master is now happy again.

Yes Kon did call Batman Bruce that was not a mistake.

Yes Kon went fanboy on Black Canary.

Yes the girls love Kon.

REVIEW! Tell me what you think I want your full unadulterated option.