Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Regular Show, they belong to J.G. Quintel and Cartoon Network.

TDBigJ1213's message: A year and a half? A YEAR AND A HALF? I'm so angry at myself for making you guys wait THIS long. You guys are probably miffed at me for this. I extremely apologize for the update that took forever to happen. I promise, I PROMISE that the next update will come A LOT sooner. Within the time, I decided that I want to become an author as a career. That should propel me to get more chapters out for both my stories fairly quicker than the last ones. Anyway, I hope this chapter would have been worth the wait. This chapter is different than the other four chapters, and I think you might enjoy it. READ ON!

Mordecai and Rigby were in their beds sleeping. The sun was coming up in the sky, indicating it was the start of the morning. Mordecai's alarm clock beeped numerous times before Mordecai in his usual fashion, slammed his fist down on the clock.

"Man I really need to stop this thing from beeping." Mordecai said, a little grouchy from his sleep.

"Why do you set it in the morning if it just annoys you, besides the fact that we use it to get up for work?" Rigby asked.

"That's pretty much the only reason I set it. I can't think of anything else why I use it." Mordecai answered. He stretched his arms out and took a deep yawn.

"Why don't you just put your hands behind your head and pull them both. That's how I stretch." Rigby considered to Mordecai. Mordecai thought of it and proceeded to do so. After grabbing his hands together and pulling, his arms felt more relaxed.

"Wow! That works out very well. How did you think of it?" Mordecai asked curiously.

"I don't know. I just thought of it, tried it out, and it seems to do well." Rigby explained.

"Well thanks dude!" Mordecai thanked Rigby.

"No problem!" Rigby responded.

Mordecai started to walk out of the room until he heard Rigby make a noise.

"Ahem?" Rigby exclaimed, trying to point something out.

"What? Oh yeah!" Mordecai said, remembering that he had to carry Rigby downstairs. He went and picked up Rigby off his trampoline and walked out of the room and put Rigby on the stair chair, or whatever it's called. Rigby started riding the chair down the stairs as Mordecai walked down and into the kitchen to grab some ingredients to make him and Rigby some breakfast. Rigby slowly moved into his wheelchair from the stair chair, being careful as to not fall and make his injuries worse. He was doing so carefully but his hands slipped and fell down on the floor. It hurt him a little, but nothing to his arm and leg.

"Mordecai?" Rigby called.

"Yeah?" Mordecai responded.

"I fell off the stair chair. I need help!" Rigby called, just lying there on the floor, lying still. Mordecai came in the room and quickly rushed over and picked Rigby up and into his wheelchair.

"Are you alright?" Mordecai asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. It didn't hurt anything." Rigby answered.

"Well that's good." Mordecai said relieved and went back into the kitchen to continue gathering ingredients for breakfast. Rigby rolled himself into the kitchen.

"What are you going to do?" Rigby asked Mordecai.

"I'm going to make you and I some breakfast. You deserve a good first breakfast coming home from the hospital." Mordecai answered.

"Yeah yuh!" Rigby cheered. He then thought of something.

"Mordecai?" Rigby called.

"What is it?" Mordecai responded.

"I do appreciate you making me breakfast. But I don't want to be pampered when I'm healing up." Rigby explained.

"Really? I wouldn't expect you to say something like that. I thought it would be the opposite." Mordecai stated.

"Oh shut up!" Rigby said rolling his eyes. But he wasn't annoyed.

"Well dude, I'm just treating you to a good breakfast. You deserve it. I'm pretty sure it beats hospital breakfast." Mordecai said with a chuckle.

"Yeah!" Rigby said, chuckling as well. Mordecai was a little perplexed that Rigby didn't want to have a lot of attention coming home from the hospital. He thought maybe the accident the week prior must have shaken Rigby up quite a bit, changed a few aspects of his personality. He then continued to make breakfast.

Ten minutes passed and Mordecai was assembling everything he prepared for breakfast: Pancakes, sausage, bacon, and a few cinnamon rolls. Rigby's mouth watered at the food. Within a few moments, Mordecai was done and put everything on the table for him and Rigby.

"Dig in!" Mordecai said. Rigby reached forward quite a bit with his right arm, but he felt a cringing pain.

"Ow!" Rigby exclaimed. Mordecai then decided that he would make Rigby's plate for him. He put a couple of pancakes and about three of everything else on his plate and set it in Rigby's lap along with a fork.

"Thanks man!" Rigby thanked.

"No problem." Mordecai responded and started making a plate for himself. When he was done, he put a big piece of pancake in his mouth.

"You're right. This does beat hospital breakfast." Rigby stated. The duo laughed at Rigby's statement, then resumed eating. Suddenly, Muscle Man and Hi-5 Ghost came in the kitchen.

"Aw sweet! Look at this setup." Muscle Man yelled in his usual tone. He went to grab a piece of bacon when Rigby stopped him.

"Whoa dude, Mordecai made this just for us." Rigby said sternly.

"It's okay Muscle Man, you can have one." Mordecai told Muscle Man. Muscle Man took a piece of bacon and shoved it in his mouth. Hi-5 Ghost took a piece of sausage and chewed a bit off.

Ten minutes later, all four of them had eaten everything. Mordecai put all the plates in the sink and then grabbed Rigby's wheelchair and pushed it out to the main room in front of the spot on the couch Rigby usually sat at. He sat down and flicked on the tv. How I Met Your Mother was on. It was having a morning marathon. Mordecai tried looking on the guide for another show but there wasn't anything else on, so they stuck to the first choice.

When it hit noon, Mordecai turned off the tv. He then got up.

"Whoa dude, what are you doing?" Rigby asked, surprised Mordecai shut off the tv.

"I was thinking if you wanted to go to the mall or something. Since it's the weekend and I don't have work." Mordecai explained.

"Sure! Beats the hell out of sitting here watching tv all day." Rigby agreed with Mordecai and started rolling his wheelchair towards the front door. Mordecai opened it and Rigby rolled out and stopped just barely before the steps. Mordecai closed the door behind him and went over to put Rigby on the stair lift. Skips put one outside and inside for Rigby so no one had to carry Rigby and his wheelchair down the stairs. Mordecai carried Rigby's wheelchair down the stairs. Rigby got in his wheelchair successfully this time and Mordecai started rolling him toward the cart. When they got to the cart, Mordecai put Rigby in the seat and put his wheelchair in the back and used a rope to tie it down so it wouldn't fall of while he was driving. He got in the driver's seat, turned on the cart and drove towards the parks exit. They left the park and went towards the mall.

They got there in fifteen minutes. Mordecai got Rigby and his wheelchair off the cart. When Rigby was settled, Mordecai started to walk to the mall's entrance.

"Come on dude, let's go." Mordecai said and Rigby started rolling his wheelchair. They got to the sidewalk and on the path to the doors. A few moments later, Rigby lost control of his wheelchair and went into a mud puddle. He tried to roll but couldn't move.

"Mordecai?" Rigby called out. Mordecai turned his head and saw Rigby stuck. He rushed over.

"Don't worry dude, I'll push you out." Mordecai stated. He grabbed Rigby's wheelchair and started pushing, but the wheelchair didn't move. He tried pushing with a little more strength, but still nothing. He then used all his force, but still, the wheelchair didn't budge.

"Dude, your wheelchair won't move at all, and I'm pushing to my fullest extent." Mordecai said, trying to catch his breath.

"Great, so I'm stuck here." Rigby said annoyed.

"No, don't say that man. We'll find a way to get you out." Mordecai said, determined to help Rigby get out of the mud.

Mordecai started thinking of ways to rescue Rigby. He then had a plan.

"I've got it. I'll go get more people to push and we'll see what happens." Mordecai stated.

"Okay. But hurry. I don't want to end up like an elephant in a tar pit." Rigby said sternly. Mordecai walked around trying to get them to help him out. After a few minutes, Mordecai came back with seven other people.

"Alright! We're all going push you. We should be able to get you out." Mordecai explained.

"Please dude, hurry up!" Rigby said worriedly. Mordecai and the seven other people started pushing against Rigby. They pushed to their limits, but like before, the wheelchair didn't move an inch.

"Okay, that somehow didn't work." Mordecai said confused.

"How about you all lift me up?" Rigby asked. Mordecai shrugged his shoulders. All eight people came over to lift up the wheelchair. But instead, they all picked up Rigby out of his wheelchair.

"Not like that!" Rigby exclaimed angrily and they all put him back down.

"You told us to lift you up." Mordecai said.

"I meant my wheelchair, not me." Rigby said irked.

"Well you should have been more specific." Mordecai said. Mordecai and the seven strangers went to the bottom of the wheelchair. They didn't like the fact that they had to put their hands in the mud, but what else could they do?

They then started to lift Rigby with all their strength. But alas, the wheelchair still didn't move. They all stood back up, annoyed.

"Well this sucks." Mordecai said.

"I guess I'll just sit here for the rest of my life." Rigby said sadly.

"No! I'm getting you out of there, even if I have to miss my next birthday party." Mordecai declared.

"Well, what else can we do?" Rigby asked, less upset now. Mordecai thought for a minute. His face then lit up.

"I've got it. If strong people can't lift you out, maybe a machine will." Mordecai explained.

"Oh no dude, you're not going there are you?" Rigby said with a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm afraid so Rigby." Mordecai said. He then took out his phone and dialed a number and put it up to his ear.

"Hello? Hi! Yeah. I have a friend who is stuck in a mud puddle and I've tried everything to get him out. Could you possibly come over and attempt to get him free? Great! Thanks! Bye!" He hung up his phone.

"Don't worry man. I've got this covered." Mordecai said smiling.

"Who did you call?" Rigby asked concerned.

"You'll see." Mordecai said.

A few minutes passed. Mordecai checked his watch. Rigby sunk in his wheelchair.

"How much longer?" Rigby groaned.

"Shouldn't be long. They said they would be here in five to ten minutes." Mordecai answered.

"Well I'm getting bored here." Rigby complained.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Mordecai asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh here they come." Mordecai said pointing towards a truck moving towards them. Rigby's eyes widened.

"Dude you didn't." Rigby said surprised. And it appeared to be a tow truck. It read Bob Franks Towing on the door. The truck backed itself towards the duo. When it stopped, the driver came out.

"Hi! I'm here to get someone out of a mud puddle." The tow truck man said.

"Yes!" Mordecai responded.

"My name is Robert. I'm here to give out any assistance necessary." Robert said.

"Could you hook your truck up to my friend's wheelchair and try to drive him out?" Mordecai asked Robert.

"Sure! I'll get to it." Robert said and went to the back of his truck and grabbed a hook then ran over to hook it on the raccoon's wheelchair and ran back into his truck.

"Okay, I'm going to floor it and that should be able to get him out." Robert said. He then put the gear into drive and like he said, floored it.

The truck was going at full speed, using all of it's force. But to the duo's surprise, the wheelchair still didn't move. Mordecai and Rigby began to look annoyed.

"Floor it harder!" Mordecai yelled to Robert. Robert did what Mordecai said and pushed harder on the acceleration. The wheelchair remained in it's position.

"That's it! I'm going all out." Robert shouted and cranked the truck to 2nd gear. But the truck was pulling so hard that the hook that was on Rigby's wheelchair broke off and one of the tow truck's front tires blew. Robert got out of his truck and walked to the right side of his truck to the tire that blew. The expression on his face turned angry.

"Aw great! My tire blew. Now I have to call one of my coworkers to come tow my truck back to the yard." Robert said angrily.

"And to make things worse, the hook on your truck broke." Mordecai said pointing to the broken hook. Robert slapped his face in disappointment. He then got on his radio to dispatch back to the office.

"Heh heh. A tow truck that has to be towed. That's hilarious!" Rigby chuckled. Mordecai chuckled as well when he thought of it.

A few minutes later, a tow truck came to tow away Robert's tow truck. Mordecai started thinking of what else to do.

"What do we do now?" Rigby asked.

"Hold on I'm thinking." Mordecai said while deep in thought.

Within the next twenty minutes, a crowd began surrounding the area. Mordecai also thought of two more ways to get Rigby out. But trying to get a forklift or a FedEx truck to get Rigby out didn't really succeed either. The forklift's lift broke and the forklift was deemed permanently unusable. The driver of the FedEx truck drove towards Rigby, only to chicken out and turn at the last second, sending the truck over Rigby and flipping over so many times until it finally came to a stop on all four wheels. The driver was relieved to have lived through it, but wasn't happy that all the packages got messed up in the back of the truck, making his job a lot harder.

"Let's just face it, nothing is going to get me out of here." Rigby exclaimed dejectedly.

"No! I'm not giving up. Something has to get you out. Gravity just hates us right now." Mordecai said, still determined to free Rigby from this hellish mud puddle.

"I've got another idea." Mordecai said, face lighting up again.

After another phone call, Mordecai set his next plan into motion. After ten minutes, a bulldozer came onto the scene. Rigby looked shocked.

"Oh no! We are not getting a bulldozer to push me out." Rigby shouted rejectedly.

"Do you want to spend eternity in that crap?" Mordecai asked.

"Push me out of here." Rigby exclaimed.

"Alright. Do what you need to do." Mordecai told the bulldozer's operator and gave him a thumbs up. The man responded with a thumbs up. He started moving the bulldozer and it pushed against the back of Rigby's wheelchair. Rigby was a little scared, hoping the bulldozer wouldn't somehow run him over.

The bulldozer was pushing very hard. Mordecai crossed his fingers, hoping this would finally get Rigby out and end this whole predicament.

"Come on, get him out." Mordecai whispered to himself. The bulldozer stood still on the pavement, indicating that this plan wasn't working out either. After another three minutes of pushing, the man in the bulldozer officially gave up.

"I'm done. I have to get this machine back to the construction site." The man said.

"That's okay. Thanks for helping." Mordecai said as he waved at the man as the man waved back. Mordecai sat down on the curb, showing that he has finally given up.

"Dude, you okay?" Rigby asked concerned.

"That's it! I can't do this anymore. I'm out of ideas. I'm sorry Rigby, I really tried." Mordecai said upset.

"It's okay man. You came up with so many ideas. You gave it your all." Rigby said trying to comfort his friend.

"I usually solve problems. But this is one that can't be resolved. I don't know what else to do." Mordecai said.

"Hey guys, what's up?" A female voice said. Mordecai looked up and it was Margaret. Eileen was right there with her.

"Hey Margaret! We're not really doing that well. Rigby has been stuck in that mud puddle for over an hour, and I've thought of everything we could do to possibly get him out, but nothing's working." Mordecai explained.

"Oh no, poor guy!" Eileen said sadly.

"What have you guys done to get him out?" Margaret asked. Mordecai then explained the events of the past hour. Margaret and Eileen looked confused.

"How could none of those things get him out?" Margaret asked.

"I have no idea." Mordecai replied.

"I'll go try to get him out." Eileen said and walked over to Rigby in his wheelchair. She stepped into the mud puddle which she wasn't looking forward to. She started pushing the wheelchair. But to everyone's surprise, the wheelchair moved. Eileen pushed Rigby all the way out, and everyone's jaw dropped.

"Seriously? It took that to get him out?" Mordecai said angrily.

"Maybe you guys needed someone with less strength to get him out." Margaret said, and then chuckled at the thought.

"Yes! I'm finally out! Thank God!" Rigby shouted in happiness. Eileen walked around to the front of Rigby.

"Eileen? YOU got me out?" Rigby asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Eileen said.

"Come here." Rigby told Eileen, motioning his hand to tell her to come over. Eileen walked up to Rigby. Rigby took his good arm and grabbed Eileen and crashed his lips into hers. The crowd around them clapped. The kiss lasted for another ten seconds until Rigby pulled away.

"Thanks for saving me." Rigby thanked Eileen.

"No problem!" Eileen said blushing. Suddenly, Rigby had a thought.

"Oh crap! Mordecai and Margaret didn't see did they?" Rigby asked. Eileen looked over at the two birds, but to their luck, they were talking to each other.

"No, they didn't see us kissing." Eileen answered, relieved.

"Good." Rigby said. The two birds walked over to them.

"So Rigby, you want to go inside and start looking around for stuff? It's only a quarter to two." Mordecai asked.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Rigby said.

"You girls want to come in with us?" Mordecai asked.

"Sure! We were going to go in there anyway." Margaret answered.

"Then let's go!" Rigby said loudly as he started rolling his wheelchair towards the entrance of the mall. Mordecai breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for the whole predicament ending.

Author's note: Well did you like it? I thought of the idea for this chapter wondering, "What if Rigby got stuck in a mud puddle while in his wheelchair and the strongest methods couldn't get him out? RegularShowFan1592 also gave me the thought for this chapter. He liked the idea of Rigby in a wheelchair. I thought it would be a pretty funny idea so I just had to do it. Did this chapter make you laugh? Because I laughed while making it. If you didn't, that's fine. As long as you just enjoyed it will be okay. I just wanted to make this chapter humor based because the first few chapters of this story have pretty much been drama based, and this is a romance/humor story, so I have planned to put some humor in it. Leave your thoughts.

TDBigJ1213's post chapter message: I really hope the chapter was worth reading. Like I said at the beginning of the chapter, the next chapter will come A LOT sooner, sooner than a year and a half for sure. I will try to get the next chapter out in the next week or two. I SERIOUSLY promise. If I don't, you can find me, if you can, and beat me to a pulp. You can take that as a joke or seriously, doesn't matter to me.