Not mine!


Cleveland, Ohio

Peter Newkirk ranged the doorbell to Hogan's door. The war had been over for over a decade now and with it all behind them, they'd finally managed to arrange for the whole lot of them to get together. With him was his wife, Rachel, and daughter Louisa. This would be Louisa's first visit with the heroes since she was born.

Hogan answered the door and for a moment no one said anything. "Hello, Governor," Peter greeted him with a laugh.

"Peter!" Hogan reached out and grabbed the man. "So glad you made it! And Snow White!"

"Snow White?" Louisa asked her mother.

"Oh my…is this Louisa?" Hogan pushed Peter aside and looked her up and down. "Well, last time I saw you, you were a prisoner!"

"Mum, what's he talking about?"

"Well, darlin'," Peter put his arm around his daughter. "You're about to meet the medical team of Stalag 13."

"Colonel," LeBeau walked over to the door. "Are you going to invite them in or shall we have a picnic?"

"Oh, no, don't tell me Louis is cookin'!" Peter groaned sarcastically. They moved inside the house and were greeted with hugs and laughs. Then Peter turned to his daughter and with delight told her that it was about time she learned what her parents had been doing during the war – and where she'd been born.

By the end of it, Louisa headed for the punch bowl and took a long drink. "You're telling me that I was born in a tunnel?"

"Of a POW camp!" Carter chimed in.

"This is the worst joke I've ever heard you tell, dad."