Hey everyone thanks for the reviews. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm sad to say this, but this is the last chapter. I enjoyed writing this. I want to thank everyone who supported my fanfic. Love you all.
Chapter 11
Fumiko open her eyes she couldn't see a thing. She felt rope around her hands. She tried to loosen them, but couldn't. She tried to activate her sharingan, but couldn't. "Tamotsu are you here?" "Yes" "Can you get untied or use sharingan?" "No do you know where we are?" "No" They heard an evil laugh. "Who's there?" "I'm Zetsu" "What do you want from us?" "Revenge"

"You kidnapped my children and forced them to stay in Hidden Leaf! Then they got kidnapped by Zetsu! You're so dead Naruto!" Sasuke cracked his knuckles. Naruto started to panic. "Please don't hurt me Sasuke." Hinata sighed "Calm down Sasuke." "Sasuke came to Hidden Leaf with me and we'll find your children." Sasuke sighed "Fine I'll kill you after my children are safe." Naruto paled "Are you joking Sasuke?" Sasuke smirked "What do you think?" Naruto froze Sasuke was series. Sasuke hugged Hinata. "I'll be back soon. Love you" "I love you too. Please bring them back safely." "I will" He gave Hinata a quick kiss and left.

Sasuke and Naruto walked into his office and Sakura tackled him with a bear hug. "I missed you Sasuke." "Will you please let me go!?" "Oh sorry" Kaori stood up and walked over to Sasuke. "Hello Mr. Uchiha I'm Kaori your future daughter in-law." Sasuke eyes widen. "Sasuke do you have a plan to save your children?" "Yes I know Zetsu will have an army so we need a team. We'll need Neji, Kiba, and Shikamaru." "How are we going to find them?" "I'm their father I can sense them."

Hinata was in the bedroom getting ready for bed when she heard a noise. "Is someone there?" Someone grabbed her from behind and threw her against the wall hard. Neji, Kiba, and Shikamaru walked into the room and gasped. "I'll kill you." Kiba was about to attack Sasuke, but Neji held him back. "Let me go Neji!" Sasuke smirked "It's good to see you to Dog Breath." "Where's Hinata! You killed her didn't you!?" Sasuke chuckled "Why would I kill my wife?" "Stop lying! Hinata would never marry you!" Naruto sighed. "Actually she did Kiba." Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of Sasuke, Hinata, and baby Hajime. "Where did you get that?" "I borrowed it. I called everyone here because Fumiko and Tamotsu have been kidnapped." Neji eyes widen.

Hinata opened her eyes and gasped. She was in a dark room and all her children and grandchildren were with her and they were tied up. Even Hiro was here. "Is everyone okay?" "Yes Mom" Zetsu then appeared. "Zetsu?" "Hello Hinata it's been a long time. Who should I kill first? I know how about your grandchildren." Zetsu froze and looked at Hinata. "Does Sasuke know about your little surprise?" "How did you know?" "I see he doesn't know. Perfect" Zetsu grabbed a knife and was about to stab Hinata when the door opened.

"Zetsu let my family go!" "Never I want to revenge Obito." "Zetsu after Obito died he had a change of heart." "I don't believe you." Zetsu charged at Sasuke. Sasuke closed his eyes. He promised himself he would never use it, but he had no chose. Purple surrounded his body. Hinata eyes widened. "Susanoo" Sasuke opened his eyes. His Susanoo shot an arrow and it stabbed Zetsu in the arm. Zetsu screamed in pain. "How can you still use that? You haven't fought with it in twenty-six years." Sasuke smirked "I knew someday someone would attack my family so I trained in secret." "Zetsu I'll let you live if you promise not to get near my family ever again." Zetsu nodded. Sasuke walked over to his family and was about to untie them when Zetsu grabbed a knife and tried to stab Sasuke. "Sasuke look out!" Sasuke didn't have time to doge or draw a weapon. Zetsu froze in place. Zetsu started to scream in pain. Black flames consumed his body. Sasuke turned his head and saw Itachi. "Nii-san" Itachi smiled and disappeared. Sasuke picked up Zetsu knife and cut the rope off his family and Hiro. They walked outside and all of Zetsu's men were tied up. Sasuke smirked "Twenty-six years as gone by and Zetsu was still a weakling."

Two days later
"Sasuke are you sure you don't want to return to Hidden Leaf?" "I'm sure this place has become very special to me. This is where Hinata and I raised are children." "Okay, but will you at lease let Hidden Leaf help you build stuff. You don't even have a hospital." "Okay" "Will you let us visit?" "Fine" Shino then appeared. "You left me behind again on a Sasuke mission." Naruto laughed "Sorry Shino" Hinata smiled "Cheer up Shino." Sasuke paled his son KO was flirting with Shino's daughter. "That's just disturbing. My son has no taste in women." Shino glared at him. "What's wrong with my daughter? She's beautiful" "She is pretty, but too much like you." Hinata glared at Sasuke. "Be nice Sasuke" Sasuke looked around all his children were growing up. All of them were married or in a relationship. It kind of made him feel old and lonely. Hinata noticed Sasuke looked depressed. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "Sasuke I have good news. I'm pregnant" Sasuke paled and fainted.

Naruto busted out laughing. This was his first time seeing Sasuke faint. Kiba grabbed a bucket of water and threw it. Sasuke eyes shot open. "Sasuke are you okay?" Sasuke grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled her down for a kiss. Naruto smirked "Get a room you two." "Are you happy Sasuke?" "Of course I am Hinata." Hajime looked like he was going to be sick. "What's wrong Hajime?" "It's just a little disturbing that my parents are still having sex at this age."

9 months later
Sasuke smiled at his sleeping son. "He has your eyes Hinata." Hinata giggled "Well he has your good looks." "What should we name him Sasuke?" Sasuke smiled and touched his son's cheek. "Itachi Uchiha" "Itachi is perfect for him." "Son always remember who you're named after. You're Uncle the best big brother I ever had." THE END

I hope you enjoyed this fanfic as much as I did writing it. Please review!